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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. You have by now really wetted our appetite for our holiday next month, Robin! :clap Our dog/house minder is booked and we're so looking forward to it all!
  2. Alan Hi. We have NEVER been able to moor there! I guess it's always full of cake-lovers!
  3. Oh Dear, Oh Dear! I just used "Fairy liquid" as a generic term.... I doubted anyone would have heard of "Ecover liquid".......... The only time I've seen it done was in a Marina when the owner sprayed some onto a diesel leak to prevent it staining all the sides of the shiney new boats there. What do you do with the washing up water, then? Yes, of course, you could empty it into the loo, I guess.
  4. Frank, just spray your Fairy liquid around any spill and it magically goes away!
  5. Ah, Ah, Iain........ we try to keep off some subjects, they're just too combustible.........
  6. I was just going to complement you, Frank! We don't mind that at all!
  7. It was at Coldham Hall, Grace, just across the river from Brundall. And one we won't forget!
  8. We have used conkers for years, Grace and although they don't completely eradicate 'em they do seem to keep the numbers down.
  9. That's a very good idea, Mike, but as you say, probably not appropriate here. I would have to perform contortionistic (is that a word?) body manoeuvres at either end and I'm not that supple any more! :naughty:
  10. At last common sense prevails Unfortunately it's not that easy as it is the (dual) controller line for the bow/stern thrusters and it would be a minor nightmare to disconnect all the connections at either end and to then reassemble correctly. (unless I got Col to do it!).
  11. Great start, Robin.... :clap It's made us wish we'd had Friday Girl back in the water March 1st rather than April1st!
  12. Hockham Admiral


    We microwave a whole chicken on "HI" for 20mins before we put it on the Cobb for 1.30hrs. Mark's idea about the spuds is great and they taste wonderful! :clap Roll on the Spring Meet!
  13. Hi, Geoff. We've often thought about a night in The Swan but found a small guest house just down the street called The Moorhen. We also had a superb fish meal at the Bure River Cottage Restaurant just behind The Swan. Not to say that we've also had some pretty fair meals in The Swan itself! :clap
  14. I've also followed this thread with great interest, Martin. We are fortunate (??) that our fuel tank is just in front of the helm position and it would only take me a matter of seconds to turn off the supply... I guess this would do the trick?
  15. I've never transited from Walton but I always used to plan (from the Stour/Orwell mouth) to arrive at Gorleston at LW+1Hr. Thus arriving at the bridges at about that time and getting the flood up either river. Our then water speed was 6kts but I'd imagine you can go a little faster?
  16. I think it would pay if we all remembered your excellent advice above: "If anyone is accessing the NBN from a Publicly accessible or shared computer, then you should be very careful to not click the "I accept the use of cookies" top banner. If you do, and then login, the next person visiting the forum from that PC will be automatically logged in as you, even if you are careful to log out when you exit."
  17. I've just been through all the Members sections in AdminCP and ModeratorCP and I can't find anywhere there that I could use to help you. Sorry.... :bow
  18. Depends on where you're heading and your air-height. The Haven bridge in GH has 9ft 6ins and then gives access to either the Yare or Bure. For Lowestoft the problems with the Mutford Lock rail bridge are documented here in another thread but the Royal Norfolk and Suffolk YC is always worth a visit!
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