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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Oh Gosh, Linnie! This topic went on for days a couple of years ago... Perhaps Mark or Jill would drag up the reference for you as I'm stuck for time today. (Personally we have a small log-periodic yagi directional aerial which gives us perfect pictures everywhere on the Broads).
  2. Hi, Grace (and hello, JTF!) You can go to the head of navigation in a hire boat but you may not! A sign at the Rising Sun quite categorically says "No Hire boats beyond here"....... sorry but that's how it is...
  3. Andy, Hi Which site are you referring to, please?
  4. I guess that's one disadvantage of having her ashore? At least in the water gives some help, even if the surface freezes over.
  5. Well if Gracie is the name of that beautiful old Kimiline wooden 40 footer then she'd rather fear the dreaded Gribble rather than your old maggot, JTF! :naughty:
  6. I'd hate to see your idea of a "bad" one, then...
  7. Welcome aboard, johnb. Hope you find our Forum as you would like!
  8. That sounds an even better idea than ours, Alan. We have a 100 gallon tank; so 2 of those per filling would do the trick nicely! Next time we visit Oulton Broad I'll get some from Jeckells.
  9. I haven't used these and we usually ask our local publican for a small jar of his beer-line cleanser (you only need a very small amount). I then dilute this with a gallon or so of water and pour it into the (drained) tank in the spring. Then pump it all through the various water lines, one at a time. (Including showers, we have 11 taps!). Leave it for 20 mins or so and while you're waiting you can add a few more gallons of fresh water into the tank. Then flush that all through and you're ready to fill her up. If that stuff can kill all the bacteria in beer lines then it certainly keeps ours healthy!
  10. One of the main problems is that the tunnel part of the bridge is askew and this does cause problems, Graham. The pilots take boats through with as little as an inch or two clearance and a lot of very experienced privateers would be loath to do that. So I think your comment about hirers is rather unfair; many are first-timers and do try their best. Everyone has to start somewhere! As Martin says above, lots of hire firms insist you use the pilots as fibreglass and old stone tunnels don't go together too well. :naughty:
  11. Thanks for that info, Ian and welcome aboard! Lovely pics, thanks, Clive.
  12. I didn't think the interior looked very comfortable, and it looked as if the inside person (in bed) would have to climb over the other to get out................. BTW, Trevor, congrats on your 1000! :clap
  13. We are normally about from Nov to March throughout the winter, Howard . However with this impending move we just can't make any time and Friday Girl has never had a good few month's dry-out in her life!
  14. Up early and off to Brundall by 09.30. Absolutely gorgeous morning and boat's bits and pieces in the car by10.45. Now down to Broomes for final pump-out and top-up with diesel. Then Mike (a local friend) and I slowly meandered up to the Ferry House. By now it's 11.30 and we were soon into a pint of Little Sharpie! Next to be followed by a Bacon Baguette, four thick slices of back bacon.... Sonia tells me that she's open 7 days a week, 11am until close, food 12 until 9pm throughout the winter. And a big bonfire do including fireworks next weekend. Ring for details. The quey headings should ALL be finished over the winter. All very good news for us!
  15. Ditto, Bill, with our forward canopy last year. Let's hope Richard can keep his head above water over this coming winter.
  16. That's probably exactly how the BA see it, Neil.
  17. Personally, i think Marina Quays further up river would be a nicer place to moor overnight, as the outlook is better, so the sooner someone buys the place and refurbishes it, the better. I wonder when that might be?????????????????????? The only problem with that, Neil (and, I think, why it fell into disuse) is its distance from the town centre. Most visitors will have children with them and they won't want to be stuck out in the sticks.
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