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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Kadensa, Hi. Many thanks for your kind words. In fact we do communicate with each other quite frequently. When we've decided on a collective line of thought we try to give a gentle nudge by way of a PM. That's the NBN way.
  2. What lens were you using on the second pic, Strow?
  3. Lovely pics, Jill... were they all taken nearby?
  4. The article alongside it caught my eye, Alan... sealed bids over £25k for an ex-patrol boat.... "Would you like to buy a river ranger’s boat? Rare chance to snap up patrol vessel used on the Norfolk Broads" Read more at: http://www.angliaafloat.co.uk/heritage/waterway-history/daybreak_comes_to_norfolk_1_3757978?storyId=1.3757980 Copyright © Archant
  5. Mark, Hi. We used to have a Colvic 30ft centre cockpit boat which on our first cruise we took from Brundall to York and then to Lincoln. We were moored in the Brayford and needed to get under the 'Glory Hole' in order to get back home in time for my next flight. "It won't go, Dad!" said Giles........... he was correct, by about 4 inches.... We just didn't have the time to go all the way back down the Trent and Humber, plus the journey from Spurn Head to Gt Yarmouth... so I disconnected the cooling water input pipe and opened the sea-cock. I remember I had to flood the bilge to nearly half way up the engine to get us that extra headroom! We then poled under the Glory Hole and I then started the engine with the pipe still disconnected and pretty soon sucked the bilge almost dry. Yes, it is possible but the pitfalls associated with doing it are various and obvious to most, particularly the sequence of opening and shutting the seacock.... As Mark said, whether I'd want someone else to do it with my boat is a completely different matter! :naughty:
  6. What an artistic guy you are, Peter! That is a really beautifully composed piccy. :clap
  7. Thanks, Jill, it looks quite simple... now to find some sloes... or would plums do, I wonder?
  8. "Oh and any suggestions are welcome too. Yours Griff" Fish & Chips in Steel's Corner House or Ernie Beckett's are a must for us, Griff!
  9. "You're a Braver Man than I am, Gunga Din!" :bow
  10. Her's a link to XH 558's display at Bournemouth this weekend... "Best in Show"!
  11. I couldn't agree more, Ian. It's a super spot and The Buck is a lovely pub! :clap
  12. It certainly is, Andy... one of the prettiest yards on The Broads, I think! (Pls don't take offence, you others! :naughty: )
  13. Interesting reading, Alan... and some of the comments! Here's one: "Given the number of people falling into the river it might be sensible to fence in the total length of the river or drain the section between new mills and carrow" Obviously not a boating fan! :naughty:
  14. Care to share your recipe, please, Jill?
  15. On all our behalves, you're very welcome, Jane. I asked because I thought to enroll you for the bash at the WRC 'darn sarf'. However the tides wouldn't be favourable for the return North later that week (Unless you over-nighted in Gt Yarmouth). http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/tide_report.asp (Just change the dates)
  16. Where are you picking the boat up from, Jane?
  17. I thought that was the reason (peeps might not remember) that so many of the yards were reluctant to supply them?
  18. What a lovely post, you two, and hearty congratulations on your determination to succeed despite some pretty daunting obstacles. :clap We wish you well over the Winter and hope to be back to see you next Spring.
  19. Dave, Hi At least yours are a "controlled collision"! Many aren't... :naughty:
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