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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Grace, Hi. The most wonderful cruise we ever had was betwixt Christmas and NYE several years ago. We hired a boat from Wroxham and the trip up to Coltishall in the morning, at a little above tickover revs, was just magical! We will never forget it! "We are normally out for between 3-4 days at a time and for the peace and quiet and to just keep wifey happy its worth letting her pack for a 3 week cruise and take whatever she wants.... its also fun watching her unpack it all and try to get it all in the wardrobes and cupboards and then have to re-packfor the return trip back home. It makes for such a quiet life ....Steve" Steve, Hi. You must be very trusting... I always pack/unpack/repack my own! :naughty:
  2. Blimey, Jon.... it's a good job diggers don't use Skydrol hydraulic fluid! We used to use it as a paint stripper when repainting an old car! :naughty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skydrol
  3. What about topsides, Jon? Do you think the same way?
  4. Oh Dear, Jill! It wasn't until just before the very end that I realised that the whole lot, cab/trailer and all, were going to separate... I really was wondering about the drag of the front end of the cab when going forward...... :roll:
  5. I rang the New Inn yesterday and they do have moorings but only after 16.00 each day. :shocked They also said that their moorings are only for day boats before this... pretty much in-line with the Swan and ferry Boat now. :cry
  6. Thanks, Alan, and at least they're keeping it in mid-Winter..... :naughty:
  7. And to you,too,goldengnome! I see you've been a Member for a couple of months and this is your first post.
  8. Welcome back on-board from us, too, Bob.
  9. Welcome aboard from us, Lesmals, and I'm sure you'll have some great stories to share!
  10. Facinating, Jon, as ever. I'd be really interested to know if she's got her original engine? My earliest recollections on The Broads go back to Gypsy Maid in the late 40's which I believe had a very temperamental Austin 7 engine....
  11. Bazza, Hi. You won't go far wrong if you follow Strow's excellent advice above... :clap But you really do have to look at the condition of your domestic battery befort you start drawing the sort of loads you might incur. As Strow says, you can draw a lot of current and 10-15 minutes at that sort of load will soon flatten, if not deaden, your battery... :cry
  12. Jill,Hi and welcome aboard from us!
  13. Well that's all very well for the RYA to advise that and near the coast it's probably valid. We do have a handheld VHFand a ship's licence and an operator licence. However, it's range is pretty limited and I can sometimes get Oulton Broad Yacht Station from the mouth of Oulton Broad; but no further. (About a mile, Grace). Yes sometimes, over flat countryside it will work a lot further, but VHF is line-of-sight. That, together with the very limited coverage of a mobile, rather negates the advice. I very much doubt that the Broads Patrols are manned other than in their working hours and I have tried several times to call them without success when a speeding boat rocks my sedate passage. I can envisage the utter chaos that a group of happy chappies could cause on Ch16 if everyone followed the advice to carry an unlicensed VHF.... These are only my personal thoughts and I'm sorry to sound so negative but, really, nearly everyone can drive a boat if they have to.
  14. Thanks, Grace, and you're only NINE away! :clap
  15. The vid by Lord Paul was very interesting... now I just need to get London Rascal onboard Friday Girl one sunny day, when he's en-route Stalham, and see what results he can produce! (And he can drive us back to Riverside after the Ribs of Beef!)
  16. I have to say, Grace, in my past life, as an airline pilot, that in the event of a medical emergency the rule book was usually torn up. So I personally, with great care and all the cabin lights on, would motor to somewhere where I could get a signal or help.
  17. We cross-posted then, JTF, and I entirely agree with your above.
  18. As Jonzo has said several times, and Alan repeated above, the Mods will not tolerate that, nor any other "bashing". Our Forum is for Norfolk Broads lovers, not anti-anything motivated bashers.
  19. Roy and Diane, Hi. If it wasn't such a heart-breaking happening the outcome (for the scrotes) would be just a sad joke. :cry
  20. A Very Warm Welcome aboard from us, James. Look forward to hearing about you!
  21. And how's the ankle coming along, Jon?
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