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Everything posted by johnb

  1. Thanks Ray, I understand the first and last bits of you post-never go to grips with Apps! I claim the title of forum IT idiot and challenge anyone to beat me!!
  2. Thanks 'er onboard knows about these things and has found it through something on the display screen to do with the printer-and that's about as much as I understand!
  3. Hi folks, previously I was able to scan items on our epson printer into our laptop by using "My Pictures"-"Get picture from scanner". I cannot find this feature on windows 10-can anyone advise please? Not really computer savvy so simple language would be helpful. Thank you.
  4. Living in London, it is the "difference" that we come to Norfolk for. Sadly that it's no different from any other city at times diminishes the difference, along with the same shops, parking restrictions etc. I guess this is all inevitable, and perhaps good for local employment etc. but for me, Norwich lost it's appeal. The Broads and surrounding area is now the difference we come for and this has not really dimished.
  5. And Lathams is advertising for a "weekend festive season character"!
  6. George at LBBY is worth speaking to. Good thorough workmanship.
  7. "This thread is not needed because it serves no purpose" My wife has often said the same about me!!
  8. Poppy, thanks for the info.
  9. We have a couple of older kayaks in our garden and I have offered one to a friend.The join between the top and bottom halves is covered (or was) with some kind of tape. I would like to repair this before passing it on, does anyone know if this is a special type of tape? Thanks for any help. Meanwhile I still have another to get rid of if anyone in interested. Up side, it's free, downside at the moment, it's in East London.
  10. We ate in the Great Yarmouth Chinese Restaurant in the article a few years ago when it had a different name. It was an "all you can eat" buffet. There was very little choice and the tables etc all felt sticky so we never returned. Obviously things didn't improve-or-horrible thought-maybe they did!
  11. I heard because they've got "heads" BA are considering replacing Rangers crafts with these. (The above)
  12. You mean you understood "esoteric"??!!!!
  13. could have floated a boat on parts of the M25 this morning-just closed my eyes and pretended the next bridge was Potter!
  14. Interesting the link in the OP shows a number of establishments presumably sponsoring the page would also be the recipients of scores on the doors! I wonder if they would be so keen if their scores were low?
  15. 22.22 seems late for boats to be moving, unless the incident happened earlier and the call come later-anyway, another reason to be grateful to those who turned out.
  16. 2020: Welcome to Great National Park (formerly Great Britain) Please note that that all addresses should now be as follows: house number, road or street etc., town/city followed by: Great National Park, then National Park Postcode: Example: 35, Mud Passage Dirttown Great National Park NP129573945387343952542502454252340504006406023211498295052122049389058256-64-0849-=68956066--453491 Letters etc will not be considered for delivery if they do not include full postcode. We are sure that everyone will see the benefit of this innovation.
  17. Am I seeing double or did Peter think this was such an interesting subject he posted it twice?
  18. "Us boaters have a rich vocabulary" Yup, I've heard some of it directed towards me when I've made mess of something (in their opinion).
  19. It was their last day, just trying to find the latest time they could return the boat!
  20. We stayed for three years at a lovely Caravan Park in Mundesley, tucked away at the entry to the village. Owned by Mr Crawford. It is now a small housing estate. Many happy and eventful moments, my sister met her future husband through our stay there but I spent the next years at school looking out of the window reliving those moments and dreaming of Norfolk, concentrating on not concentrating! I blame Norfolk for my lack of learning at school! I remember the distinctive smell of the gas lights.
  21. I hear Peter has a large rear garden, so if they have a tent they could be within striking distance of you!! sorry
  22. Very sad. thoughts and prayers go to the girl and her family
  23. Happy Birthday when the day comes. Lovely light evenings, you should be fine to reach South Walsham Broad or a bit further on, Ranworth, you can mud weight on either. Have a great holiday.
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