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Everything posted by johnb

  1. Awful stereotyping! Please can this be moved to members only section in order for those of us whose female partners are not members can say what we really think
  2. Hi Robin, would you need a converter for each light, or does one serve several? Thanks
  3. My mobile is registered with tps. There is no phone plugged into landline. I have recently been getting cold calls from+0 or+00000000. I never answer but they are usually followed by "unknown " number which I have to answer as I am sometimes contacted through these. This unknown number usually follows about 15 mins. After the +0 number and is a recording stating I have the chance to win £500 I have never listened beyond this point.
  4. Sorry I misread it- it says on the edge of the Broads. What a difference an "s" can make!
  5. MOT? Driving Licence? I thought they went out with the paper tax disc?
  6. So to change the forms of transport, I have two sons flying to stanstead/ gatwick tomorrow evening, one leaving 7.55 the other I do not know. Does anyone know if these will be affected?
  7. Belated safe journey Eric. Just to demonstrate the wide diversity of the lives of members of this forum, tomorrow I hope to travel half a mile to take care of a bit of business... purchase the newspapers! Maybe there is a grant available for demonstrating this from some uk.gov department?
  8. On the thread regarding stern on mooring, there is also the record of various offences dealt with. It seems to record over 7000 speeding offences dealt with in less than one year (although obviously fewer likely now). The highest reported are the Wroxham and Irstead launches, which I doubt will surprise those of us who spend time on The Ant. I may be alone in thinking that if we added our own experiences of people speeding to those seen by the Rangers (obviously some will be the same people) the numbers indicate that the message simply isn't getting through to many boaters. Is there any answer? Many people speed on the roads, this is wrong, but at least the purpose of most journeys is to get from A-B. Surely on the Broads we need to understand that the pleasure is in the journey? I am sorry I wouldn't know how to transfer the report from the other thread.
  9. All these roadworks outside of the main holiday times must be very frustrating for the planners! What are they going to leave behind for us during the summer?
  10. I'm glad my wife doesn't read this forum! Flowers ! Cards!
  11. Just received our toll request. Think it's about neutral for us.
  12. It seems to me, and I may be wrong, that over a period of time there have been many suggestions of jobs that may be suitable for Gracie. I am sure she is not underemployed what with a family to look after , her wine and shoe testing duties and her duties assessing the quality of jokes on this forum. And the very suggestion that just because these brave young men wear certain clothes.......
  13. Not sure if this is a relevant question, but the reply mentions "Traffic Officer". I believe this is the wording on the side of many vehicles patrolling major roads. I believe they are not police officers. Are these the Traffic Officers referred to? Whilst obviously we would obey any directions given on the road by these officers, I am wondering if they have the powers of the police?
  14. I assume this wasn't put into the Joke Section because it's all too true!
  15. Perhaps during the safety test, the examiner could award stars for the appearance each boat, which would have to be displayed in the cabin window. Then maybe extended to cleanliness etc. After all, the star system works so well in eating establishments!!
  16. I , and I suspect many others, have no idea what areas of the forum would need to be covered if/when Jonzo is allowed to get back to boating. I guess many people know each other and their capabilities but I also suspect there is some untapped talent on the forum that people may be willing to use should they be aware it is needed, especially if some of Jonzo's work could be divided between more than one member. Peter, I will second your proposal for Grace, in support of her family finances-anything to keep her away from the wine and shoe buying.
  17. I wasn't complaining about the drift, as it was me that took it in that direction after the suggestion that the day boats may be adapted for those with mobility problems! We can't attach mudweights or ropes to threads!!
  18. Grace, in our early days boating, any time I saw those great big bed sheets approaching it was always "all hands on deck" as I wasn't sure what I was doing and I wasn't confident that the sailors............(too frightened to finish that sentence). So my crew were never allowed to disappear into the cabin! Nowadays, I have a more efficient reverse gear!
  19. Like so many, this thread has drifted! Thanks to those who were with us towards the beginning of it, and answered my questions re a friend with mobility problems. I have passed the information on together with the forum details.
  20. We have a friend who has quite bad mobility problems and only last night her husband was saying how much they enjoyed day boats but getting on and off is a big problem. The picture seems to show a ladder going down to the boats, are there floating pontoons or there always be a step down into the boat (apart from inside the boat itself)? Thanks for any information.
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