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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. OK and thanks. We have friends coming over next weekend and thought we might go over for a bite at lunchtime.
  2. And thanks from me, Alan. We would have been stuck in Thorpe all day as we were going there for a meal next Tuesday night.... I really must read notices to mariners!
  3. I know every NBN member who has such. a boat, Hy, and I am sorry that you should think it was one of us. Perhaps I have misinterpreted your post but that's how I read it. The answer is to make everyone aware that Spirit of Breydon is about and can be contacted virtually immediately by calling Broads Control on your mobile. Please ask them to reconsider not coming South and advise them of what they can do. Matt, So do I. But in my case I'm quite likely to call them on channel 16, advertising to the world what nobs they are. My rant over.
  4. What a man! Here's a link which I think sums him up pretty well: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/10286869/Wing-Commander-Kenneth-Wallis.html
  5. So, overall, Nick, how did it feel? What are your thoughts on another week afloat?
  6. Lovely pic, Jill. Just where do you get them all? But I'm not sure I'd like to wake up with a hangover to that colour!
  7. Nick, Hi. What more can be said about Ricco's? Not a lot, really, but don't they put themselves out to help a customer? We're really enjoying this and as Robin said, it's really nice to hear a beginner's story. Let's hope the rest all goes as well!
  8. Seth, Hi and welcome aboard the friendly forum. I shall be very surprised if someone doesn't have an answer for you... over to you, Dan!
  9. Matt! You are talking about good beer money there!
  10. You're quite right, Alan, the heater incident was on the South Broads, however did you know?
  11. Not when they've got the immersion heater on 24/7, Alan! A hirer at Loddon in July was complaining to me just how much they had to feed into the post! And the privateer who had three 2KW heaters on and kept blowing the trips!
  12. Absolutely, Fred, I thought that you were waiting for the tide. I wasn't trying to imply that you could use that whenever you felt like stopping there. Sounds like a bit of private enterprise on your £3 visit, eh?
  13. Linny, Hi from us too. We're also hoping to go to Rockland Staithe the weekend after next and wonder if it's worth booking a table for lunch?
  14. Paul, Hi and welcome aboard from us. We're looking forward to hearing your tale! When in October are you hiring? (Some of us will be about in early October).
  15. Well at least you've benefitted from it! Can you use that much leccy in 24 hours? I doubt I could at this time of year and we're all electric...
  16. It's quite unbelievable that anyone would go to that extent over 2 or 3 quid! Perhaps they'd tripped and peeps just put their cards in but didn't know about the breakers?
  17. Archie, Hi from us and welcome aboard. How great to see that all your efforts have resulted in such success! I've not heard of Old Leigh and by the sound of it I don't want to! You obviously have a much higher tolerance factor than I or some of our members have!
  18. Nick, Hi DON'T WORRY! We all have to start somewhere and you've probably chosen the most difficult time/place to do so! With all our experience we wouldn't lightly go into Wroxham at this time of year unless we were certain we could get under the bridge. That being said you haven't hit or hurt anybody and no-one expects to get it right every time let alone a first timer. If you're stuck on a mooring with the wind blowing you into the bank, try pushing the stern off first as you leap aboard and then reverse off. This also works well when you've go a fair tide coming from behind you. Whatever, please don't give up! There will probably be worse cases of first-time blues than you mention! As a tip, we try to arrive at the next destination by 10.30-11.00 when most boats have just left. We look forward to the next! :clap
  19. Fred, Hi I have written it here on the NBN many times and I'll do it again! "WAITING FOR THE TIDE" Here in Good Olde England we have a centuries old custom called "Waiting for the tide" where you cannot be charged if you are doing just that. I like to take a good ebb into GH when going North and then wait a couple of hours until I've got a decent flood behind me. They've tried, oh how they have, to get money out of me but I refuse and use the magic words! They also tell me I can't leave the YS but I just tell them "I'll be in that round building over there!" Perhaps next time?
  20. Quite right too, Dan. Your comments are as well thought out as usual and I think we did indeed let it run pretty fairly. We might quite easily have hid, deleted, locked or quarantined it. My fault then but I hadn't picked up Col's post until this morning and it registered with me enough to make my comments.
  21. Only if you lowered it Keith (and you wouldn't do that unless you intended to take the wire). But there was a steel skid or bumper under the tail and if you pulled back hard after touchdown (to aerodynamically brake) then a shower of sparks would come off the skid. You could usually wind Air Traffic Control up with that at night when visiting a non-Buccaneer aerodrome!
  22. Thanks, Alan. Jonzo likes both our comments; so "Make it so, Uhuru!"
  23. Nick, Hi A great start to your blog... you must all like route marches I you did that one in 30 mins!
  24. And that coming from one of the nicest and most helpful members we have on the forum says a lot (don't blush, Col, we believe that). Perhaps we should just let this thread wither away?
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