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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Hopefully about an hour down the river from Bells, Andy! That sounds great, Andy. We're back in the water in a couple of weeks and I'll give you a bell then.
  2. Thanks a lot, guys for all those suggestions. I forgot to mention that the pipe is 30ft long and very difficult to get at!!!
  3. We have a 2ins diameter polythene tube which goes from the forward to aft end of Friday Girl. Presently it has the hydraulic steering pipes and an electrical line in it. Does anyone know where I can find a flexible, but semi-rigid, messenger line I can use to get another electrical line through, please? (Such as a roll of curtain wire). Many Thanks!
  4. Unfortunately we don't have a mast on this boat to attach them to, John! But we'll look forward to seeing yours!
  5. Well written, Andy and thought-provoking. :clap
  6. This is really good, Frank. I'll check at everywhere I stop for fuel this year and add to the list! :clap In fact I think I'll start a new thread on this single subject (FAME-free red diesel) if that's OK with you? (and at the same time put in prices).
  7. Many times, Iain, it was almost a second home for us! And a few pubs in Ayr will remember us! We often stayed at the Ayrshire and Galloway, who offered us Dinner, B&B and all the beer we could drink for less than a room at the Mercure (used to be the Caledonian?)! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.458532,-4.628989,3a,90y,286h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sE9m12p2vP9g5Xrdjli-l_w!2e0
  8. OUCH!!! It certainly was in over 22 years flying the Shorts Belfast for HeavyLift Cargo Airlines! The Ops Staff used to run a sweepstake on every sortie we flew as to when and where we'd breakdown..... :naughty:
  9. In the flying game we call it "Murphy's Law"... if anything can go wrong.... it will! And the sky is even more unforgiving than the sea..... :naughty:
  10. Congratulations,from us, Grace! :clap Some pics when you have the time (which there won't be a lot of!), please.
  11. Spot on, Frank! (Hic!)......
  12. Hockham Admiral


    I'm a bit lazy and I start ours with a gas blowlamp! :naughty:
  13. Paul/Paula, Hi and Welcome to our Forum. :clap Thanks for your first post!
  14. Hockham Admiral


    Brill. I use ours both on the boat and at home. When they're going well you can carry them indoors(if it's ventilated) and put them on a polished table!
  15. The mind does indeed boggle, Alan! (And that's your 50th post!)
  16. Kathleen, Hi Mary-Jane suggests: Boat Coat Boat shoes Life-jacket Boat gloves. You can get some really Girly ones nowadays!
  17. Looking forward to meeting you, John, when will you be coming? (and leaving?) Jonzo needs to know so that he can book the slots with the warden. Here's the latest: John & Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, Fri-Mon Mark, Sue, Col & Lou, San Moritz , Sat-Sun Alan & Eve, My Panache, Fri-Mon Steve, Tracy, Billy and Lulu the mutt, Pearl Anchor, Fri-Sun Carol, Martin, Little Sprite, Fri-Mon Jonzo, Dan and Jimbo, Major Gem 2, Fri-Sun Simon, Sonia & Dylan the dog, The Corsican, Sat-Sun Bill & Jenny, Saphire, Fri-Sun Geoffrey, Steve & Austin the guide dog, Cheshire Cat, Fri-Mon Trev & Sue, Le grand cru, Fri-Mon John, Nyx, Fri-Mon By Car Neil & Karen
  18. What a very interesting post, Roy & Diane... hope you're both well. That's another thing to add to our next visit to Hoveton!
  19. Great News, Trev.. that brings us up to the magic 10 boats and Jonzo's discount! :clap Here's the latest: John & Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, Fri-Mon Mark, Sue, Col & Lou, San Moritz , Sat-Sun Alan & Eve, Happy, Steve, Tracy, Billy and Lulu the mutt, Pearl Anchor, Fri-Sun Carol, Martin, Little Sprite, Fri-Mon Jonzo, Dan and Jimbo, Major Gem 2, Fri-Sun Simon, Sonia & Dylan the dog, The Corsican, Sat-Sun Bill & Jenny, Saphire, Fri-Sun Geoffrey, Steve & Austin the guide dog, Cheshire Cat, Fri-Mon Trev & Sue, Le grand cru, Fri-Mon By Car Neil & Karen
  20. What a beaut that is! :clap When we're next in Hoveton I'll make a date to take us on it for a beer or two!
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