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Everything posted by andyg

  1. Jeez what is this world coming to ?? There is nothing difficult in navigating Breydon water. Its fully explained in every skippers manual I've ever seen or read. Two sets of post !! Stay in the middle it's not brain surgery. Absolute nonsense to debate what shape the post are !! The fact they ran aground proves they didn't see the posts in the first place regardless of its shape. It happens every year, year in year out. Its not the BA fault its not the hire companies fault. Its a simple mistake/ misjudgement it really is as simple as that, the emergency services responded and delt with the problem. Like I said a few days ago its no big drama, I absolutely guarantee it will happen again this season.. let's move on, I'm loving the pet life jackets, just need to find one for my giraffe 🦒 🙂
  2. Lol oh I don't think I would, you haven't met my wife. She buys any old cr.p.
  3. Why wouldn't you ?? I mean cats love water and chicken like a good paddle. Il txt my mates chickens and see what they say. I'm so glad my wife isn't on here, you'd of cost me a fortune 🙃
  4. Oh really, each to there own I guess. I love my cats but haven't got round to teaching them to read yet. On the to do list tho. Personally I find that just a little weird, why would you send a cat a postcard?? Am I missing something here... I must be such a bad owner 😕
  5. Granted,I have two cats, my friend has two pet chickens, would it be OK to take them aboard. You have to draw the line somewhere. What about these ppl that keep pet pigs would that be OK. I guess in the case of last two examples, if you did get stuck on the mud for any length of time you'd have a food source 😉
  6. Hemsby lifeboat have just posted on fb about this incident. 16 ppl 2 dogs and a pet rabbit were rescued. Now I know il take some flak for this, but what on earth are ppl taking their pet rabbit onto a boat for...jeez what next pet mice..
  7. andyg

    Acle Moorings

    Couldn't agree more, I do wonder why so many yards that had great fleets that were well cared for disappeared. Guess they weren't making money. I do remember nigel royall saying a few years back that in ten years there'd only be 3 maybe 4 big yards left. We are rapidly approaching that point unfortunately.
  8. andyg

    Acle Moorings

    Grenada girl, one of there best looking boats always looked very smart but they all did. I wish they had invested in the fleet a bit more. Saw gala girl in Norwich a few weeks back and it looked brand new. Memories of summercraft a lovely yard in my opinion.
  9. andyg

    Acle Moorings

    Thanks guys, I think this is where we will head for..
  10. andyg

    Acle Moorings

    Cheers I know exactly where they are. Not fused about the pub as we will eat at the bridge before collecting the boat.
  11. andyg

    Acle Moorings

    Hi Simon do you have a better photo of the moorings please. I think this spot would be ideal if stokesby is full. Thanks
  12. Our 2nd bout was just as you described, but the 1st was far far worse. I'm guessing our jabs had some impact on how we felt 2nd time around. I'm sure it won't be the last time we have it either.
  13. That's not the 1st time I've heard that. Our sons company is asking its employees to come into work if they have tested positive if they feel ok . I've even heard of it happening in the nhs, not front line staff tho, administrative staff.
  14. All the covid security measures have been taken away at my wife's hospital. Out patients clinics are opening up again and there's a much busier feel to the whole place. Some patients can be there own worse enemies at times, sneaking outside meeting family loved ones that weren't allowed in during the pandemic with no regard to the virus. But I do think we have got to get on with life with covid. We missed a trip to Thailand for my wife's 50th due to covid. She's since had covid twice most probably caught it thro work passed it onto me etc. We have decided enough is enough and will be making that journey next April with our friends. Life has got to go on...
  15. So sad, I was watching HW webcam on Friday and was surprised by the sheer number of dogs that folk were taking aboard the boats. Apparently HW have changed there policy on pets aboard and now allow pets on all there cruisers. Lost my business I'm afraid, I'm not a dog lover ( I have my reasons) but I did notice how excited some of the dogs appeared. It made me wonder if the owners had life jackets. The water must seem very tempting to them on a warm day. Such a shame tho even not being dog friendly myself it still upsetting to hear.
  16. I see Daniel post a video on fb of them going out to tow a boat back. Funnily enough I think it was a Richardson's boat.
  17. It's gone now then it was there back in October.
  18. andyg

    Acle Moorings

    Skyway, I saw her at Ranworth last October, I remember saying to Clive that she looks so much better in the flesh then in the photos. She looked a cracking boat. We are on golden bridge our 1st time with bridgecraft. I wasn't allowed to book anything expensive, apparently I've spent enough on hire boats this year lol. Il give you a wave if we see you 😏
  19. Times have changed indeed Vaughan, just take postman pat, he never use to have a van, he does now oh and his allowed to take his cat to work. 😁 crazy world we live in. I'd glady jump into a time machine and go back 40 years.
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