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Posts posted by SweetKingfisher1

  1. Hi Trapper and welcome to NBN :wave. A lot of us enjoyed going to Berney Arms for a good chat, also the fun of mooring up and fighting the tides. Then of course helping others to moor. Once you are moored and being there with the wild life. the seals in the water and barn owls flying over and not to forget the ducks.    

    I hope Berney gets a new person to put the love back into it and then I / we may go back cheers.


    Marina :Stinky 

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  2. Hi All, Today I had the time of my life experiencing total joy, peace and forgetting everything that was not around me :dance.

    Ian had given me a Segway Adventure Tour voucher for my last birthday, which was to be used at Leeds Castle Kent.

    Today we went to Leeds Castle, sun shining nice and warm in the sun. Could not ask for nicer weather for a September day :clap.

    11:15 was my time to report to Segway office and all attending were given :hardhat: and then we were all given how to use a Segway and a trial. I was thinking, what the hell was I doing, how could I learn how to stay on without falling off :norty:.

    Around 1140 we were all set loose on our Segways, oh hell, but no it was a slow start and we headed into the grounds of Leeds Castle. We travelled about just over 5mins and came to a stop by the lake and looking over towards the castle. A little history lesson and then we had our restricted speed limited taken off.

    We were then taken off road / path around parts of Castle grounds. This was where you could forget about everything :love just heaven.

    I could not have asked for a nicer present. Thank you Ian.

    Christmas present ideas for the family (Ian and Alan) I would love to do Segway again, please :kiss.

    I hope the photos I am going to edit work.


    Marina :Stinky






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  3. Yes I am sorry to so that that two weeks has been and gone :cry and guess what :shocked it had stop :summertime: when we got into Essex and the sun came out.

    Why couldn't the sun have shone for the last two weeks :bow. Well our rain proof jackets and trousers worked very hard for the first time.

    I only took a few photos, but I do like my two photos of dawn breaking over Breydon around 7am and next are a couple of one of The Wherries passing us and last cows by the river bank.


    Marina :Stinky 






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  4. Ok, we (Ian) agree this has been the worst September weather we have had since we have been boating. Today we came under Ludham bridge, but the height signage are wrong, as they were showing just under 8ft. We moored up south side of the bridge and asked the guys at the boat yard regarding the bridge height. He told us the signs were wrong, as other boats had been hitting them and put them off level. Also meeting the guys off of Braveheart. Ludham as of today just under 8ft showing is around 8ft6ins for going under. I hope this will help others on the river. Regarding Marina & Ian

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  5. Hi, yes at The Swan and also The Ferry Inn both are stern on, but The Ferry Inn was a pain trying to get pass, as someone was taking forever to get moored . There were a lot of boats waiting to get pass . Marina

  6. Hi All, we went pass Thurne about 1 hours ago and there were lots of mooring and even when we passed Bridge Inn, Acle around 12 ish there were moorings by the pub. Womack is almost full. In the Kings Arms having a good drink. Weather could be a lot better . Hi to all from the .Net who are out on the river ️. Regards Marina

  7. John you look the part so coool . I was having a chat with my Niece on facebook and she thought if other members of the family had cataract, then it would run in the family. Cataract is not like glaucoma. Good luck to all and we only have one set of eyes and we need them . Regards Marina

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  8. Last Saturday I went to have an eye test and my last eye test was 2 years ago. All my family (brother, sister and sister-in-law) have had cataract operations and they were sure I was next, as I am the baby.

    My eye test showed up that my cataract were no more than the eyes of a 60 year old, but what I was told was how to protect my cataract / eye sight. It is to where sun glasses, as it is the UV ray what damages your eyes. I was told to wear sun glasses all year round not just in the summer.

    Ian (Chelsea14Ian) has always worn his sun glasses and this is for as long as I have known him and he has no cataract.

    So, if it is bright or if the sun is shining (I know at times it's a long shoot) wear your sun glasses to protect your eyes. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter :unsure:.


    Marina  :Stinky





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  9. Either, Marina, then you get a bigger flood each way you're going and you don't tend to outrun the flood.

    Ok John, so the low tide is at 8am at G/Y. you would pass G/Y at 10 or 10:30?

    I am just trying to work your way out.


    Marina :Stinky

  10. Hi Neil, this is how I work the tides out. Going from south to north river. If the low tide (slack) is say at 8am at G/Y, then I / we would start to cross Breydon Water around 8:40. As it takes us around 45mins. We then get to G/Y around when the flood starts. With luck the flood is pushing us up.

    North to south river. If the low tide is say at 8am at G/Y, then we try to be at G/Y around 9:30 (we are sometimes just before time).

    All this works for us and it has taken me sometime to get it right :clap.


    Marina  :Stinky

  11. :welcome: Lakesailor and welcome to the Broads :wave. I myself am still new to the Broads, for me it is only been the last 12 years and that was thanks to my son. I am sorry I had not come up before that :bow.


    Marina :Stinky

  12. I am sorry to say we love to sit outside the Hotel and watch the free entertainment of boaters trying to go under the bridge cheersbar.  

    The sad thing is our boat wan't get under the bridge at Wroxham :cry, so we hire a day boat to go up river :Stinky.


    Marina :Stinky

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