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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. A very Warm Welcome aboard from us, J... may we call you by your full name, please?
  2. Lovely pic, Deco. Now who is the lucky chap in the F6F? I'm jealous!
  3. Simon, Hi. Do you have those pics, please? Particularly the wooden floor.
  4. David, Good Morning and a Warm Welcome aboard! I'm sure you'll be helped pretty soon but you may contact them at: http://www.denisonhydraulicpumps.co.uk/
  5. Hear, Hear, Howard! And so I guess my lunchtime pint of Ghost Ship today in the New Inn, Rocklands, at £3.60, wasn't so bad... (Owned by Punch). BTW, yesterday I sampled an excellent pint of Little Sharpie in the Swan, Loddon, at £2.60 a pint. That's not a printing mistake, £2.60 a pint! Apparantly they've sorted out a deal with Humpty Dumpty because they're selling 4-5 barrels a week. :clap
  6. FG's well is big enough, 10B, but we did indeed have the cover over. The reason I got up close behind the hire boat was because I was concerned as to whether the press-studs would cope with the gallons of water coming aboard. :shocked Try pulling up a 2-gallon bucket of river water and chucking it in your well; then do it again and again. you'll soon see if the bilge pump will cope or not! (Ours drains overboard and I did indeed do just this before I would venture across Breydon in an adverse sea-state!)
  7. Paul, Hi Now back at Brundall and we go home tomorrow... are you coming to pick up your burgee/Statue on the way home?
  8. The meet will be well covered soon but our saga from Salhouse to Burgh casatle follows. We set off from wet and windy Salhouse at 10.30 on Sunday morning to make a very slow cruise to be passing Gt Yarmouth at 15.00. That would be 20 mins before slack water and should let us cross Breydon without the flood tide against the forecast strong westerly wind. As we passed by St Bennets I wodered why, oh why, do the BA get us so confused? Speed in MPH, bridge heights in FEET and distances in MILES........... so WHY isn't "500 YDS" OK??? Not long before GH we came across two boats moored to a post: A while later we were about a mile into Breydon when a ferocious line squall passed us by. The wind qickly increase to about a F6 on the nose and the waves were breaking over not only the bow but over the top of the boat... We slowly caught up a (bloody brave) hirer who had sensibly slowed right down and closed up to within 20-30 ft to get some protection.
  9. Andy, Hi. As Max says just click on the link above and as soon as you pay I'll send you a burgee.
  10. It was indeed a very good meet! Here's a few pics I took whilst still sober....... Hic Jonzo, Jimbo and Dan brought the NBN Marquee with them and what a marvellous thing it was on Saturday night and Sunday morning. What an evening! And so many thanks to Mark and Sue for rescuing our brains on Sunday morning with those delectable bacon rolls! Roll on the next! And where and when do you want it?
  11. Yesterday we cruised back here to Wroxham and called in at Boulters in Horning. I think I mentioned fuel at £1.18/L and a pump-out at £10. Then two batteries (Starting/Bow-Thruster and General Purpose) at £75 each. List price £103 and that was what I was quoted at the Boat Show last weekend. Well Done, Sonny! :clap Just a mention on the vastly different prices in the pubs we visited... Ghost Ship from £3.40 in one to £3.80 in another really isn't on! :cry
  12. Sorry I've been slow over the last week but wifi spots up the Ant aren't so plentiful. As we cruised up the river last Bank Holiday Monday i couldn't but think that it's probably the most interesting river on The Broads. And so I took a few pics as we went along. There were three boats on this wild mooring; the kids were having a great time! Oh for some weather like that this weekend!
  13. Well, here we are tucked snugly away in Barne Brinkcrafts "yard" and getting ready to leave just before 8 o'clock. We'll be tied up and waiting to greet friends new and old by 8.30. The forecast's not quite as bad as it could be and isn't as bad as the Summer meet at Beccles 2 years ago when we braved really tropical downpours under the NBN "Marquee"!
  14. Gosh, Jon, do you ever sleep? :naughty: That looks a beautiful finish! You guys really do know how to turn it on!
  15. Lovely pic, Lori! Nice to see you online again!
  16. Steve, Hi Jonzo has organised, with the Salhouse Ranger, where we are mooring. As you go in, facing the far bank, it's usually the right hand moorings we use. It should be taped off as "Reserved" (?? Jonzo??). We will arrive about 09.30 - 10.00 from Wroxham, so if you're after that you'll see where we are.
  17. Sorry to hear that Bill, wilco. Here's the latest: John, Mary-Jane, Rachel & Graham, Friday Girl, Fri-Sun Mark, Sue, Col & Lou, San Moritz , Sat-Sun Alan & Eve, My Panache, Fri-Mon Steve, Tracy, Billy and Lulu the mutt, Pearl Anchor, Fri-Sun Carol, Martin, Little Sprite, Fri-Mon Jonzo, Dan and Jimbo, Major Gem 2, Sat-Sun Simon, Sonia & Dylan the dog, The Corsican, Sat-Sun Geoffrey, Steve & Austin the guide dog, Cheshire Cat, Fri-Mon Trev & Sue, Le grand cru, Fri-Mon John, Nyx, Fri-Mon Andy, Sally, Sharin, Lyndon, Megan & Willow the dog, Evening Star, Sat-Sun Rod, Shirley & Treacle the dog, Sally B, Sat-Sun Tom, Kate & Black Lab Mandy, Starwind, Sat-Sun By Car Neil & Karen Mike & Jan (Serenity)
  18. Kathleen, Hi Only way to get your air-height is to take a tape measure with you and measure it. With a pole of some sort laid across the highest part you can get a pretty accurate measurement. The tides aren't helpful to you for a Fri/Sat trip to Brundall... in that Slack Water Low at Gt Yarmouth is at 13.17 Fri and 14.22 Sat. So if you plan to arrive and stay at Gt Yarmouth on Fri you'll have to wait until after 14.22 on Sat if you aren't to punch into a tide all the way to Brundall. And that tide can be quite strong, even on Neap Tides. We are doing the same trip Sun/Mon and will pass by Gt Yarmouth at 15.17, then take the flood to Burgh castle for an overnight. I will then set off at 06.00 or earlier to take the flood to Brundall. Wroxham to Gt Yarmouth is 24 miles and at the posted speeds will take you about 4.30hrs - 5hrs. Gt Yarmouth to Brundall is just over 18 miles and takes about 3.30hrs. (You can cruise at 6mph a lot further on the Yare). Hope this makes sense! (You could, of course, carry on to Reedham or Cantley for your Friday Night out!)
  19. We put it in the fridge and we're still eating vacuum packed food we brought from home 3 weeks ago!
  20. That's a very generous offer, Mark! I'm sure you'll have lots of takers!
  21. We arrived at Womack Water and the Staithe on Friday morning at 10.00… it’s a favourite place of ours and we intended to stay there over the weekend. I cycled into the village a bit later on, to see what delights the Butcher had on offer. Garlic sausages looked too tempting to avoid! So that’s the tea tonight sorted! I asked them to vacuum pack some Chinese spare ribs for the Meet, which they were happy to do. (I did also look into the Kings Arms to see if they still sold real ales… that’s my excuse). Fortunately Mary-Jane likes garlic as much as I do, because they were garlicky! I later took my laptop back to the pub but it just didn’t want to connect with them too successfully, especially on the Forum. Fortunately, I did meet up with Mike and Jan (boat name Serenity) who are coming by car to the Meet. They introduced me to Tom and Kate who I offerd the NBN card to and spent some time chatting with. They have their own boat there (at Womack) and are hopefully coming to the Meet. Kate was helping run the Craft Fair at the Ludham Church over the weekend and asked me to invite Mary-Jane over. Tom invited me to accompany him to the Horning Boat Show… the joys of pubs and meeting peeps! Saturday morning and we set off into the village just before midday; I left Mary-Jane at the Church gates and walked the 50 yards to Tom and Kate’s house. After a welcome cuppa we set off for the short drive to Horning. Tom used local knowledge to arrive at the other end of Lower Street (from the Swan end) via School Road and we were very lucky to find a space not far before the New Inn. After a quick refreshment at The Swan we separated to meet up back at the Swan in ‘a couple of hours’. I was looking for a couple of batteries and the first stand I came to was Multicell’s. I explained that our batteries were coming to the end of their life and that we needed a 110Ah 720 CA Starting/Bow-thruster battery and also a 110Ah Domestic one. The salesman was very knowledgeable and quickly steered me to the two he thought best at a tad over £100 each. I then passed Boulters stand and was surprised that Sonny was selling the same batteries… at about £75 each!!! I then met Clive in person for the first time and while chatting I was offered a glass of fizzy! Clive is a really friendly guy and we are lucky to have his input here on the Forum. Then onto see Matthew Thwaites to ask about our Max Power thrusters. I had heard that they had gone to the wall but Matthew assured me that they were up and running again. “Have you got one of their Remotes?” he asked me. So, having promised Mary-Jane that I wouldn’t buy a new boat here I am with a rather large shopping list! After another excellent pint of Woodfordes “Flagondry” in The Swan, Tom dropped me off at Friday Girl’s mooring. There I found a contented Mary-Jane who had enjoyed her time at the Craft Fair and a visit to the Alfresco Tea Rooms. She says they are well worth a visit and the cakes are wonderful! :love
  22. My first reaction, as Mark says above, would be to look at the impeller (or what's left of it!). It's only a matter of undoing a few screws. But if you're uncertain then either Andy or Mark will sort it out for you. :clap
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