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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Perhaps an e-mail? enquiries@hicklingbroad.com
  2. I've canvassed a fair few (sorry if you weren't one ) and the Autumn Meet has been booked at Coldham Hall, details pretty much as the last 2 years. So here we go: John, Mary-Jane, John & Lucy, Friday Girl, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun Luke & Claire, Job Done, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun Mark & Sue, Secret Lady, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun Col, Lou, Jay & Connor, Happy Jax 3, Yes, Fri-Sun, Richard, Amanda, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Sat-Sun, As before, I'll post the food menu (for the Sat Evening) when it comes out in early September. It's then up to you to book your choices with Natalie/George by 'phone. Let's make it a party to end 'em all!
  3. Try this, Bob: http://www.hicklingbroad.com/
  4. How's that, Matt? (and you're the first to have noticed!) :bow
  5. Thanks for that info, Bob... perhaps you'll let us know how it goes, please?
  6. And welcome aboard both of you! Hope to see you regularly on the pages!
  7. Hi Rob, nice to hear from you again. What days, please? (and sorry, I've forgotten your better half's name.... ) Certainly we'll find you a space, just call Tim (Harbour Master) on 01502 712225 and let him have your details. So here's the latest, I'll be checking with Tim later today to see if anyone still hasn't booked in! Names, Boat Name, Stern/Side, Leccy Y/N, Dates, Booked with Beccles Y/N John & Mary-Jane, Friday Girl, Stern, Yes, Fri-Mon, Yes Adam, Suzanne & Lydia, Sea Hunter, Side, Yes, Fri/Sat, Yes Mark & Sue, Secret Lady, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun, Yes Col, Lou, Jay & Connor, Happy Jax 3, Yes, Fri-Sun, Yes Mark & Jill, plus 2?, Fallen Angel, Stern, Yes, Sat-Sun, Yes Luke, Claire & James, Job Done, OSOTB, Fri-Sun, Debs & David, Lollipop, OTSB, Yes, Fri-Sun Peter & Elaine, Her Outdoors, OSOTB, Sat-Sun Gav & Annie, Escape, Side, Yes, Fri-Mon, Mike & Jan, Serenity, Stern, Yes, Fri-Sun, Yes Steve & Jax, Missouri Star, Stern, No, Fri-Sun, Barry, Sharron & Kieran, Alex's Star, Side, Fri-Sun/Mon, Richard, Amanda, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Stern, Yes, Sat-Sun, Yes Ian & Cristina, Strictly Business, Stern, Yes, Fri & Sat, Rob & Lady, Relentless, Stern, Yes, ?-?, By Car John and Lucy
  8. Are you thinking that the two might be related, Branden?
  9. Sat in glorious sunshine at Thorpe St Andrews... Just about to visit the Buck for a jar or three!.
  10. We're going to see them at Reedham Ferry on the way to the Summer meet. Sounds like a boozy afternoon
  11. I work IE10/Windows7 and don't have probs, John
  12. Lovely, Mo, and so true! :clap Long may it remain so!
  13. This sometimes happens with me, Howard. Click on the top left-hand button (on the LHS of the rubber) and all is revealed (on my machine, anyway!).
  14. Quite so, Linny, but Tim finishes at 1900 latest so I don't know if he can do that. However, if it isn't the Bank Holiday weekend I'd expect you'd find somewhere to fit in, Mark.
  15. Neil, if you arrive on a half tide rising you'll then have 5-6 hours before you need leave... Even Howard or I can't drink for that long!
  16. Its the southern dyke, Alan... or the first one you come to coming up-river from the Beauchamp Arms. It shows quite clearly on Google Maps and must be one of the longest moorings on the Broads!
  17. No need to apologise at all and sorry if you thought it necessary... this is the friendly forum!
  18. "official Norfolk Broads website", Linny? Now which would that be? Isn't our website official? Quite a few of us find it so....
  19. In fact, Martin, they were markedly different in sulphur content until recently. Then the government in its quest for an ever greener planet had the manufactures clean red diesel up. A great advantage for those of us with diesel heaters!
  20. We had reams on this topic a couple of years ago and the one thing that sticks in my mind is the problem if you use white ( bio) diesel. It can eat through your old pipes which aren't designed for it. Also quite costly to replace them all.
  21. Is that Fleet or Short Dyke, Linny?
  22. Hi, Alan.. nice to see you about again!
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