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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Thanks, Jonzo. It will be nice to meet up with Dan and Jimbo again! John & Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, Fri-Mon Mark, Sue, Col & Lou, San Moritz , Sat-Sun Alan & Eve, Happy, Steve, Tracy, Billy and Lulu the mutt, Pearl Anchor, Fri-Sun Carol, Martin, Little Sprite, Fri-Mon Jonzo, Dan and Jimbo, Major Gem 2, Fri-Sun
  2. Please add your names and days to the list (or I will for you) so that we can get an idea of who's coming: John & Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, Fri-Mon Mark, Sue, Col & Lou, Alan & Eve, Happy, Steve, Tracy, Billy and Lulu the mutt, Pearl Anchor, Fri-Sun Carol, Martin, Little Sprite, Fri-Mon
  3. Welcome aboard from us, Kathleen! :clap The Searay would impracticable 'cos the speed limits are pretty draconian and even Breydon Water is now policed by the Broads Authority. So at the 4, 5 and 6 mph limits I doubt it would do twin petrol engines a lot of good running at tickover most of the time. Also I'd recommend traditional shaft drive rather than outlegs for the Broads.. much easier when mooring stern-on! Whatever, you'll get lots of advice on this topic!
  4. I do remember that on trolley-buses (if you remember back that far!) they were just called "wheels".
  5. Here's what you're missing on the Broads at the moment, Keith! http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2641181
  6. And a very warm 'welcome aboard' from us, Samuel. We hope to hear lots more about you and your boat!
  7. It's amazing what you find when you move after 34 years in one home... especially with large outbuildings and barns full of bits which "might come in useful one-day"! :naughty: So can anyone tell me where the boat auctions , (apart from the Norwich Show Ground and Wroxham ones), are around here? :bow
  8. http://www.boilerjuice.com/heatingOilPrices.php If you quote "Boiler Juice" to your local dealer you should get it at 55p/L or less! :clap (A cold snap in February will soon push the price back up.......).
  9. Sorry to hear that, Keith... I hope it's all sorted, now? It reminds me to re-backup my hard drive very soon. My PC keeps telling me to do just that.
  10. Now that's how I'd like to see a battery bank, Keith! :clap
  11. Lovely article, Alan, many thanks. I started my RAF career in Bomber Command, as it was still known then, just 17 years after the war ended.
  12. Welcome onboard from us, too, Martin. We'll see you in early May when we come 'oop North!
  13. Come on... admit it, whoever you were... there can't be that many bigger boats coming up from GH at this time of the year! :naughty:
  14. I guess we're all showing our age when we admit to such things, BroadScot! :clap
  15. Quite right, mv2 is the answer! 20 x 20 = 400 30 x 30 = 900 40 x 40 = 1600 So, more than twice the energy to dissipate at 30mph and four times the energy at only twice the speed... (now how do I get the little 2 to go at the top of the v???) ??:
  16. OK, Frank... :cry JIll, I bow and scrape! :bow
  17. Jill, I know we frequently go off-topic on this forum... but, "Green Door"??? :shocked
  18. Grace, Hi. I check frequently on how Members posts are going as they approach 50 (2 have done so in the last few days). When they do reach 50 I put a notice up in the Full Members section asking for a Proposer & Seconder for that person. We then wait a week so that any dissenters may speak up (I can't remember when this last happened.. and NO, I don't want reminding, please!). After this week I then change your Title over to "Full Member" which gives you automatic access to the Full Members section. You are then welcomed aboard!
  19. Jon, Good Morning. I can't do the 'ole Norfolk bit, as you do so well, and I've lived here for 34 years! But I read all the lovely stuff you write on here and it's always a pleasure to read your narratives... we'll be 'oop North in early May for our Spring Cruise and would love to come and meet you. Who knows, you may find something to do to Friday Girl! :naughty:
  20. Was it able to get back into the water?
  21. I can assure you, Minor, (as Happy Alan says above), that when the tide is running strongly at Reedham all skippers, be they private or hirer, welcome assistance from the Ranger! :clap
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