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Mercury Drive Shaft

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Don't know the name, but the little shop by St Olaves bridge has every part for every outboard ever built. 

No doubt someone will give the details shortly.

Note, some driveshaft lengths depend on whether the outboard is a short or long shaft.


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i've kinda bought a 35hp outboard off shpock and the drive shaft has snapped in 2

i haven't paid for it or collected it yet,

i have spoken to my local outboard supplier and they said in the 50 years they've been doing outboards they've never known 1 to snap so have said be very weary with it.

so i'm now kinda dubious as to wether to go through with the purchase or not due to this knowledge.

the seller hasn't told me why it snapped even though i have asked.

but the picture shows the shaft still in the gearbox and it the shaft is poking out about the length of the gearbox and the snap is at a diagonal. they haven't got the snapped off bit though and don't mention where it is. again even though i've asked

i know they are hardened stainless steel aparently so it does make you wonder whats happened to it

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well after seeking advice off 2 ppl who i know well and are outboard specialists they have both confirmed not to touch it because of the drive shaft snapping.

to snap a drive shaft takes such a major force on the prop that it would of damaged the gearbox etc so it's basically a money pit or an expensive paper weight

and with it being an 80's engine also not worth the money

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I've cut and welded a shaft on a yammie 8hp 2 stroke with no problems before, it was a longshaft and I needed a shortshaft so converted it, used it for a good few years on my dinghy till the engine got too worn out to bother fixing.

You are probably wise to walk away though.

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google " outboard drive shaft snapped" quite common really, across all brands and sizes.

Most likely cause, impact of prop with a solid object, either a rock which wrecks the prop, or a length of wood that hardly leaves a mark.

The stress on the gear case and gears and bearings must be horrendous. 

The engine will also react to this shock load too. 


Wise to leave well alone.

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