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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Sorry if I've got it wrong, John, BUT I thought it was the weekend after next??? Confused of Gt Hockham :shocked
  2. Thanks, Grace, I'll keep it up for as long as I can get wifi! We don't eat lunch and Mary-Jane is also on the kick; she has two days a week on less than 500 Cals. However, for tea tonight we had two gorgeous rib-eye steaks at 14oz and 10oz each. I bought them in Beccles last week and had him vacuum pack them for me.
  3. "Anyway, here we are now, moored opposite Herbert Woods Bridge and ready for a walk to the Falgate at lunchtime. We’ve not been there for over 30 years, so one way or another it will surely be a surprise!" And it was. It’s like a time-warp! Only two ales and the GK IPA was off. The pint of Wherry I had was probably the first of the day and was average. The food looked OK and there were a few customers eating. (There’s no wifi). Back on board to enjoy a really wonderful, hot afternoon complete with (what else!) a G&T! In the late afternoon a lovely old cruiser passed by to moor. She was “Pour Toi”, A659, built in 1958 by Graham Bunn in Wroxham. (What do you know about her, Dan?). She has always been a private boat, according to her owners, who have had her for two years. I had a long mardle with them and hope to see them soon, here on the NBN, to tell us more about her. I went over to the Broadshaven, next to Lathams. The Phoenix boat-man had been pretty disparaging about it: I didn’t find it too bad, at all. An ‘Oldie Worlde’ Broads’ pub it will never be but the welcome was warm enough and both the GK IPA and Wherry were on. In fact the Wherry was in fine fettle and I had to stop for another! The place is family run and there’s an extensive menu at reasonable prices. They don’t have wifi yet but if you’re a BT customer you can use their BT Openworld or Fon.
  4. Grace and all, Hi. The problem at the moment is finding wifi here in Potter Heigham! On Monday we took a slow meander up to the Head of Navigation on the Bure. Sure enough, as Mark Bird said last year, the sign prohibiting hire boats from carrying on has disappeared… I guess it’s down to individual yards to decide if they want their boats to go any further than the Rising Sun. The stretch of river beyond the Rising Sun is very pretty and very quiet! We had been advised by the Ranger at Wroxham to go very slowly and stick to the centre of the river. This we did and were rewarded with yet another part of the Broads we haven’t visited before. A pair of swans had built a fine straw nest and the cobb was not at all pleased to see us approach! On return we stopped off at the ‘Sun for a pint… £3.80 for an average Speckled Hen! Needless to say I only had the one! The Rising Sun from upstream. Coming back down to Wroxham we were fortunate enough to see a solitary Kingfisher, both in flight and then perched on a branch. We also saw two old classics, one was “Broadland Lapwing” moored at Belaugh (pronounced by my Norfolk wife as ‘Bee-la’). Tuesday saw us moored at Ludham Bridge, after a stop-off at Boulters for fuel and water. Diesel at £1.18/L and fame free too! We were met by an old chum, Dave, and his Saluki, Ollie-Dog. Dave lives in a motor-home and we see him at home quite frequently when he moors at a nearby caravan park. So off we all walked to The Dog for a few jars and a mardle. That whiled a couple of hours away nicely before we returned aboard. I had belled the Potter Pilot on Sunday and he asked us to be there by 08.00 Wednesday… a very early start tomorrow! (The reason we topped up with fuel and water to reduce our air height). Wednesday morning at 05.45 and I was having a cuppa when a beautiful Kingfisher decided to rest on our pulpit and preen itself for about 5 minutes. Life is good! I slipped our mooring at 06.30 and cruised gently away on the ebb towards Potter. Not another boat was moving on the three rivers and I tied up at the Potter Pilots’ mooring at 07.50. The Pilot arrived to bring two boats back through but his gauge in the hut showed just below 6’6” and he doubted that he’d get us back under tomorrow. “The best laid plans of mice and men….” :cry Anyway, here we are now, moored opposite Herbert Woods Bridge and ready for a walk to the Falgate at lunchtime. We’ve not been there for over 30 years, so one way or another it will surely be a surprise!
  5. We left Ranworth at 09.00 heading for Wroxham but 35 minutes later we found Horning Staithe virtually empty. This was too good an opportunity to miss and I squeezed into the space between the only two boats there, hoping that the front one would eventually leave. It did and I was able to pull Friday Girl up to The Swan’s hedge; our favourite spot! At lunchtime I tried the door to the Bure Valley Fish Restaurant but it was locked. I called their number and could hear the ‘phone ringing when the owner appeared from the back and saw me. (We have been there once a year for the past three years). “Hello Mr Redford” he said! To say I was surprised is an understatement! He fitted us in for a meal in the early evening where we yet again enjoyed the fabulous selection he has on offer. He is Matron D’ and his wife is the Chef and together with three young ladies they put on a pretty good act! Yesterday (Sunday) morning dawned bright an early and we left Horning at 09.00 (again). Passing by Salhouse Broad we saw only four cruisers tied up; let’s hope the weather is as good in a fortnight’s time! We arrived at Wroxham Staithe and were able to tie up right next to the posts; about the only space available! It was turning into a beautiful day and soon Liona tied up nearby on the river bank. She is a lovely looking old girl and kept in immaculate condition. She takes a total of 8 and costs £7 per adult and £17 for a family of four (2 adults, 2 children) for a 50 minute cruise. Here’s a pic I took at Ranworth to give an idea of the window stickers coming your way soon!
  6. Well, a bit more than that but there are such interesting blogs on at the moment that I'm going to keep this one short! We spent Easter weekend at Oulton Broad, then a couple of days in Beccles before venturing 'oop North' last Thursday. The trip up from Beccles was quite long; 33 miles to the Acle Bridge for a late afternoon arrival, with the slack water at GH predicted just before 13.30hrs. As usual, we were into quite a strong flood just before the Bure mouth but the ebb was still running strongly out of the Bure! I considered venturing down the harbour for a while but memories of the last time, when numerous well-intentioned peeps offered rather rude advice as to why hire boats shouldn't be going sea-side rather spoiled it. Mary-jane had suggested that I pointed out our RAF ensign and that we are insured for 90 days coastal passages... unfortunately, with my sense of humour, I actually asked some of them: "Is this the way to Norwich, please?" Anyway, we did have a lovely meal at The Bridge! But Friday morning up river to Ranworth was really horrible! Fog and quite heavy rain really didn't do a lot for us...
  7. Great news, Neil!! Our very best wishes in your new venture.
  8. Look forward to a beer again, Rod! Here's the latest: John, Mary-Jane, Rachel & Graham, Friday Girl, Fri-Sun Mark, Sue, Col & Lou, San Moritz , Sat-Sun Alan & Eve, My Panache, Fri-Mon Steve, Tracy, Billy and Lulu the mutt, Pearl Anchor, Fri-Sun Carol, Martin, Little Sprite, Fri-Mon Jonzo, Dan and Jimbo, Major Gem 2, Sat-Sun Simon, Sonia & Dylan the dog, The Corsican, Sat-Sun Bill & Jenny, Saphire, Fri-Sun Geoffrey, Steve & Austin the guide dog, Cheshire Cat, Fri-Mon Trev & Sue, Le grand cru, Fri-Mon John, Nyx, Fri-Mon Andy, Sally, Sharin, Lyndon, Megan & Willow the dog, Evening Star, Sat-Sun Rod, Shirley & Treacle the dog, Sally B, Sat-Sun Tom, Kate & Black Lab, Starwind, Sat-Sun By Car Neil & Karen Mike & Jan (Serenity)
  9. Welcome aboard from us, Clive. We moor at Bells in Brundall but are up North for a while.
  10. Why not get hubbie to drive you down for the day, Lori?
  11. Well it certainly shows the NBN burgee off well! Please give us a wave next time.
  12. Just spoken to the HM and he tells me that the £8.50/£12 refers to mooring only or with leccy.... Sentinel Leisure need to get their signs in order! (I assumed they were talking about / )
  13. We are moored on the outside at Oulton Broad yacht Station, facing North. As we were sat down for tea yesterday a boat passed by, heading for the inside, with one of the tallest jack-staffs mounted forward I've ever seen.... on top of which flew the NBN Burgee! :clap When I went out (for a pint or three) at 7o'clock I had hoped to talk to them but they weren't there. Only 3 hirers, tied up alongside the length of the concrete and none with our flag. So who were you, please?
  14. We visited them (by car) last September, Jan and we can heartily endorse your comments. :clap A pity they don't offer the "taxy" service that the Salhouse Bell does (did?), as it's a bit too far for us to walk.
  15. Good news, Alan. :clap The only blot on the landscape is that Enterprise Inns own it...
  16. We arrived at Oulton Broad yesterday. The pontoons are full/booked up for the Easter weekend but there are no hirers on the concrete at the moment. Non-powered Powered Stern £8.50 £12 Side £13 £16.50 Short stay (4hrs) 10am-4pm £5 £7 Water £2 Shower £2 To say I was somewhat shocked when I saw this about half an hour ago would be an understatement! :cry (And it applies to Beccles, too).
  17. T156 I can make out through the binocs, Dan but not the name (two words).
  18. And from us too, moored at windy Oulton Broad!
  19. She will be back alongside next Wednesday (moored on a floating buoy for the weekend) and bids have to be in by May 3rd.
  20. There's one for sale by sealed tender at Oulton Broad Yacht Station. She's been abandoned but doesn't look that bad!
  21. I'm sat in Broadview with an excellent pint of Doombar...here's what I've just seen on the Wherry webcam: or this: Pity you can't make out the new burgee!
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