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Posts posted by SweetKingfisher1

  1. I have spoken to the company who put in our other double glazed back door and the glass in that door has got a film over the glass. So that glass should not shatter , so that is good news . My mind is a little bit more at ease . Regards Marina

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  2. Hello, they broke in our back door of home. They took Ian wedding ring and most of my hear rings. Our laptop and our daughters laptop & ipad. We all feel s--t. One of our cats was very frighten and would not come home, but she has come home now. Regards marina

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  3. Mum were have you been? The guys in the hermitage retired and the tapas owners moved there.. Probably a good move for the tapas as I bet the overheads were too much in the other place..


    Good news on berney and the nelson.  The nelson was a good pub, it will be good to get back in there.


    One day my harvester restaurant idea will take on stacey..!  

    If I new I wouldn't ask, but saying that the Tapas has taken over the hermitage :shocked  I just hope the food is a lot better than it was at the old place, because that was rubbish  :naughty: .



    Marina   :Stinky

  4. When you go in there Marina, please tell Caroline that Neil and Karen wish her well, and will be seeing her at the end of May?..................... Several times probably.

    No problem Neil, we will check her out at the end of March  :clap .



    Marina  :Stinky

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  5. Thanks Iain, Ian was not sure, but I got my own way  :dance I just wanted to give Loddon / Chedgrave a go  cheersbar .

    What will be good is to visit Oulton Broad and back in a day  :love and to cruise down the River Waveney  :rolleyes: .



    Marina   :Stinky

  6. We are moving Sweet Kingfisher from dear old Brundall, after being there for 6 season / years we decided to have a change of scenery  :cry .


    It was between going north and going to Stalham to Richardson's, so please CRicko thank Paul for his time to talk to us :wave .


    After thinking about it hard, we both decided to stay on south river, so we are moving to Chedgrave to Greenways Marina and with meeting Jonathan and having a good chat, it feels right  :clap . Roll on Saturday 28th March, as this is when we will be moving our girl there :bow .


    I will not miss eating in the Yare and maybe they could get a new chef plus a new menu  :naughty: it's the same old for how many years? Eating houses in Loddon and Chedgrave are so much better and more choice  cheersbar .

    Brundall will always be in our hearts and we do hope to return back  :bow .


    Fingers cross all goes well on her first cruise of the seasons.



    Marina   :Stinky




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  7. Well Alan and Dave at this time, he must be half way through the BSC. Thinking of you both  :kiss . Grace don't spend all your money out shopping  :naughty: . Plus I keep looking at the white mermaid fender  on line, but it still would cost a good £60 and that is a lot of money  :rolleyes: .


    Alan and Dave good luck  :wave .



    Marina   :Stinky

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  8. Ian brought me some beautiful flowers yesterday   :kiss I treated Ian to a lovely lunch today at Bluewater  cheers .


    Tonight I am enjoying a nice Port & Lemon and Ian Red Wine  :love .


    Enjoy your evening everyone  :clap .



    Marina   :Stinky

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  9. Hello Sue and Alistair,  :welcome:  to NBN. Let me tell you  :shocked . All the time the kids were growing up I keep saying no to a boat holiday. Then when our son was of age he had a holiday with his partner on the Norfolk Broads. The next year while they were on holiday on the Broads they invited us up for a day trip. Well that was the start of it. The next year we all had a week together on the Broads and then it went to two weeks cruising the Broads :Stinky . After that hubby (Ian) and I were holidaying  by ourselves. Twice a year it got to and then we brought our own cruiser and we upgraded our boat two years ago  :Stinky


    Why did I so NO for all these years, but we are making up for it now :lineup: .


    Ian and I are both 60 this year cheersbar , so we are making the most of it, so if we can do it, you both will love it.


    Enjoy your holidays cruising the Broads and let us all know how they went  :clap .



    Marina   :Stinky

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  10. This is for all of you / us who use Tapatalk.


    Maybe someone can help with this. The first page is my Profile, so I touch the NBN symbol and the next page / picture is of blue Greek roof tops :shocked.


    Why, if this is The Norfolk Broads.Net :Stinky  :Sailing , why and how do we get a picture of Blue Greek roof tops  :shocked ?


    Is there an answer or am I missing something here  :naughty: ?



    Marina   :Stinky


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