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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Now't wrong with 'wanky' horizons on the Broads. How else can folk go water-skiing without sloping horizons?
  2. I'm sorry to say it but I think that you are right.
  3. Location is always useful but other than that why not let the picture do the talking?
  4. So long as Roys don't run out of sausage rolls, truly the doggy's doo-dahs, especially cold.
  5. With a view to subsequently framing calendar pictures for hanging on the cabin bulkhead may I suggest that both titles and photographer's names are outside the picture area?
  6. Is that before driving home clutching your mobile to your ear?
  7. Living besides a tree lined public footpath I often meet city folk who have just moved into the country, bought the regulation dog, and taken up walking. First time they meet me they will generally do everything they can to avoid eye contact. Bugger that, thinks me, the challenge is on! Hello, says me, hello to the dog too, I make darn certain that they have to respond! No, I don't want anything but I'm heartily sick and tired of hearing city incomers telling people that we aren't friendly 'up here'! It's not us, it's them! A year or two back we went to London to see Fleetwood Mac, there we were right up in the 'gods' and some people behind us were telling their friends about their new home in Norfolk and how unwelcoming the locals are, grrrrrrrrr, it's NOT us!
  8. It was interesting to hear the comments from 'Plod' that the Harbour Master at Oulton Broad had phoned Broads Beat to warn them that a troublesome crew was heading their way. Possibly a set up for the program but back in the 60's and 70s, when I was involved, it was common practice to warn fellow businesses further along the river. Hullabaloos must have wondered why there were welcoming parties at their next stop! Back then, and probably now, the Broads was very much a network, often referred to as The Broads Mafia!
  9. On this one I admit to being something of a Victor Meldrew. It was introduced from America purely as a commercial venture, arguably a celebration of corporate greed rather than a a celebration of what I'm not quite sure. In a few days time, in the UK, we have Nov 5th. Strangely enough we haven't exported that to the US!
  10. Late Autumn & winter is great for winter sunsets where I live, the sun sets very conveniently in the West. Here's one from January this year. Just get the timing right and hey presto, easy!
  11. Found this via Google: White pheasants are purposely put into flocks that are being kept for shooting. They're 'penalty birds' which are used to raise money for charity. Shooters are supposed to avoid them (thus adding to the 'sport'), but if they kill one they have to pay an amount (£50 round here) to a specified charity fund.
  12. I really wouldn't wish to live anywhere else!
  13. I learn something new every day! If folk want to kill then so be it, I don't object, but I don't do it myself but that never stopped me 'beating' for various local shoots over the years or breeding pheasants with my chickens. I had, until now, never heard of white pheasants being bred for the above purpose although it makes perfect sense. Bit like me using a fish finder when after pike!
  14. Regarding their source of information, who ever it was, all praise to them & the balance that they maintained. Nothing personal nor anti BA but thankfully the producers avoided taking the easy and probably more obvious option by contacting them. Whoever, my thanks to him/her for providing quality, non political information. I note that a number of the archive photographs have previously appeared on Broadland Memories, a clue perhaps?
  15. It's the aft, midships area of a cat!
  16. The program was about Pru & Tim, first and foremost. I did think that Tim fluffed his lines on a couple of occasions though. Was Roy Hudd appropriate to a Broads program, maybe not, but he, like me and I suspect many others, remembers the heyday of seaside holidays, 60s & 70s, and Yarmouth was very much on the itinerary of Broads visitors. Not only that but Roy & Tim are apparently long term friends and both walk the boards. I well remember the days of Frank Ifield, the warbling Australian, plus folk like Billy Fury, Max Bygraves, Joe Brown, the Tornadoes and others, all from the days when the Broads was a major holiday resort. History now but nevertheless very much Broads related. Back in time when crossing Breydon was all a part of the great adventure.
  17. You did and in fairness the first few days of their visit coincided with a great deal of quoted 'pi*sing rain'!
  18. We don't have icebergs on the Broads in the summer. One advantage of coming South, Freedom Boats, is that the rivers are more tidal therefore you are less likely to being iced in. The Nog is quite right, December is a great month to be out on thBroads, just bring a hot water bottle and bed socks.
  19. Wasn't so long ago when someone was complaining about that klop, klop noise!
  20. May just be a coincidence but the production team had been supplied with links to or copies of all the relevant documentation explaining what the Broads isn't. That aside one of the best TV programs dedicated to the Broads that I can remember.
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