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Everything posted by johnb

  1. Since the age of 10, I have rarely not had a holiday in Norfolk, mostly on the Broads.We even lived in a (deep breath....National Park once, The Lake District) yet still came to the Broads (not a ......) for holidays. For 30 years we have been fortunate to own (quiite old and not posh) boats and with the help of friends and boatyards, we have enjoyed so many holidays.
  2. If you can still see this, on your return from the beach follow the track that goes right rather than cross the last two fields and it will take you to the pub
  3. Bobdog: I blame BA! Just for you.
  4. I loved this programme last week, we have visited the "pick your own" areas about 3 or 4 years running,last week it was a pleasant calm record of people going through difficult times.. Yes, the owner is slightly eccentric, which, I think, makes the programme interesting.
  5. johnb

    Alpha Craft

    Following various discussions regarding the best place to purchase boating items, and many skilled people working for the minimum wage, I posted a thread entitled "The Real Cost of Boating". I felt some posters misunderstood my point (my fault). I felt that our boating was being subsidised, if not by the "big boys" but the smaller yards and workers having to accept lower wages in order to continue a work they enjoyed and keep the boating industry going. (Not forgetting keeping the mods in work!). Alan mentioned how different the Broads would be without the hire boats. I think this would quickly lead to the Broads with very few boats at all.
  6. Ohh, they were jokes were they Gracie? sorry didn't realise!!
  7. Thank you for the explanation, Alan, unfortunately I am a complete ignoramus when it comes to the sort of things you have to do as mods. I honestly know nothing of IP addresses, although it seems I may have one! I have put it down as "A mods gotta do what a mods gotta do". And we are grateful for all you do. Move to Timbuctoo put on hold but bags packed just in case.
  8. Do the mods only authorise membership for those they can easily get hold of if they upset them? I'm thinking of moving to Timbuctoo!
  9. The time lag tells you I have given this a lot of thought-the solution is easy: 1) Remove the original tiles 2) Trim them as per Griffs suggestion 3) Stick the trimmings on to the new tiles, which will now be larger than the originals. 4) Now you trim the new tiles.......................... My DIY book will be available very soon
  10. Whipround for Smellyloo everyone-no-sit down miss whiplash, not your kind this time! Hope it sorts itself out Smellyloo!
  11. Don't worry-JA is "only" a wooden boat, I'm sure you are quite safe
  12. Of course I always said I would do anything for a boat------now i have to do everything!
  13. Not wishing to divert from the original subject (which should have been a campaign to restore the original avatar-sorry Eric) please also remember: Theemptybankaccounts.com children'"wewanttobuyyouapresentcanyouletushavesomemoney.con I'mstuckinNorwichneedtogethomesendmetwentyplease.swizz and my personal one myinternetkeepsgoingdownduringposts.desperate
  14. Not wishing to divert from the original subject (which should have been a campaign to restore the original avatar-sorry Eric) please also remember: Theemptybankaccounts.com children'"wewanttobuyyouapresentcanyouletushavesomemoney.con I'mstuckinNorwichneedtogethomesendmetwentyplease.swizz and my personal one myinternetkeepsgoingdownwhilstwritingposts.desperate
  15. Speedtriple, not being one familiar with boat names, I had a few confused moments trying to work out how Tower Bridge came to be mooring on Womack Island! Brain now working..as much as usual.
  16. Well, I'm not sure I ought to keep this going, but Strowager, I have learned over the many years of my life, that just because a government dept says something, it isn't necessarily true or accurate. Just because they are the responsible department doesn't seem to make them right. And for the record, when they say it isn't and won't be, I don't believe that either!
  17. I do not watch this programme or have any idea how much money is involved. If the contestant knew the history of this question, they may have wondered if this was a trick question. I have no idea whether the contestant could have queried the question, but if their answer was exactly correct, or allowing for the "simple" wording, answered Norfolk Broads, two answers could have been correct. (I've not worded that very well). Anyway, had they given either of the answers and had been incorrect, They would have cause to be very upset (20 "upset" marks for each pound lost?) I think the only recourse would be to be offered another chance on the quiz which I seem to remember happening on another occasion, different quiz I would think.
  18. Change your cardiologist? Sorry, I know not very helpful but apparently there is more than one way to skin a ,,, oh sorry you can't do that either! Wish you the best of health in the future
  19. May cause a traffic jam on the M11!
  20. johnb


    Thank you, curiosity satisfied.
  21. johnb


    I have watched this programme but missed most of last night's. Saw him dismissed but missed the reason, could someone elaborate a bit please? Something to do with a phone call?
  22. If you understand Timbos post, then you, like me, must be getting on. Cue for Gracie et al to deny they understand a word of it!
  23. My son took our grandchildren on the Golden Hinde for a visit and they all said they enjoyed it very much. I am sure it wasn't just because we paid!
  24. Great thread, takes me back to the days when my car was newspaper, filler and rivets! The MOT has a lot to answer for-I could still be driving my 1956 Morris Traveller Fred Flintstone style. Safety note: this style is not recommended for boats, for many reasons.
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