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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Broads sailing boats, and at least one drascombe, all have super efficient and economical bow thrusters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . they are called quants!
  2. Moor bow on, simples! Darn sight easier mooring up too!
  3. I suspect that the Lowestoft boat went back North about fifteen years ago so I doubt that she's the one being worked on in the program.
  4. There was a Knobbie in Lowestoft harbour for many years. In her latter years she was deteriorating fast then someone from Liverpool recognised her for what she was and took her back up North for rebuilding. Whether she was on the program or not I don't know.
  5. Those nice people at Martham Boats have the knack of being able to locate good boat building timbers, always worth asking. Larch (coffin wood) has long been considered to be a good wood both for coffins and boats that remain wet. As regards to Marshman's comments, my understanding too. Whoop whoop whoop, we agree!!! Russian Red spruce was always prized for its longevity in freshwater. Oregon pine is another well respected wood but it needs to be carefully selected for boat building use.
  6. As I understand it there is consent for only ten residential boats at the WRC, despite the Authority itself suggesting that there is a need for at least sixty such berths on the Broads. Yet another expensive appeal lost by the Authority, an increasingly poor record in my opinion.
  7. Talking of Christmas spirit . . . . . . . . . . https://www.masterofmalt.com/rum/woods-100-old-navy-rum/
  8. I see that he's still posting on NBN Facebook!!
  9. You can buy adapters or adapter plates to overcome problems of using either thread. After two years just thought that you'd like to know that!!
  10. There are times in life when even intolerants need tolerance, or an aggressive stab at the 'ignore button'! I can only echo Howard's plea. Re Gracie, would Poppy have the stamina to cope with being intensively sorted out? Regretfully age and girth is not on his side
  11. This one reared its head several months ago when it featured holiday makers and anglers at a Lowestoft angling festival. Agreed, a great channel.
  12. I'm sorry to read this, Poppy. I'm not sure that the other thread exhibits racism directly, however it could have triggered racist comments. As a thread the other one suggests unfortunate intolerance, perhaps that intolerance is now spilling over into this thread. Perhaps we should all remember that this is the Norfolk Broads Network and stick to relevant subjects. In all honesty I thought the posting of the other thread was unfortunate, crass even, and likely to lead to tears, as it has. Mind you, the original poster might have posted in all innocence. Like Poppy I have no great wish to associate with racists & I do question why a potentially racist thread was instigated. However on a publicly available forum I have learned to shrug my shoulders on occasion and ignore what I normally find objectionable. Poppy, can I ask that you do the same?
  13. My wife and I went to Norwich the other day, every car park was full and the roads stuffed so we turned round, headed to Sonia's at Surlingham for lunch and the an hour or so at Highway Nurseries (Roys) on the way home. We'll go by train next time!
  14. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/coca-cola-lorry-norwich-christmas-1-5262013 Shock and horror! What's the world coming to?
  15. And the mooring is FREE during the winter!!!!
  16. In fairness to Cadburys it is still pretty obviously Christmas wrapping!
  17. At least not with an old dog and a young one would have to be worth the ensuing sleaze!
  18. Dave, a kingsize double sleeping bag, two hot water bottles, woolly hats and bed socks, your good lady will not be cold. Exhausted, maybe, but not cold!! Warmth problem solved, it's a great time to be afloat.
  19. All's well that ends well. It is actually good to hear from one who has actually been on the Breydon Mud and an admission of guilt so to speak! Even at five miles an hour it is important to keep ones eye's on the river ahead, a lesson learned for us all to take head of. Thanks for telling us, we can all learn from your misadventure. Great thread by the way.
  20. People see what they are looking at but, regretfully, many don't look at what they are seeing! Still, not much that can't be corrected at the keyboard stage
  21. Arghhhh, the end is nigh! Tis what a bread knife is for! Bread door-steps, man food!
  22. Back in time I worked in a boatyard and yacht station during the summer and come the winter I worked for Hoseason's Brochure dispatch. Back in the 1970's we didn't do brochures by the thousands, we did them by the million. Wow, the buzz of the place, pallet loads of brochures went out daily, the Post Office constantly collecting throughout a long day, indeed they had a sorting office on the premises. Sack loads of incoming brochure requests would be sorted daily, that was my morning job before moving onto feeding the labeling machines and repacking the now addressed brochures onto pallets ready for the postal staff to sort. It was an intense, slick, manual operation with a great working atmosphere run on copious coffee and humour, great people to work for, loved it.
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