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Am  the only one who is fed up to the back teeth with the present obsession with the Late Princess of Wales? Is never a big fan and found the papers' preoccupation with the minutiae of her life tiresome in he extreme.  However my reaction to her death at the time was "sad, but at least maybe we will be able to open a newspaper without it being full of her activities in which didn't have the slightest interest. I think it is grossly unfair that in the wake of the present wallowing in  the anniversary of her demise that Prince Charles has suffered downturn in his popularity.




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I have seen at first hand the sick behaviour of the media in the wake of tragedy.

From my own point of view I had every respect for Princess Diana.

However, I have no time at all for the way the media insist on milking a story for everything they can gain from it.

Much credit to Prince William and Prince Harry who by taking part in recent programs on both ITV and BBC have probably stopped the worst excesses of the TV Stations turning the whole thing into a circus.


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To be honest yes its been over done in the media , that said is it wrong to mark the 20th anniversary after all she was a future queen at one point and Tess I'm guessing not many on here if any ever met her but that doesn't stop them remembering the passing of say Elvis, what does my head in is the relentless bombardment of pure rubbish in the inbetween years  thanks to a certain dally news paper .

One has to remember her unselfish attitude to helping others and yes many have done the same , personally I don't have a problem in remembering someone but I do have a problem with the bull the media put out in between anniversary's purely to sell papers that's not on DM .

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21 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

Please excuse typos I'm in the worlds worst internet area :default_coat:

No your not, try up here on the North Norfolk Coast! It is trully dire. Bit of 4G around Cromer and Sheringham the rest of the coast road is devoid. Blakeney has some boosters and repeaters so not too bad. God only knows how people run business. Only joking Ricardo Norfolk is generally not good, I even have DAB switched off in my car.

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Have no idea where I was when she died.

But going off topic slightly -

I do remember where we were on 9/11.  We were on Ranworth Breeze.   Our first trip, Glenn was putting us through our paces when his wife phoned to say she had just heard on the radio.

An interesting beginning into our first sirjoin into syndicate ownership.

Another time we were up there hiring during a fuel strike.  We managed to fuel up on arrival.  A number of fellow hirers were having a panic though as they did not have enough in the tank to get home!



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5 minutes ago, SueH said:

Have no idea where I was when she died.

But going off topic slightly -

I do remember where we were on 9/11.  We were on Ranworth Breeze.   Our first trip, Glenn was putting us through our paces when his wife phoned to say she had just heard on the radio.

An interesting beginning into our first sirjoin into syndicate ownership.

Another time we were up there hiring during a fuel strike.  We managed to fuel up on arrival.  A number of fellow hirers were having a panic though as they did not have enough in the tank to get home!



Hi Sue,

I know you were a member of Ranworth Breeze syndicate from the early days like ourselves, we were on the boat from its second week  after launching. 

I hope Glenn had brushed up on his putting through paces by later in the year, all we had was figure eights on Hoveton Little Broad (Black Horse Broad) a new boat and I was in charge.

Glenn was a great chap and I got on with him very well. Woe betide anyone who was ready for departure from the boat by 9.00 am.

He had to come out to us at Salhouse once, with a battery on a little cart because we could not start the engine, I ended up a large quantity of distilled water into the batteries (far too much I thought).

Hows it going on your current boat?




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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

I saw the title of this thread and thought "Oh no, not here as well" and very nearly didn't bother to read it. now I'm glad I did as it echoes my views .

 I wonder if Mother Teresa's 20th anniversary will receive as much attention, somehow I doubt it.

Nor should it ! She was not all she was made out to be .

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The answer to the question was unfortunately I was at home and all TV was wiped out for days, which when you haven't seen UK TV for months was somewhat annoying .

As for 9/11 I was in Saudi with CNN on, and I saw the 2nd aircraft go in live. The Next day the Saudis announced is a was all done by the Japanese red hand gang, and the British aircrew refused to fly as the Saudi aircrew were cheering that event...

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I rarely if ever listen to radio,  On the day of Diana's demise for some bizarre reason I  turned on the radio only to find it playing funereal music on every station!  9/11 I returned home to Soham, where I then lived,  from shopping for a birthday present for my daughter  in Newmarket, switched on the t.v.in the kitchen to catch the lunchtime news  while making lunch and watched it unfold before my horrified eyes.




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I agree with the comments on this thread.  I don't think Diana was the saint that the media liked to portray, they do like things to be 'black and white'. However, I will always remember a friend from Holyhead telling me that Diana had telephoned the mother of lad that I was in school with, following the son's death in the Falklands conflict. He was one of the Welsh Guards who died on the RFA Sir Galahad (the ship that Simon Weston was on).

I'm pretty sure that Diana did a lot of 'unsung' small acts of compassion like that.



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I agree Alan, at the end of the day, although future Kings of England they were still young boys when they lost their Mum, I remember watching the funeral with my parents seeing them walk behind the coffin thinking how sad they looked and I didn't want to lose my Mum, my Mum reassuring me saying she wasn't going anywhere

I think the press go way over the top over Diana, I also believed she manipulated them too but she has raised two fine Princes' and not bad looking either :default_norty:


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  • 2 weeks later...

 Personally I  think PrinceCharles is seriously misunderstood and under rated, which is a pity. I  think he has a greater capacity for the hard work that being  in the "Firm" requires than his son and heir. I had great hopes for William and Kate as a couple but not now I think they are pair of idle freeloaders who seem to labour under the misapprehension that being a parent exonerates you from all duty. If only we had all had that luxury of saying "no, . you can't expect me to do anything remotely like work when I've got children that need me to be home"

The Queen puts them all to shame, I also  believe Camilla should be Queen when the time comes, She's infinitely more suitable than Diana ever was. I think the only thing the latter was any  good at  was manipulating the press and Media into believing whatever she wanted them to. While bitterly complaining that Camilla pinched her husband she was busy pinching Julia Carling's husband . Talk about hypocrisy!




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I've met a few members of Royalty on formal functions. I'm a bit of a Royalist. The Queen I am a loyal subject. Philip, like many men of his generation, it's often forgotten he actually served and still does. Charles, interesting man. Chatted over brandy one evening. Very knowledgeable, very witty, exceedingly dry with a very strong sense of duty, thinking back he reminded me of Martin (Malanka). His first wife, I couldn't stand her. 

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