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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Friday, 23rd August Friday morning dawned a bit misty but a beautiful blue sky and we set off just before 09.00 to make the first bridge and then the railway bridge out of Boswald. Our first intended stopover was the small town of Heeg but the few moorings available were daytime only and the marinas on the central island were all very crowded. We also came down a very narrow part of the river with boats on either side; just about enough room to squeeze through. Yes, I’d taken another wrong turn! (In my defence Heeg is not shown up very well on the map…). Then round a tight bend we came to this: I actually doubted my ability to reverse out of whence we’d just come so it was a case of “nothing ventured…” I was helming from the upper deck and just had to aim Sabine at the centre of the bridge and lie flat on the deck! We did make it but there wasn’t very much clearance! As we crossed the Heeger Meer we saw lots of very varied boats and sailing lessons for very young children were under way. They do start them very young over here and are to be admired, I think. There were also many moored up at the numerous islands scattered around. And so on to Woudsend where we found a space nearby surely the busiest bascule bridge anywhere! We were just down from a café/bar and spent the afternoon watching the world go by, quite literally, because that bridge was opening and closing every few minutes continuously from our arrival before 12.00 until well after 18.00. The only one we’ve seen so far that doesn’t close for an hour at lunch and teatime.
  2. THURSDAY, 22ND AUGUST We slipped away from Boswald at 09.25; stopping by the Shower/Laundry block to top up with water… that tap ran at about the same speed as the one at Womach Staithe! (Yesterday we had put a week’s wash in the machine and then tumbled dried it all for free). Half an hour later and we finally said goodbye to Boswald. Before our next stop at the small town of Workum I managed to branch off under a dual-carriageway bridge. This, as usual, stopped a considerable amount of road traffic to allow us to do so. It wasn’t until I looked at the map a few minutes later and computed the sun’s position (90 degrees out to our required heading) that I realised that we were going the wrong way! Ah well, let’s hope the young lady Brugmeister is in a good humour this morning…. As we re-approached the bridge I pointed my right hand, cocked in a pistol shape, at my head and then bowed deeply… She fell about laughing and immediately stopped the road traffic again. This is truly a wonderful place to be on a boat! By the time we reached Workum it was heating up nicely towards 26degs and a clear blue sky; we can stand all of this! We passed under a pretty low bridge (our airheight is 2.30m) and by some interesting boats down the cut into town. Our mooring was just a very short walk from the town centre and we spent a while looking around the Jopie Huisman museum. http://www.jopiehuismanmuseum.nl/klik-hier-om-verder-te-gaan.html There were also some very nice restaurants fronting the market square with lots of seating spaces in the bright sunshine… we had a beer or two.
  3. Well, Lori, when we finish next Saturday we aren't coming home! There's a £500 fuel/damage waiver charge and we shall get back what's left after we've paid for the fuel, in cash... (a euro cheque isn't a lot of use to us). So we're driving down the length of Holland to Zeeland for a few days in small hotels until we spend up the change! Friday Girl is more comfortable but I could get used to the view from the upper deck on Sabine! However she would be (to us) totally inappropriate for The Broads so it's no contest.
  4. 'Morning, Deltic. Been at the crystals yourself, eh? :naughty:
  5. Mandy, Hi You are talking about Aldeby Moorings just before Beccles on the river Waveney, near the old centre span of the now defunct railway line. There is indeed room for about 4 boats but we've never seen more than 2 at most moored up there. Platinum Emblem doesn't give and air-height but only lists bridge restrictions as Wroxham, Potter and Beccles; so you shouldn't have a problem. Perhaps it would be better to go via Reedham and the New Cut to avoid St Olave's old bridge but the yard should be able to tell you about that. That stone you mention is the Wherry Stone http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1948226 We look forward to hearing about it all!
  6. Yes, I thought so, Alan, but as you would have guessed, Dan even knew what sort of 'Alpha' it was! Everywhere here seems clean, Alan. I think it's just their sense of being, really. It's probably yet another reason we came to admire this country so much over the years apart from their obvious devotion to anything that moves on water!
  7. I'll try to find out if I see one again, Dan. We're still here for another week and at present we're at Wousend. We're heading for Lemmer, via Sloten, later this morning. I'm a bit behind on the blog as we've not been near a leccy post for two days and I only managed an hour or so in the pub last night to charge the laptop.
  8. Well, Dan, I guess that's so and it does seem a shame. I think it's like pub chains really; when the suits take over the bottom-line is only money/profit.... Here's a few hire boats we've seen. I was very surprised to see number 4!
  9. BOSWALD Back to Boswald, in the heart of SW Friesland where I'll digress awhile and talk about generalities of a boating holiday in Holland. If you want extended cruising over long days and lots of sluis (locks) to navigate then Zeeland in the South of Holland is the place to be. To a degree that extends up to the Ijsselmeer in the northern part of Holland and to get there you will have to go through them. Mary-Jane and I would have some difficulty doing that as it involves two of you catching hold with your mooring lines onto bollards on the sides of the lock. We moor well enough as we've developed techniques which allow me to virtually self moor anywhere we go, be it side or stern on. However the Dutch tend to flood the locks as soon as you're all in and if you've not caught hold you'll be swept sideways... we've seen it happen to others and don't want to experience it ourselves. But don’t be put off, with two able bodied peeps it’s no problem at all. Now Friesland is a totally different kettle of fish. Here are no locks unless you wish to venture onto the Ijsselmeer but there are scores of bridges. We were initially a bit worried about them but needn’t have been; as I’ve said they open just about as soon as they see you regardless of road traffic. But there is a penalty… isn’t there always? They sometimes charge you (via the swinging clog on the fishing rod). We’ve been stopped only three times so far for that and charges varied between 1 & 2 Euros. Then there’s South West Friesland, where a bridge seems to come up every few miles or so. We’ve been in that area for the last week. Here they open ‘gratis’ (a Dutch word too) but it’s all taken into account by the mooring fees in the towns. It varies between 75cents and 1.25 Euros per metre but does include (in the more expensive form) free leccy. Also, wherever you are there are free showers/toilets and in two places free washing machines/tumbler dryers. So it’s all swings and roundabouts out here. There are lots of things you would need to consider bringing with you: Bedding, towels and tea towels; A 230V plug convertor is essential! If you actually want to hear what’s going on at home a LW radio to pick up 198 kHz for Radio 4; Teabags, Dutch tea bags are insipid at best! Fly spray/matches and finally a sharp knife. You can buy all these bits in the supermarkets here but those I’ve mentioned can’t be bettered over home bought ones. And so to Boswald, a really lovely place, and as we arrived at 11.40 we found a prime mooring place. That had developed into our strategy; to leave early enough to get to the next place by or before mid-day. After we’d tied up we had our by now late brunch before venturing off into town to see the sights. We weren’t disappointed! Possibly the nicest stopover so far and we liked it so much we stayed another night! Below are a few pics taken around Boswald.
  10. Dan, Hi. We've seen quite a few le boats and in general they're in nowhere near as good a condition of the small Dutch yards' boats. I guess that's because they have a much larger turnover? Certainly they are usually using a lot of diesel!
  11. John, Hi. I'm looking forward to seeing Ziggy the Disco Bike too!
  12. I'd also be interested to know if the hire companies have been putting pressure on the BA to up the number of leccy posts? (With the increasing number of hire boats that have a 230V shore-power system).
  13. I've just looked at that pic again and I must say that I personally think that your coil or whatever should be on your boat!
  14. Another lovely blog, Maisie, please keep 'em coming! :clap
  15. SNEEK-BOSWALD Tuesday, 20th August As we left Sneek behind we passed by this sign which may give hope to some out there! Perhaps, coupled with the ‘De Bonke’ sign previously, it may give you a false impression of Friesland! Or maybe a hopeful one…. Just after this we crossed yet another aqueduct. It never ceases to amaze me just how water-holiday orientated they are over here and the lengths they have gone to ensure an easy passage for boaters. For example, today we passed through no less than six opening bridges, all but one were manned, which costs a fair bit of money I dare say. Every one of the manned ones turned their lights red/green as soon as we approached; road traffic just has to wait. I’m not too good at self portraits, holding the camera backwards and pressing the button, but here goes: Here’s a lovely looking old boat, in my mind, and the very pretty little village of Ijlst, just SW of Sneek. A bit later on we came to a road and then rail bridge which were the only two swing bridges we’ve seen so far. All the others have been bascule bridges. As is this small one with the elderly gent in attendance! For any of you who prefer the narrow boat world here’s one you might hire. The school holidays finish in mid-August here in Holland and if you look at the price range in Sytzse’s brochure you’ll see that reflected in the drop in prices after the end of July. Next is where we met up with the Kayak Squadron, Mum, Dad and the two children, who were paddling (do you say that with kayaks?) quite quickly at about 3-4mph. They did sort of move over just after the bend in the river as we approached the bridge. Coming towards us is this Dutch equivalent of our wherries but look at the enormous side-boards they have for going to windward across the Ijsselmeer. They refer to them as the ‘Starboard’ and the ‘Backboard’ (Portboard). Here’s another boat you might hire although I’m not too sure about the casual attitude of the gent outside who was enjoying a ciggie with his right hand and left hand in his pocket! And so on to Boswald, the prettiest place we’ve visited so far. The weather brightened up, the sun came out and we set off to explore the town. Life doesn’t get much better for Mary-Jane and me!
  16. Hello John from us and welcome aboard the forum. I'll PM and try to get Steve (W44nty) to reply to you as he was one of our most prolific angling members.
  17. Welcome aboard from us, John Triumph Thunderbird, eh? My second bike, in '57 was a cast iron barrelled, sprung rear hub, Thunderbird 650cc from about '52. In a straight line only a Vinnie would touch it but, oh, those corners were downright frightening, if not dangerous!
  18. It will depend on the load (amps) being used as to whether it will heat up. Any wire will overheat if you put enough current through it, though if it's coiled it will do so more readily. If you really do coil it (as on a reel) then watch out! http://www.electrical-contractor.net/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/122077/Overheated_Extension_Cord.html
  19. Mark & Jill have dropped out as they've absconded to Spain for the period Here's the latest: Names, Boat Name, Stern/Side, Leccy Yes/No, Dates John, Mary-Jane, John & Lucy, Friday Girl, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun Luke & Claire, Job Done, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun Mark & Sue, Secret Lady, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun Col, Lou, Jay & Connor, Happy Jax 3, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun, Richard, Amanda, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Sat-Sun, Neil & Karen, Jay, Stern, Yes, Sat Mike & Jan, Serenity, Stern, Yes, ?? Adam & Suzanne, Sea Hunter, Side, Yes, Fri-Sun Greg, Mandy & Chris, Libre, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun Dave & Diane, Escape, Stern, Yes, Fri - Sun Steve & Babs, Sensation, Stern, Yes, Fri to Sun
  20. She's a pretty little craft, Bob, and now we know who to look out for!
  21. I guess you're picking the boat up on Saturday? Slack Water Gt Yarmouth is about 2pm then and 3pm on Sunday. If you head back on Thursday slack is at 6pm and it will be dark by 9pm; so you've plenty of time to make Stokesby or Acle. Mention the NBN at Acle and you aren't charged the £4! If you do want to go to Oulton just ring and book a mooring on the floating pontoons stern on... much easier to get on and off and costs the same! The windage won't be that much different I would have thought over what you've had before and wouldn't make her anymore delicate. Look forward to hearing about your adventures!
  22. Mandy, Hi and welcome aboard our friendly forum. To help please let us know when you are coming, then you'll get lots of advice from members. Where are you hoping to go and what do you want to do? If you can manage Fair Countess then I doubt you'll have any problems with Platinum Emblem. Relax, anyway, you'll have a great time!
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