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Voluntary Bailiff Scheme


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Just read this in my Environment Agency email I often get. Never heard of it before, but apparently been going since 2012!!

http://www.anglingtrust.net/page.asp?section=930&sectionTitle=Voluntary Bailiff Service

Wondered if we had any on the Broads? Never been approached by one, but wonder how much grief they get from both the legal and illegal fisher peeps?

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Thats the trouble ! should think they need to go around in pairs !

Week before last I was sitting at Wroxham bridge with my wife and grandaughter watching 2 idiots fishing. dad was "dropshotting" in a fashion with large lures for pike, no sign of a net or unhooking equipment. Son was chucking loads of groundbait in the middle of a myriad of swans and casting maggots in the middle of them, No regard for the consequences.

While we were there I saw one swan with line coming out of its mouth and another with a Jelly type lure stuck in its back.

Fishing should be banned at the bridge full stop. Its promoted as a bird feeding area after all !

Lost count of the morons trailing lures from moving boats.

Could do with more policing.two guns

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Not something that I would volunteer to do, risk of violence, grief, etc, I have enough stress in my life as it is... Would the volunteers be equiped with a life jacket, change of clothes,  tazer gun, and waterproof mobile phone or radio.....?

The people on the bank, have the right to remain silent... so what is the next step if they ignore you.... ?

Anybody can make up ID that looks genuine, mind you I wouldn't know what a genuine one would look like.

Before I gave any personal details to a stranger, I would contact the authority, with his details to see if he was genuine, and I wouldn't hand over any cash. Door to door salesmen have a tough time when they visit our house...lol  Oh and I am a member of the Neighbourhood watch, bet you didn't guess that lol...

No  I wouldn't do it... not even paid either...

I am not against volunteer work, I have done a lot for charities over the years and given my time to organise carnivals, Christmas floats, old time music halls and collections, where the money raised is used for local causes. I have even collected locally for the RNLI.

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Even as a fully paid bailiff I would want to do it around the rivers.

Some of what they are asking them to do could be done by any decent angler and just report any suspicious activity.

It is a shame as I think it has some validity, but too many nutters about for my liking.

Having been threatened before - on a private 30 acre lake in the middle of the night and a pair of idiots decide to start fishing next to me and my friend, it was obvious they weren't members and we only pointed out that only members could fish at night, didn't even ask to see any permits and the knives came out. Before the days of mobile phones this was. They upped sticks and left 30 mins later so it worked, but could have gone horribly wrong. Sadly I wont be joining the volunteers.

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