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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Hope so, beavers do like chewing on logs!
  2. Non smoking beavers might be preferable.
  3. A true tale that I have posted before: The following is the very true tale of an amateur mole catcher. I was moored up near St Olaves and the land owner, a friend of mine, was trying to gas the numerous moles that were plaguing him. Whilst most of us might use pellets, or the exhaust fumes from a tractor, the gentleman in question was emptying the contents of a calor gas cylinder down the burrows. It might have seemed a good idea at the time, until, when he'd finished, he lit up his pipe and threw the match down to the ground. There was no bang as such, just a roar, his prized bit of grass was quickly turned into an intricate trench system, such as had not seen since the 1914/1918 war. I may be mistaken, but I'm quite certain that I heard the scream of an airborne mole as it passed overhead, realising that it didn't have it's lifejacket on and was headed for the river. Okay, so that last sentence is entirely fictional!
  4. So where are the predictable comments then
  5. So that's where I left the darn thing! I wonder if there is any life in the battery?
  6. Portaboats take some beating: http://www.intramore.co.uk/ I don't have one but a good friend does and he's well pleased.
  7. Glad that it's all working out, hope that it continues. Welcome to the real God's County!
  8. Chippies are great, Gracie, for folk who want fish that might be weeks rather than days, even hours or minutes old!
  9. I've eat raw joey mackerel served with lemon before now and they have been surprisingly good. Tried ultra fresh herring just once but the blessed things kept jumping off the fork
  10. I'll give that a go, new one on me, thanks for the tip.
  11. Where to locate an ofo bike: http://the-lentil.com/2017/11/get-the-latest-ofo-bike-locations-on-our-new-app/
  12. Certainly would although I tend to use a small BBQ on the bank. They taste even better out in the open. Some get used as deadbaits for pike though
  13. It's that time of the year when longshore herrings are available in the Broads area, especially near to the coast. Three makes a good helping, best served with buttered 'tiger'bread. Buy fresh so expect to have to gut them but leave the heads on, crisply fried herring eyes are delicious! Lightly floured, into hot oil until the skin is nicely browned and the gills curl up and go crisp. If you are lucky then when you gut the fish you'll find the milts, fried to a crisp these are gorgeous! Good cooked on a barbecue too. Have a bottle of real vinegar on hand, some folk also like black pepper. Cooking at home then best do it in the garage, saves stinking the house out!
  14. Commercialization made the Broads as we know them, dating right back to peat digging. I doubt very much that in calling the Broads a national park the Broads Authority is actually being remotely commercial, promoting the use of the term is nothing other than a means to an end, an end that boaters and anglers won't like. Using the term for 'branding' is nothing other than a smokescreen, in my honest & sincere opinion.
  15. If I were to trip over someone's trailing power cable then who's responsibility, or even liability, would it be?
  16. Maybe, maybe not. As one who has entered old gitdom I am painfully aware of balance, or lack of, and my ability to cope with it as a problem. I do use a stick to help me aboard, a great help it is too.
  17. This talk of falling in does raise one very real 21st century issue, that of the porkers amongst us. Hang onto chains by all means but could you haul yourself out of the water? Indeed, and perhaps more importantly, could other folk haul you out of the water? The EDP article shows a reasonably well proportioned old man and described the problems of retrieving him. Imagine if he'd been half as heavy again, or even double his weight. As one who is no longer even reasonably fit I am now acutely aware of fitness in relation to boating.
  18. Jan apparently. We went late November and that was way to early.
  19. Would have thought that the shops would be closed that late at night on The Broads.
  20. You might be surprised at what us old folk need to plug in, and its not just the microwave for our bed time Ovaltines
  21. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/elderly-man-has-lucky-escape-after-falling-into-water-at-broads-mooring-1-5271278
  22. I can picture floating yurts at the WRC anytime soon!
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