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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Welcome to the forum, Simon. :clap I'm sure you'll get lots of answers but it all depends on where you want to hire from and how much you're prepared to pay..........
  2. Not a problem, Sue. Most use a compressed salt pellet or ring to hold off the arming lever. You can, hopefully, get a replacement from where you bought your jacket.They're not difficult to repack when washed out in clean water and dried. Have a look at yours first to get an idea of how they are packed. Mine uses velcro. One thing... when mine went off when I fell in the water it inflated so huge that I was like a Michelin Man and couldn't get at (nor have a clue where) the relief vent was to let some air out. Fortunately two strong young men were available!
  3. Yes, Alan, there's one out there where you don't have to wash the boat down first...... but can I remember its name? And I've got a gallon onboard! Mark Bird, please help me out!
  4. We're not putting Friday Girl back into the water until the first week in April; so there's a fair bit of time yet for the hull polishing bit. I've still to decide if it's worth buying a polishing machine as I can usually do it in a day by hand..... Hopefully I'll be able to get a mate to give me some help this year (for a beer or three!).
  5. Sue, Hi Yes, I absolutely love fish 'n chips, preferably with mushy peas! :naughty: Seriously, though, I used to love taking Friday Girl 3 out of Lowestoft and fishing just off the various sand banks out there. (we used to have a "salty" boat).
  6. Sorry about that, Lori. But, yep, we'll probably share the odd canny/bottle/why or three!
  7. I gather the lady in your life doesn't read the NBN, eh? :naughty:
  8. I've just read it all up, Happy, and the one thing I'd need to think about would be how well I knew the person and their abilities with whatever of the two scemes you decided on. Otherwise it seems a fair idea.
  9. I thought that with the new low-sulphur red diesel, that was a thing of the past (relatively), Andy?
  10. You forgot the electric fan-heater, Frank! :naughty:
  11. I use the "View New Content" button at the top RHS of the page, just under the "Search" button. Then you go to the LHS of the "New content" page and tick the "By content type" e.g "Forums". Then the ""By time period" e.g. "Past week". If you wish to follow this thread just click on "Follow this topic" (just left of "Our Sponsors") and you'll get an e-mail whenever someone replies to it. It's really quite easy and a good way to keep up with what's going on!
  12. Janice and Mike, welcome aboard from us. We hope you'll be able to make the Spring Meet. Where do you keep your boat?
  13. OK, Geoffrey, above list amended and we'll be waiting to help you moor up on arrival.
  14. Here's the latest: John & Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, Fri-Mon Mark, Sue, Col & Lou, San Moritz , Sat-Sun Alan & Eve, Happy, Steve, Tracy, Billy and Lulu the mutt, Pearl Anchor, Fri-Sun Carol, Martin, Little Sprite, Fri-Mon Jonzo, Dan and Jimbo, Major Gem 2, Fri-Sun Simon, Sonia & Dylan the dog, The Corsican, Sat-Sun Bill & Jenny, Saphire, Fri-Sun Geoffrey, Steve & Austin the guide dog, Cheshire Cat, Fri-Mon
  15. Excellent vid, Matt. There's also a two-page spread inside the EDP this morning on exactly the same lines but with a bit more history thrown in!
  16. Andy's comments made interesting and informative reading and if we do go down that route I'll follow his advice. On Friday Girl the side decks overhang both beds and it's getting the fitted sheets in the two corners under that overhang which can be difficult. To start with I file my fingernails down as far as I can! (I can't remember how many torn or broken ones I've had doing these covers :naughty: ). Then I pull up the corner (top or bottom in both cases) until it's at 90degs to the bed and fit the cover over that corner. The outside two aren't then a problem... p.s. And Sue, just as at home, we have two single duvets and a twin-control electric blanket so that Mary-Jane can enjoy her version of required/desired heat and I mine!
  17. Grace and Sue, HI.... Well I did get into Watton (the local town) early this morning for a pretty bunch of fresias and a couple of bottles of fizzy; one pink for Mary-Jane and one white for me... Also picked up two "Healthy" pork chops, about 400g each, for 'creamy pork chops and mushrooms' for tonight's meal. They're both cooked up to the "add a little dble cream" bit ... I'd better wake Mary-Jane soon as she's had a nice lie-in this morning!
  18. And a very warm "Welcome Aboard the forum" from us, too. :clap Would you care to tell us a bit about yourself and what you'll be arriving on/in, please? (Perhaps in the "New Members Say Hi !" in Current Topics).
  19. It's no use trying to placate everyone, Sue. Mary-Jane and I ran three " Norfolk Broads Meets" a year across three forums for nearly three years and we soon found that if we listened to everyone's suggestions/moans/brainstorms we would never get anywhere. If you're up to doing it as a favour to the others then, after listening to (sensible) suggestions, you'll just have to say how it's going to be!
  20. Not too unlike the one we hired in Friesland last August, Russell!
  21. So when can we expect to see you up here, Russell?
  22. That's fair put me orff my breccy, Jill! :naughty:
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