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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Malanka, waiting for something to break and then fixing it in the customer's time is still, regretfully, common practice with some yards.
  2. Common sense from the BA's planning department, at last and for once! Mr Knight's own words: YurtGate update! Following their second site visit when they saw exactly the same tents as they did the first time, planners have confirmed that our tents and their bases *do not* constitute operational development and *do not* require planning permission. This is obviously great news but what an appalling waste of public money and our time. Thanks everyone for all your supporting comments, which helped!
  3. I would have thought so but house flags are normally rectangular, aren't they?
  4. I fear that it is the thin edge of a rather alarming wedge. If folk want to charge and other folk want to pay then so be it, their right, but an eyesore parking meter on the water's edge, argggggggggg!
  5. As I understand it the owner of the bottom a broad may charge if they so wish. Now, I only own a little bit of Oulton Broad, absolutely no amenities, it's got to be worth a tenner a night!
  6. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/green-light-for-10m-super-park-in-norfolk-1-5212802
  7. In the past Martham Boats has allowed folk to stay on their boats whilst in the shed. Re BSS & Insurance, not sure whether you need to be covered whilst towing her across country but effectively, as far as the Broads is concerned, you won't need either, nor a toll, until you launch. Personally I'd phone Broads boatyards such as Martham Boats or LBBY and explain your dilemma.
  8. All very true, Loo, but a recent tally of fifteen poo bags retrieved from my hedge rows in just one week is hardly insignificant!
  9. Back to serious, whilst the Authority is content to masquerade as a national park authority it should also remember that it is a Harbour Authority and subject to the requirements of the Harbour's Act, one of which is that tolls should be reasonable and secondly that tolls are only spent on the navigation.
  10. Yet more Archant comment: http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/broads-authority-get-s-its-answers-following-site-inspection-at-waveney-river-centre-1-5209559
  11. Where were the pigeons and whippets then? To be pedantic a house flag, such as the white rose, should correctly and proudly be flown from the, if I've got it right, port spreader or yard arm.
  12. They are still advertising in the Drascombe Association News but I do know that the business is for sale. Whether they are still active I don't know.
  13. Re either video I found the Authority's attempts to close Breydon in bad conditions laughable. I could sail into the Broads from Holland, crossing Gorleston Bar in similar conditions and then have some jumped up auxiliary Ranger tell me that I can't cross Breydon!
  14. A local Wood Chips group sometimes camps on my back lawn, thirty plus tents and I find that as being far from offensive, indeed hearing and seeing the youngsters enjoying themselves is great so why would I find just three neat & tidy yurts as offensive? I can understand the Authority being wary but the WRC is a camp site so any yurts/tents surely have to be for camping. That surely prevents marquees or marquee sized yurts being erected.
  15. Chris, if it's this video then she is helped by having a kedge out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPibdzPwgWU However this video shows that an engine can be useful!
  16. Stuart, drascombe owners have the best of both worlds, we can row, motor or sail, the perfect solution!
  17. At that point in the day there was no wind! The day before we, as a group, had a deadline to meet and the meager wind was on the nose so us drascombers, our boats being excellent motor-sailers, resorted to our motors.
  18. Joy, quite probably but I'm quite certain that pride is an unlikely factor!
  19. H2 doesn't appear to have been tolled according to the Authority's Toll Check facility so we can only guess whether she has a boat safety certificate or not.
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