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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. We used to keep Jim's LSJ on all the time when near the water. He was quite prone to falling in! :naughty:
  2. Good try, Clive..... but it's very difficult to get any! :naughty:
  3. There are lots of them! https://play.google.com/store/search?q=android%20speedometer&c=apps
  4. It's owned by Molyneux Leisure, Dave. http://whatpub.com/pubs/NOR/934/lord-nelson-reedham
  5. I absolutely agree with you, Marina. Several lives have been lost by peeps trying to rescue their dogs. Also a wet heavy dog is very, very difficult to get out by its collar and you stand a good chance of crushing its trachea as you do so.
  6. I've got "Android Speedometer" on both my phone and tablet. It works better on the tablet as it's accurate to 0.1mph, whereas the phone jumps up or down in 0.5mph steps. Here's what it looks like: It can also be used as a moving map, the little blue arrow in the bottom RH corner is Friday Girl.
  7. It's not "coming", Neil, it's probably here! But if peeps will exceed the speed limits I don't have any sympathy. The BA might be over-authoritative at times but they're not stupid. They just cannot afford to cause the "hire boat industry" to die; then so would the Norfolk Broads as we know it. It's a simple matter of revenue.
  8. Absolutely, Peter. In our Freeward 30 anything else but a following tide betwixt Lowestoft and Harwich and return was a real No-No. At our best speed of 6kts with a Spring Tide of 2kts you are looking at an average SOG of either 4kts or 8 kts... not to be trifled with over 35nm!
  9. Strow, Hi. Using that formula, the square root of 34 gives me 5.831 and times 1.4 that equals 8.163kts. That's 9.4mph! Well.................. at 1600rpm I get about 6mph and it then needs to be about 1900rpm to get 7mph. Anything more and we just push up a bigger bow wave/wash! The fuel consumption by then is horrific by our normal standards and at least doubled for one more measly mph... Your suggestion to use 5.83(kts) x 1 = 6.67mph approximates to what we actually do if we're ever in a hurry. Still, it's all quite interesting to us thank you.
  10. Well if you're eating then it seems like a good deal, Howard. Cheaper than the Yacht station and probably not so many folk wandering by at night. Just rang the Commodore and it's also £10 but free if you eat with them.
  11. This is the latest info I can get and it doesn't look too promising............. VAT Tourism.pdf
  12. Thank you, guys. That link is really very useful to a novice like me! I used to angle every weekend with my Dad at the sandpits of North Somercotes in NE Lincolnshire when I was a young boy but nothing for the last 60 years or so. We mainly caught perch and roach, I recall and Mum's rock-cakes were consigned to the deeps as groundbait!
  13. I guess I ought to have said that we are retired and so don't restrict ourselves to a set itinerary when we go out. So we're seldom in a hurry to get anywhere and in the long Summer days I like to be away not too long after dawn. It can be downright magical at times on a misty morn... Mary-Jane frequently wakes up to breakfast in a new location! Nor do we tend to know when we'll be going home... just when we've had enough for that particular outing... and we do appreciate how lucky we are.
  14. But Geoff, Neil does say "Sometimes, if tides are higher than normal".
  15. Thank you, Peter. Any suggestions where I might get such a thing for at not too exorbitant money?
  16. This might help: https://www.aldi.co.uk/en/specialbuys/fishing/?pk_campaign=uk_product_newsletter&pk_kwd=2014-08-01_17-45 And, BTW, I need something like this myself.. would the starter set be OK for general river fishing, please?
  17. If by which you mean make more use of the tides, Dave, then I entirely agree! :clap We, nowadays, always leave Bells, (when heading for the Waveney) to get to the New Cut by slack LW. Using 1400rpm I usually have to throttle back to keep within the lower limits! We get the ebb down the Yare and the flood up the Waveney.
  18. I don't know if this will help anyone out there but if you want to make considerable savings then here's how we do just that. I'm afraid that, with advancing years, we just tend to set 1400rpm and take what speed comes (unless it gives me over the speed limit, of course). Typically, in still water that will be about 5mph. If you look at my fuel graph for our Nanni 50 (which is a pretty typical power unit) you'll see that we also make a fair bit of savings! If I get Breydon wrong and have to go up to 1800rpm, or Heaven forbid, 2000rpm, the resultant fuel use/cost is horrendous! On displacement boats you seldom go any faster than the design speed (Between 6 & 7 mph for most Broads motor-cruisers) but just put up a bigger bow wave and wake.
  19. Simon, Hi. You're a more determined guy than I am! Brundall to Wroxham is over 40 miles by river and if you stick to speed limits will take a good 9 hours, or quite a lot more diesel if you get the tides wrong!
  20. Which is why you're supposed to keep receipts, Martin, and the fuel stations are supposed to keep copious records.... I remember they did when it all started, but now?
  21. A warm welcome aboard the NBN, Stevie. Will you tell us a bit about yourself in the "New Members Say Hi!" topic, please?
  22. Which is why the Irish changed over to Green, Alan! And please don't get us started on "that lot", Alan... we are the friendly forum after all!
  23. What I can't understand that if it's the "Red" that that lot over the water are objecting to then why don't we follow the Irish and dye it Green? https://www.emo.ie/green-diesel
  24. Well I dun be 'ere for 35 years, bor Peter and blast if I dun know that name...... 'furriner' indeed.. So wusseryername, welcome from us too, to the Friendly Forum, or so we like to keep it.
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