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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Fascinating, Jill. Would the Mark Funnell at Woods, Potter Heigham, be the one I knew at the RNSYC who ran Hardy Marine until his death last year?
  2. It was only a short walk around tonight but I did get to visit the windmill Alan mentioned, which was working. As you get closer you can see a person's head above the balcony (by the lower window) and a man on the left hand end of the balcony which gives you some idea of just how big it is. The sails were whirling around and seemed very close to the balcony! I left the river behind and walked into the old town where I found this stirring sight (for Howard et al): The locals were enjoying a darts match and I soon found some to talk to They all knew far more about the English professional darts players than I do but I did remember the Dutch Champions name, "Barney" which met with their approval!
  3. Mark, Hi. It's always nice to help out when you can and we are all together in our love of the Norfolk Broads!
  4. And here's one just behind where I took that other pic from, Alan. I would think it's a twin. I really must post a compliment to Jonzo. The new system you have brought in for uploading pics is really spot-on! I hadn't really appreciated it at home but it makes life so much easier when you are on short-term Wi-Fi nets at others beck and call.
  5. Thanks, Mark, I'll try. At the moment I'm on the Beleef Dokkum (Dokkum Civic) network which covers the whole of the town FOC! I believe a politician a few years ago promised us that in the UK? This lunchtime Mary-Jane and I took a leisurely walk around town; it really is another lovely place. Here's another pic of the riverside moorings just on the other side of the island. (We're on the town-side). On the way back to Sabine we called in to the oldest hotel in town, built in1673, and I had a pint of Dorval... only I didn't notice it was 8.5% until I had started it! (Hic!). It's a beautiful calm evening here and the Town Hall clock is just striking 8 o'clock... nearly time to go out for a while and find a new pub to visit! I'll continue after we get to Leeuwarden tomorrow.
  6. Just WHAT do I have to post to make it a difficult one, Trev? :bow
  7. Except there's no rise and fall of tide, Trev, and nobs don't throw up over the railings Thurs-Sat nights!
  8. Yes they're fine aren't they Alan? Here's the one across from us now in better detail:
  9. A rather painful way for a vasectomy, wouldn't you say?
  10. Here's one along one of my favourite stretches of river:
  11. I can see that, as it's now sold in bl**dy metres!
  12. I still think we should use yards on The Broads!
  13. Is it in Wroxham, Jill? (And I do mean Wroxham!)
  14. OK, Roy, but after 18 in Her Majesty's Flying Club and then 23 in Civil Aviation I can't abide the 09.38PM bit......... 9.38PM is fine....
  15. Here’s a map of Friesland to give you an idea of the vast cruising area we’ve undertaken (From Dokkum to Lemmer is over 30 miles) The next morning, yesterday, I nipped over to the shop for some fresh milk and yoghurt and we set off for Dokkum at 10.15 under an increasingly threatening cloudy and windy day. I started off helming on the upper deck but it soon became too cold, even for me, and I joined Mary-Jane in the cabin/wheelhouse. We gurgled along the river back to the Dokkumer Djip (literally the Dokkum Deep) at the regulation 6kph and back under the low bridge. Then we cruised via two bascule bridges and the Dokkumer Groter Djip (Greater or bigger) to Dokkum. Our Dutch-English dictionary helps but you can pick up quite a lot from their words. When we arrived in Dokkum at 12.30 we were able to moor in the appropriately named “Admiral Haven”! The first time we had moored when not helming from the upper deck and it was quite simple because you can see the entire port side through the windows and open portside door.
  16. Alan, Hi. They certainly do look like that, don't they? Here's another for you: The small locks within Holland are about the size of the Caledonian ones but the sea-going ones are enormous affairs. Usually there's a small lock alongside for pleasure craft but if a 50,000 ton cruise ship is going through the lock when you want to then you'll be told to accompany it! (That would be about 100,000 GRT). My new found friends were only interested in continuing their drinking, Alan! It's a late night society over here.
  17. Not really, Fred, although if they do overtake you it takes a fair bit of helm movement to keep in a straightish sort of line. The rivers/canals they use are wide enough for you to keep well out of their way! But then we spent 25 years or so across here in previous boats we owned (none over 30ft). Now, in the sea-locks with a 25,000 tonnes sea going barge, or a Cruise Ship, that's a different matter!
  18. Now there's an idea, Lori! I'm still waiting for someone (anyone!) to volunteer to organise a Northern Meet!
  19. Hi from us, John, and sorry but I will ask! Is it anything to do with drinking?
  20. Hello from us too and a warm welcome aboard! Hope to see you all frequently.
  21. This is a feature of IPS, Lori (our system). I will ask Jonzo to change the settings so that it will auto hide the birthdays/calendar events on the forum index when there are none to show. There is also a time/date section and I'll also ask Jonzo to change it from US Standard to 24hour... I never can get my head around 09.18 PM!
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