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Posts posted by SweetKingfisher1

  1. Hello Iain, in the London area for being 60, you get a 60 + Freedom pass, but you can only apply for it when you are 60+. As for retirement, we have to work till we are 66, as this is when we get our pension 66  :cry  :cry .


    I want to retire :bow , but Ian say's NO  :norty:, need more money. Bl--dy government two guns  two guns .



    Marina   :Stinky  

  2. Ok, what about a box of Caburys Creme Eggs, 6 eggs in a box, Now you get 5. So where has the 6th egg gone  :shocked and still the same price?


    I can't eat them, but Ian and Nic (our daughter) can and will eat them  :naughty:.



    Marina :Stinky  

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  3. I have to agree with miss smelly loo here......


    The best time I have had on the Broads was when we hired San Pedro.... a rear steer.....


    To catch the tide we set off from Bernie to get through the bridges at yarmouth as soon as we could, i knew that I would have to have the canopy down, as the falling tide would not be low enough with it up...


    (before people say, wait till slack water, or go with the tide to save fuel, i needed to be North as soon as, so went over Breydon with the flow and turned at the dolphin against it)




    I went over breydon, canopy down waving like a nutter to the "bathtubs" coming south, I had my full waterproof fishing gear on, you should have seen their faces, and if you could lip read, I was called all the silly names under the sun....


    But I hit the bridges, (not literally), at the perfect time, straight under and Northward bound......




    It blerdy stopped raining


    It's no fun boating in perfect weather....


    You learn nothing.....



    We did the same, we needed to get pass G/Y and it was pouring down. This was with our last boat a Shetland 4+2. We could not have the cover up, because of the bridges. We were soaked to the skin when we got to Thurne and other boat users looked at us as if we were mad :summertime: . Rain had stopped by the time we got to Thurne.



    Marina :Stinky  

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  4. I love the wild and wooly look, but during that two weeks I feel half way though the hols I need to look almost normal (if only for a day or so ). Potter needs more life there. Its a great place, but all you really have is Lathams. Regards Marina

  5. I have drawn up an information sheet for the boat, from places for pump out to booking moorings. Also I have added the height we have passed under bridges like Ludham, which the lowest is 8ft 3ins. Alan (JawsOrca) has got her under Beccles old road bridge. This is to remind us oldies from one year to the next of things like bridge heights  :clap .



    Marina   :Stinky

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  6. We have not been under Potter Heigham for many years, but as we only get up on north river on our two hols in September and to find a morning is always hard. We said last year we would ask for moorings round the back of Herbert Wood, but didn't, so this year it is a most. Then a day boat and up to Hickling and Horsey  :rolleyes: .


    As for a hair dresser at Potter Heigham great news. Ok you guys don't need a shampoo and set or a cut and blow dry :summertime: . For us girls it's like having a little pampering  :angel: . Bring it on.



    Marina    :Stinky

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  7. Don't know how much delivery will be, but.......


    for about 30 quid.....




    And I thought Gracie was having a laugh.....


    Pink mermaid fenders...lol



    Hello donnygeoff,


    I am sorry to say, Grace was not having a laugh. The cost of the mermaid fenders with shipping is double that. A good £65, which of course is a lot of money for a fender.


    This all started with Alan (JawsOrca), you see I am his mother and I brought him his fenders for christmas and the talk was that maybe I would buy him pink mermaid fenders, but no I got all black ones :shocked .



    Marina   :Stinky

  8. Dear Grace and All, a glass of Port and Lemon in my hand. cheers to all Mothers "Happy Mothers Day"  cheers


    If only they sold pink mermaids in this country, because they are not cheap :norty: and money is needed else where  :norty: .



    Marina   :Stinky  

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  9. I wish I could say I have had a lazy day, but being mum it is still just a normal Sunday. House work and ironing  :rolleyes: .


    Hello Grace, Alan (JawsOrca) got me items from Cath Kinston, great presents  :love (no pink mermaid fender  :cry ). I am happy with what I got  :clap .


    Lazy weekend will be two weeks time (on Sweet Kingfisher  :Stinky ).


    As it's Mothers Day I think it's Port and lemon to night  cheers , cheers to you all.



    Marina   :Stinky

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  10. Hi All, yes he did tell the police the screwdriver was taken from his shed and he had reported it to someone, but that someone deny any report. We have his name also, but my daughter wants to pay him back . They say he will go down, but for how long . So if you break into someone home do not leave your screwdriver in their house . Regards Marina

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  11. It may be Friday 13th, but for Ian, our daughter and myself it has been a great start to the day . The Police have arrested the scumbag who broke into our home . The screwdriver he left on Nic's bed had his finger prints on . Regards Marina

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  12. Grace, Alan is a little sod at the herm and he loves the water to have white horses. I hope you all read this. Barton Broad and sweet little me seating on the front enjoying the view. We crossed the Broad and he asked did I get wet and my reply was no. What did he do? He turned the boat around and did it again, just to get me wet . I all ways get my own back . Who loves you baby . Regards Marina

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  13. Mum here. The pictures look great and yes I would nick the fenders if they were pink. We were up the weekend checking over our girl and there were quite a lot of life out on the river. We like everyone can't wait to see Orca up and out on the Broads . Regards Marina

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  14. Alan and Dave good luck for today and don't forget to text me over the weekend, as to how she did with floating. We will be checking our girl over this weekend, before me move her at the end of this month. It is not the same without a laptop . Good luck . Regards Marina

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  15. Alan and Dave's big day. The day was cold and damp, but the boy's had a great turn out of friend's and family. We all agreed it was a wonderful day. You both can be proud of your self. Family and friends had a great day with you both . Regards Marina PS Grace and All, we gave the boy's a little present and it had a little bit of Pink on it

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