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Meeting Faceless Forum Members


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Hi I had a nice meeting with London Lad last week at the Beefeater Pub and Restaurant. It was a pleasure seeing a Faceless Member of the Norfolk Broads Net Member as to having  Meal / Drink or two plus having a good old chat about every including the Norfolk Broads. I'm wondering if Forum Members could have meeting in a Pub / Restaurant for Meal or Drink which ever they prefer or both?  I would like to suggest once a year of a venue some where we all could meet? I think it would be nice to see faceless Forum  Members by Road instead of coming by their Boats.

Andrew Cook   

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The ones we used to do the East Anglia area on the Match Fishing ones, spread around cant remember us using same town twice. we did Southend, Walton, Norwich, Fexistowe, Lowestoft,  Colchester, Chelmsford and Ipswitch over a 4 or 5 year period. Most were booked in Tobys so all eat together, then chatting afterwards in the bar area. 


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I once suggested a similar thing, Andrew but found that a bit like a swan's legs there's a whole network underneath the NBN and the Broads as a whole once you dip your toe in. It works a bit like this.

I first looked online for information and found another forum when I was contemplating a return to the Broads after a break for a number of years. I started chatting online, discovered I lived not far from Mike and Pat (Chameleon), a similar distance from Griff. Mike helped me out with a printer. I met Polly when I recognised her out on the water. After another couple of holidays and bumping into folks I jumped in the deep end and bought a boat with my Dad. Through that, I met Maurice Mynah (Nyx) Martin and Fiona (Malanka) and Doug (BrundallNavy). I got roped into organising a Cruise in Company by Martin, and I met a whole host of other people.

I discovered the NBN through Maurice Mynah where everyone was so extra friendly. From there it went sort of mad...My other half Ellie was rolling with laughter when we walked through Wroxham and a bloke and his wife stopped me.
"It's you isn't it!" the bloke exclaimed.
"Well it was the last time I looked." I said looking puzzled.
"I recognised the beagles, there's only you with the beagles." said the bloke as I watched a woman cross the road with, yup, two beagles.
"Royal Tudor" said the bloke and we carried on chatting.
"Who was that?" asked Ellie.
"I have no idea." I replied.

That's the whole thing about the NBN for me. Mike helps me, I help Mike. Doug helps me I help Doug, we both help Polly and so on. On top of that, I get a lot of enjoyment from having friends from all over the place who love The Broads as much as I do. I get much more enjoyment from knowing and mixing with the people who live and work on the Broads. To be able to walk into the Greyhound at Hickling and bump into Stuart for a pint, to walk into the Wayford Inn for breakfast and that Sally will automatically fill my coffee cup. To explore and see those aspects I never knew existed as a hirer. To be able to walk into the wood yard and have Tim Collins know who I am...and knock a couple of quid off the bill. But above all knowing that every year there will be more and more members of the NBN to meet and knowing that no matter what...they will support and encourage me.

Whether an owner, hirer, local or...somewhere elser (stuck for words me?) being part of our NBN, our club is something a bit special and is very important to me. Now then, can someone give me a rub of a tenner until payday? :default_norty:

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1 hour ago, Timbo said:

Now then, can someone give me a rub of a tenner until payday? :default_norty:

I will wave one in your general direction while you sniff hard if you want.

Tim is right though - everyone mucks in and helps, I went up and donated a few days hard graft in the freezing cold, helping with the out of the water maintenance. in return I get the occasional trip on Broad Ambition (well I am also making the models :default_biggrin: )

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Last week I was on the northern side and didn't see one forum flag or window sticker ( ok my Siddy stickers were still in the van sorry ) but flag was out.

Only person I saw was Bound2Please pass me and then it was cause I looked back and saw name on your rear end lol. Ludham I think.

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