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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Likewise. A very near neighbour's son was a Concord pilot and on his last flight came in low and slow over our houses with the nose down. Nose up, throttles forward and off he went, wow, that was big time noisy! Don't know why but I felt quite emotional at her passing & her parting, the end of an era I suppose.
  2. Congratulation!! In sixteen years you could be a great grandparent!
  3. The Beccles/Aldeby Swing Bridge in the 1950's.
  4. I've always known this as the Aldeby Swing Bridge but railways buffs tell me it is, or was, the Beccles Swing Bridge. Here is the original 1900's, single track bridge. The wherry is wearing the burgee of the Nobs & Snobs, Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club. Was she the 'Gypsy', a wherry that crossed the North sea & toured Friesland & the Polders of Holland in the latter years of the 19th century? She was owned and sailed by a Lord, presumably as such he would have been an RNSYC member.
  5. Fascinating stuff, thank you Nigel. My father's family was in Framlingham at one time, allegedly a member of which stole a loaf of bread and was transported to America where one of his subsequent family made good and was to be a signatory of the American Declaration of Independence. Delve around a bit and it becomes clear that the Eastern Counties and America are well connected.
  6. The Beccles bridge again, the second one showing it being demolished.
  7. Beccles old railway bridge, a fixed bridge.
  8. In the background of this one you can see the single track Somerleyton Bridge.
  9. At one time Oulton Broad/Mutford, Reedham, Beccles, Aldeby, Somerleyton & Somerleyton railway bridges were all single track. As demand increased several were rebuilt as twin track, as we see today. A friend discovered this picture of the original single track bridge at Oulton Broad, interesting because apart from Beccles all the others were of similar design.
  10. Obviously JB should just have erected a large, white marquee (temporary workshop), no probs!
  11. It went high at Oulton Broad but not incredibly so. Thankfully not much wind so high water came and went and all was back to normal.
  12. Well known as the Back Passage into Yarmouth!
  13. Much could be told about 'Line Azzurio!' Water under the bridge now but it's a pretty grubby tale.
  14. Not everywhere! Back at my 'manor' you'll find it in abundance!
  15. I thought that he was already being 'divisive' enough!!
  16. A rectangular 'house' flag version would also be good. An NBN pirate hat has got to be a winner!
  17. Both sides of the argument have stated their respective cases so I'm happy to accept that the report is reasonably balanced thus is sufficiently accurate to allow us to draw our own, obvious conclusions. Also having friends who have had equally futile planning disputes with the Authority I can only support Vaughan's opinion on this one. The nails are being banged into BA's coffin, the sooner the better for an independent, judicial review.
  18. More trouble! http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/holiday-business-in-row-with-broads-authority-over-office-unit-1-5224876 The boatyard owners should have erected a large white marquee, seemingly such structures don't need planning consent and can be made of plastic!
  19. Best moor up to the shore from where the wind is blowing rather than the shore to where the wind is blowing on to. Oulton Broad's Dutch Tea Gardens is a prime example as the prevailing wind comes from the West. Best go to the shore opposite, the timber quay heading in the corner, you'll need your rhond hooks though.
  20. More BA cock-ups! http://www.thebroadsblog.co.uk/2017/10/adjacent-waters-to-toll-or-not-to-toll.html
  21. Andy, if folk want to donate then so be it. That said my personal feeling is that by using crowd funding to raise money it does raise questions about that service. As a stand alone project I don't suppose that this ferry will provide a living but as an add on to another income source then it should be useful, even if it only provides beer money. However, using charity funding is questionable, in my opinion..
  22. From Face Book, I'm Dave Scragg. A part time music teacher from Norfolk. I've just had the greatest school holiday this year running the Horning Ferry. A combination of Jolly holidaymakers, wonderful local characters and the wildlife has made this a Ball ! I want to keep it going with your Help! So does this mean that it will only run during school holidays and then primarily for the enjoyment of Mr Scragg? What sympathy I did have is fast evaporating! I agree with Ricardo.
  23. There is a ferry at Burgh St Peter, a Len Funnel enterprise, so perhaps he might help, after all he has that super dooper meter to pay for! I have mixed feelings about the ferry appeal though, it's seemingly a commercial enterprise so really it should be able to stand on its own legs. Broken engine, oars is the answer. Will I contribute? If Mr Scraggs should wish to contribute to my lifestyle then maybe, just maybe I will contribute to his.
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