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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Stracey versus Horning, supply & demand and location versus location. That aside, surely folk come on a Broads holiday to get away from such fripperies as parking meters. For me the only issue is the parking meter, nasty thing!
  2. No, resist, no comment needed!!
  3. Indeed, and there lies the problem. Surely all that the mooring owner can rely on is trust?
  4. Andy, you suggest that mooring charges are enforceable under contract law. In theory you are probably right but how on earth can it be enforced? Do Herbert Woods, for example, take names and addresses of dayboat hirers? And if they do are they to be expected to pass on those addresses to the mooring owner? Perhaps a solution for this, and other moorings, is for such as Hoseasons to sponsor them for use by their customers.
  5. Robin is a super nice person, a typical small boatyard man, a jack of all trades. He still sails the boat featured on the cover of his book, the proudly unique Cantley One Design.
  6. Heaven on earth is the lapping of water on the lands of a clinker built, wooden sailing boat! (The lands are the edges of the overlapping planks).
  7. Some sailing dinghies are perfectly capable of topping 20 mph with ease! A few winters ago there was a C-Class catamaran on Oulton Broad, she easily topped 30 mph!
  8. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/lifeboat-crew-and-paramedics-work-for-40-minutes-to-revive-person-in-cardiac-arrest-near-thurne-dyke-1-5217873
  9. To that I'd add the patter of rat's feet as they scavenge around the decks of your boat!
  10. A slap on the transom is considered to be fun by some! Personally I enjoy the sound of waves against the hull, it's a boat thing.
  11. Q, I fully accept your point but I can assure you that there are people within the Authority who would wish to be able to control access to rivers, some of which have been influenced by man. The Broads area is a pretty unique waterway and navigation, hence the debate that we are having right now.
  12. WherryNice, in my opinion you have just answered your own question!
  13. A lesson could be learned from Gt Yarmouth. For far too long YH has been milked and milked again. Yarmouth has subsequently lost its greatness.
  14. Fifty years ago we didn't have the culture of greed & sleaze that we do today. Life doesn't always move on for the better.
  15. Exactly. Some businesses take and have taken huge amounts out of the Broads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a pity that they didn't and don't put something worthwhile back in.
  16. Vaughan has mentioned the downward turn in the fortunes of the Broads. On the other hand James Knight has suggested that a tenner to moor is not much, or words to that effect. Well, I tend to side with Vaughan on this one, and not just because I had a good fry up of marsh mushrooms today! A tenner is nothing to some folk, to others it's an hour or more of hard work. However you look at it mooring charges could add up to fifty quid to the cost of a week's holiday, on top of car parking, leccy hook-ups and pump outs.
  17. The Q, you refer to the Broads as being man-made. In part they are but equally in part they are not. The Waveney, for example is largely a natural river. In all a fascinating topic with various answers depending, in part, on what period in the Broad's evolution you choose to investigate, or what book that you read!.
  18. An upmarket Brundall boat show!
  19. Steve, when a flat bottomed boat heels the leeward hard chine is immersed thus acting like a lee-board, very effective it is too.
  20. The punt, including Broads ones: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b096n2ps/britain-afloat-series-1-the-punt
  21. JennyMorgan

    Not Good

  22. If nothing else it could probably be used as a secure mooring post.
  23. I really can not see how 'parking' can be enforced if no one is going to police both the meter and the mooring. So I choose not to pay, so what? If someone is going to have to patrol the mooring then they might as well collect the fees. Mr Funnel is normally pretty much on the ball but in this case I really don't see this one as having been thought through. At least he's not expecting folk to e-mail him and pay by credit/debit card or risk having to pay double!
  24. James is blaming his father-in-law, Len, for this one.
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