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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Yes we used to get the length of tha Channel, both sides, and across the North Sea. We didn't really bother about the weather after we were caught out in a F9 in mid-North Sea.
  2. Warp, Hi and a warm welcome aboard from us. We were wafis for 20 years or so but out on the seas mainly. Here's what Friday Girl 2 looked like (moored in Friesland):
  3. We moved here when I left the Royal Air Force in 1979, Grace. Best thing we ever did! 34 years in a lovely old (1635ish) pile and now just 8 months in our new home, a bungalow. The house was 50 yards from the village pub and the bungalow is 75 yards the other side of it!
  4. The Ferry House at Surlingham tomorrow, Saturday 26th July for an afternoon and evening's mardlin' an' partakin'..............
  5. We prefer the one over the road bridge and towards the North Railway station. We've not tried the Hall Road Chippy, though. Place To Place Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 3LR https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Place+To+Place/@52.4758832,1.7103976,1715m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!1m2!2m1!1schio+shop!3m1!1s0x47da1ba77747e8cb:0xff6aec7ff6af2241
  6. http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/tide_report.asp LW Oulton is 07.33 on 10th August; so probably best to do your cruise before midday as you'll still be on a rising tide!
  7. Eric, Hi We've done the perimeter in Friday Girl without any problems. :clap Luke ("Lucky") keeps his Sealine 42 moored up outside his pad and it draws a far greater depth than an RC 45 will.
  8. Welcome aboard the NBN, JM, from us. Must have missed your arrival here as we've been out on the Yare for a couple of days.
  9. "The team have decided to lock this thread on the basis that a horrible tragedy has been turned into a debate about the emergency services. Enough time has passed for both camps to express their feelings and no further good can come of further protracted discussion."
  10. PM sent to explain.............................. :cry
  11. Gentlemen...........................................
  12. Grace, HI While I've not seen this over here it certainly happens in Holland.... you just have to try to keep your concentration on where you're going! :naughty: (Which in most BOGs' cases wouldn't be too easy!).
  13. We'll be out on the Yare next Tuesday, Alan, if you're still around. Our eldest daughter is coming over on Monday for a few days and we plan on taking her out for the day on Tuesday.
  14. Depends which way you're going... if you're heading North the Bure stream changes after LW+1.30, not +1.00 as advertised. In fact with all the heavy rain we've had it might even be later than that. In fact I'd make it for 12.30...
  15. Broads Authority tables are for Gorleston; thats an hour before GH yacht station!
  16. Well I'm still with BT, Jill, and they're telling us we will have fibre-optic high-speed broadband here in little old Gt Hockham by the end of the year!
  17. Grace, Hi. It is only the hire firms who put the restriction on night cruising... I guess they get enough damage to their boats as it is! If you have nav lights you are perfectly entitled to cruise at night; we often went over to Holland at night in previous boats.
  18. Jill, Hi. Nice to hear from you and perhaps you can explain what this is all about? I've looked through several of the pdf's but I can't see what it is they're describing nor what they intend to do with the sites... :shocked Confused of Gt Hockham
  19. Newbie, Hi and welcome aboard. One of our members is an electrician and lives in Oulton Broad. He's "Happy Jax 3" and his name's Colin. If you PM him you can tell him about your problems. (Go to 'Members' and type in Happy Jax 3).
  20. Here it is, directly from the Norfolk Constabulary: Water safety “When the weather is fine, then you know it’s a sign for messing about on the river.” Picture the scene. The sun shines bright. The blue skies stretch out above without a cloud in sight. The nearby river glistens with rays of the sun. The sound of wildlife is interspersed with the sound of laughter – of friends or family sharing a drink and conversation… Welcome to Norfolk and the vast beautiful waterways that make up Norfolk’s national park – the Broads. Yes, when the weather is fine, you know it’s a sign to head to the Broads. But whereas messing about on the river can be a fun day out, to ensure that your experience is enjoyable and one that leaves you only with fond memories, please follow the safety tips below, because ‘‘if you take our advice there’s nothing so nice as messing about on the river.’ Please wear your lifejacket / buoyancy aid at all times whilst on the boat or near the water’s edge On a hot day, the water may look an inviting place to cool down, but remember the Broads is unsuitable for swimming in. The colder temperatures, along with underwater plants and fast currents provide unseen obstacles that can endanger the life of anyone entering the water Never enter the water to get someone out - reach, or throw a rope or anything that will float Keep an eye on everyone on board, particularly children, and avoid sitting on the front of the boat Alcohol and water can be a dangerous mix. The risk of falling into the water increases with alcohol consumption. Remember it is illegal to navigate a vessel under the influence of drink or drugs and there are hefty fines for those that do
  21. On a long passage, say 5-6 hours at the helm, I might treat myself to just one sherbet when the sun's over the yardarm.... but no more until we are safely tied up.
  22. In Holland, you are quite rightly told that if you don't return the boat how you found it then you won't get your deposit back until after they've cleaned it and subtracted that amount from your deposit! :naughty:
  23. Steve, Hi Ideally you need to be on the North side of the Yare (to minimise road travel, which will be the most expensive part). I'd suggest you contact Andy at Freedom Cruisers and ask if he'd have room for you. abanner@freedomcruisers.co.uk
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