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Things That Make Us Laugh


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I went to see my daughter yesterday and we got  to talking about the things  that never fail to make us laugh. For me it's Loca the pug that can't run and she said for her it's the angry goat on you tube , where else? I must say, having viewed this, this  animal does have attitude, having said that I think I'd have attitude if confronted by the same  idiot man gabbling away at me.




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Tooting the horn in the car and waving at absoloute strangers, as they purposely wave back, often with a very quizzical look. Men are suckers for it, women not so much!!

Always puts a smile :default_biggrin:on my face , and the further away from home you do it, the funnier it seems. Passed many a boring hours travelling when kids were younger and I would say " there's Archie, Johnny, Tam or Betty and toot and wave!!!

Kids thought I knew everyone in Britain .  :default_cool:

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2 hours ago, Wildfuzz said:

I giggle when people get their words muddled today it was


"The doctor used a hypodeemic nurdle"!


I always get my Fuddles worded :default_blink: :default_biggrin::default_dunce: .

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 people trying to convince friends they're not drunk, carefully pronouncing their words and coming out with complete and utter gobbledegook:default_drink_2:. Or ... thinking you've sent a perfectly worded text message until your husband shows you what you actually  sent! :default_blush:

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3 hours ago, Ricardo said:

I always get my Fuddles worded :default_blink: :default_biggrin::default_dunce: .

Don't you mean your murds fuddled??

Lot's of things make me smile, the grandkids mostly, but laugh, a proper belly laugh. They just seem to happen, the stars align, usually when you least expect it.

Then you try to explain it to someone who wasn't there and it falls flat. Surely you've all been there.

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First and foremost my Granddaughter Gracie and her 'friend' Arnold (a girl). Gracie is five going on fifty. I've never seen Arnold but she's quite the wit. For example, Gracie was playing shop and our old Collie Spot was the customer buying some cheese. Spot breaks wind.
"Cor, that cheese you're selling has gone off!" I said to Grace.
"Arnold says its Spot's ass!" says Grace.
While Grandma is busily explaining Arnold shouldn't use that word, I'm walking Spot, laughing my hat off.

Gracie will spend hours with Ellie, my other half, trying out fragrance and makeup. Just like Grandma Gracie can identify her Channel from her Amouage. Visiting Nanny and Great Granddad last week, Gracie was wearing a new dress they had bought her.
"You look pretty, what are you wearing?" asked Granddad meaning the new dress.
"I'm wearing Prada!" announces Grace as she struts her stuff.


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Seriously they make you laugh, they make me cringe lol.   OY!  -  I have feelings you know

Another one that makes me titter.  One of my shooting mates has been known to offer me free advice on a clay stand from time to time as to how to hit a particular target.  I'll do exactly the opposite of what he has just said, he'll miss the target and I'll then hit it.  Particularly funny in front of the rest of the crowd seeing as generally he is a better shot than I am.  Which reminds me, off to Park Lodge shooting ground tomorrow afternoon for a couple of hours.  Taking a mate who has never tried it before as both our wives out for the afternoon attending one of those baby shower things



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