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The Authority Oversteps The Mark?


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17 hours ago, marshman said:

But three does not necessarily make a crowd!!

Marsh, do you honestly and sincerely believe that only three people are questioning the credibility of the Authority? Come on!  I suspect that even the EDP is now seriously questioning them for one.


Jamie Campbell has long questioned the Broads Authority's declining credibility and with good reason. Of late the Chief Executive has shown even greater determination to align his officers and committees to his way of thinking. Question the vision and advice of officers and executive and committee members find doors closed and backs turned. Democracy and free thinking appears to be an anathema to the Chief Executive, toe the party line or else, too much control by one man is not acceptable. Thanks are due to Archant & Jamie for highlighting the situation.

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I think that the Chief Exec and Chair are no so entrenched in their positions that any deviation from their direction over the last decade or so will be a sign of weakness and seriously undermine their credibility with the puppetry system below signalling the end of rule though a steady decline in support. 

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I have a mixed view on  the various chair people. In my opinion Dr Stephen Johnson appeared to be realistic and I'm not convinced that the atmosphere surrounding chairman & chief executive was always as harmonious as it might have been. On the other hand he was sandwiched between two seemingly malleable personalities, both from the local university. 

I do question who, or what organisation, is actually the driving force? Reds under the bed, I don't think so!

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This letter was written by the vice chairman of the Broads Forum. Not in itself about the BA overstepping the mark but certainly about the democratic deficit that typifies the Authority. I can visualise a long and growing queue of folk standing outside Dr Packman's door,  like naughty school boys, all waiting to be verbally chastised, realigned and suitably indoctrinated!



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Whilst I accept to a degree Michael Fletts view, there are a myriad of organisations that feel they require an input, but from a practical point of view, I am not sure how anyone would suggest taking into account all of these, and God forbid, over 90 parishes!!

No wonder it is a bureaucracy going mad - anyone like to suggest how to do this and ease the decision making process without merely suggesting , elected representatives? OK lets suggest that but finding easily, both who could vote, and the right people would be nigh on impossible, and in itself a source of much hard done by feelings!!

The very last people I would want to represent me, might just be those making all the noise as some of their objectivity might be lost, and that would include me! You could have someone like the Police and Crime Commissioner but really? They seem to me to be a cost you could easily do without, almost worse than the BA.

And we around here are hardly unique - there are many areas throughout the UK where similar situations arise with boundaries. I guess there are some places where boundaries to differing areas split properties in two together with many more abutting and including National Parks, SSI's and many many more where people often feel aggrieved about one thing or another and to which they apparently have little recourse.

When even I think about it, its easy to say but to put into practise? I know they are not perfect, but perhaps this is a case of the better the Devil you know....!!


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In this case I'm not sure that Mr Knight is not being a tad unreasonable in not answering the Authority's questions. However I also wonder why the Authority is both asking questions to which it knows the answers and also as to why it is badgering Mr Knight, as if I can't guess. No doubt that tent development has outstripped planning policies but it's no good planners trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. Arguably, once again, the Authority appears to be overstepping its authority.



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27 minutes ago, marshman said:

Works both ways though, Pete!! Those yurts look pretty permanent to me - you would get pretty miffed if some appeared in your view from the bottom of your garden and they hadn't permission!


I think people would be considerably more miffed if a structure the size of BA's tent appeared at least the yurts look attractive and they are a heck of a lot smaller , regarding the fixing down eminent the BA tent is obviously fixed down well its survived several storms over the time its been there so could hardly be classed as portable , as for electric are they seriously expecting people to believe there is no power hook up inside ? What do they do for running the steam cleaner run a cable across the car park from the workshop ? , thing is its as simple as this before accusing others there is a need to make sure your own house is in order and it clearly isn't .

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1 hour ago, Ricardo said:

I think people would be considerably more miffed if a structure the size of BA's tent appeared at least the yurts look attractive and they are a heck of a lot smaller , regarding the fixing down eminent the BA tent is obviously fixed down well its survived several storms over the time its been there so could hardly be classed as portable , as for electric are they seriously expecting people to believe there is no power hook up inside ? What do they do for running the steam cleaner run a cable across the car park from the workshop ? , thing is its as simple as this before accusing others there is a need to make sure your own house is in order and it clearly isn't .

I'm sure theyve got an excuse - leastways there will be someone along soon to explain the difference.... :default_norty: 

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4 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

In this case I'm not sure that Mr Knight is not being a tad unreasonable in not answering the Authority's questions. However I also wonder why the Authority is both asking questions to which it knows the answers and also as to why it is badgering Mr Knight, as if I can't guess. No doubt that tent development has outstripped planning policies but it's no good planners trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. Arguably, once again, the Authority appears to be overstepping its authority.



James needs simply to put some wheels under the decking  - no arguments then :default_icon_e_biggrin::default_icon_e_biggrin:

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As far as the Yurts are concerned who in terms of residents can see them?!  

That is apart from the resident the Broads Authority have taken it upon themselves to persecute for other matters.

Ive looked really really really hard from my house and I still cant see them.

You cant have a campsite and then  disallow a tent!

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3 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

As far as the Yurts are concerned who in terms of residents can see them?!  

That is apart from the resident the Broads Authority have taken it upon themselves to persecute for other matters.

Ive looked really really really hard from my house and I still cant see them.

You cant have a campsite and then  disallow a tent!

I doubt anyone can see them from what I can see picture wise they are amongst trees where as the other tent is very much more visible , surely the yurts are considered tents and part of the camp site , fixing them to decking isn't fixing tge to the ground where as BA's tent most certainly is fixed down and  hardly a temporary structure having been there continuously for near 2 yrs with no planning or any way for those that think its an eyesore to object .

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We do I am a planning consultant

And am following thread with interest

Would however not comment without knowing full facts

A lot of what has been posted in my opinion is conjecture

BA have however lost around fifty percent of the applications that have gone to appeal in the last year a statistic most authorities would not be happy with


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I quote from 'Granny's' letter in the EDP, see following picture. Dear Professor Burgess, please read what you, or your ghost writer, has written in the EDP, inwardly digest and then ask yourself whether the same comments might not equally apply to Mr Knight's yurts. The answer is blatantly obvious, don't you think? A rather silly letter in my honest and sincere opinion.

Burgess & BA.jpg

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