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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Absolutely, Peter, a bench-mark for any Broads pub. The only problem is that the owner won't cough up to have the quay headings sorted and quite a bit is now sign-posted as unfit to moor. When we're going there nowadays we always ring up ahead and book a mooring space.
  2. Well, I got that wrong, didn't I? About 2 hours ago!
  3. In our Freeward 30 in the middle of the North 'Oggin we frequently came across 30Kts and more... that was exciting!
  4. Another new website bookmarked, Peter! Err, depends on exactly how many you mean by "We'll all" ... :shocked
  5. Indeed, Peter. Have you heard if the Nelson is open again? (Going home that way later in the week).
  6. That's good news, June. Where are you heading today? (There's room at the Wherry here at Oulton Broad at the moment)
  7. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but..... wherever you are I'd suggest you either stay there tomorrow or get there early. Heavy rain and South Easterly 17mph winds are forecast for Norwich and Lowestoft from10.00 and also a weather warning for Lowestoft: Met Office Warnings Issued For: Suffolk Yellow alert of rain From: 0600 on Mon 25 August To: 2350 on Mon 25 August Updated 23 August at 12:43 Heavy rain is expected to affect many southern areas of Britain at times during Bank Holiday Monday, with strong winds a possible additional factor close to southern coasts. The public should be aware that there may be some impacts to holiday traffic and other outdoor activities. Of course it's only a forecast.............
  8. Strow, thanks for that. I'm just about to download it onto this laptop.
  9. Strow, Hi. I've got Microsoft Security Essentials here on my laptop. It says it protects against viruses and spyware... do I need this Malware as well, please?
  10. There's been no problem so far (since last Wednesday) either in Beccles or here in Oulton Broad. Although in Beccles the skip closest to the gate was over-flowing, to say the least, and the others were almost empty... :cry
  11. But where to moor at Brundall, Alan? I would have suggested Loddon but doubt there will be anywhere there. There are still lots of spaces at the Wherry here in Oulton Broad. If you want to try that June then ring them and book a slot. There are several NBN members here. Wherry Hotel Bridge Rd, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 3LN 01502 516845 Wherever they're facing a slog into the tide.
  12. Deary me, June, we're so sorry to hear that. I'm not too sure that there is a shop in Reedham that will sell Dettol. Perhaps one of the pubs will have some?
  13. If you get to Gt Yarmouth from the North at Slack Water + 1hr 30mins you'll still have a bit of a following tide and also you'll have the flood just starting across Breydon Water to push you along. It is usual to get slack water (when the tide's not going either way) 1 hour after LW but at Gt Yarmouth it's nearer 1hr 30mins after Low Water. If you arrive 1hr before Low Water you will rush through Gt Yarmouth with hardly any revs on (difficult to steer) and then face a long slog into the tide across Breydon Water.
  14. Well, if you wear that on your boat, Peter, you'll certainly get a lot of attention! :naughty:
  15. Only one boat moored at the Wherry, here in Oulton Broad at the moment... The Yacht Station expcts to be full tomorrow but isn't at the moment. You can see us just at the end of the pontoon inside Paul on Swordfish http://www.norfolklive.org/media/archive/10/2014/08/22/175445-large.jpg
  16. A lovely blog, Eric. You certainly crammed a lot into one week! (BTW, how much fuel did she use?)
  17. I guess you've found the 'Follow this topic' button, Richard?
  18. Thanks for those, Bill & Strow. :clap I've seen them posted before but hadn't bookmarked them here in my laptop.
  19. Marina, Hi. Jon's forum name is '650xs' and you can PM him direct if you wish.
  20. Iain, Hi. The only thing missing from that excellent display was an original "Glitter"... you might be one of the few who remember what it was? :shocked
  21. Dave, Hi. I concur with what Alan says... are you sure it was this forum you were logging into?
  22. PollyFin, Hi. Your hopes were realised! :clap Paul, Hi. We're still at Beccles but leave for Oulton at 09.00 this morning. We'll be there until Tuesday and I've got Burgees and Stickers onboard!
  23. Jeff, the answer is no to that. I think it is its pleasure to be disturbed at that hour! And Craig, no again.. in fact Mary-Jane woke up as we docked here in Beccles! (Smooth boat handling or what?).
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