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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Just had three gorgeous days on the Waveney, apart from the less than helpful wind! Autumn is my favorite season on the Broads and the last few days have confirmed that.
  2. It looks better now! The blue paint on the wafer-board is a distinct improvement, don't you think?
  3. This is the problem with the leccy. The owner of this top range electrical outboard motored from the Waveney River Centre to the Geldeston Locks pub only to find that there was no mains for him to recharge his battery. The following morning he motored for less than a mile when he was only too pleased to accept a tow.
  4. Compare it with these two, plus the detritus on the bank!
  5. It's all we need! We really don't need posh pontoons. These Beccles ones are also good for mooring between if you don't want to land or have a handy dinghy. Thumbs up to the Environment Agency.
  6. The Broads is legally a Harbour and the Broads Authority a Harbour Authority and yes, Norwich is still a 'port' / harbour so no, it's not an enclosed water way. Trev, fines of thousands of pounds can be levied against those flying the white ensign without authority!
  7. Thank you Ricardo, I have just been put off beef! As the owner of a public footpath I well know the problems of poo bags being hung on trees and hedges, it doesn't really say much for the intelligence of some dog owners.
  8. We stopped off at Aldeby today for lunch, we were the only boat there. Yes, the walks are lovely. When it was a BA mooring it was nearly always chockerblocker on Saturdays.
  9. Aldeby is actually a lovely piece of countryside and there is a very pleasant walk up to the lakes there. Strangely enough I would rather pay to moor there than I would at Beccles.
  10. It'll cost you more to moor at nearby Beccles!
  11. What an eyesore that thing is. Wonder what that planning department thinks about it?
  12. As it's on the stern and not on the cabin roof or pulpit then you are flying it more or less correctly and if you are a British citizen then you are perfectly within your rights to wear it (fly it) aboard your boat. Fly it with pride.
  13. Not sure of the full story but yes, no longer BA 24hr moorings.
  14. Rumour has it that the Authority has been trialing waterproof double yellow line paint but so far it tends to wash away with the tide. Snowy, yes, you have read it right. Not a welcome move in my opinion.
  15. In Oulton Broad the local council have provided seats for us ancient mariners to sit upon and cogitate, far more comfortable than the wall! Funny thing, down my way, 'tis private boats that provide the most entertainment!
  16. Quest is great, love it! Alligators being hooked in their guts and dragged ashore, unmissable TV, America at its best! We get it via FreeSat, when I dumped Sky I simply plugged my Freesat into the old Sky satellite dish, works perfectly. FreeSat, unlike Freeview doesn't get Sony Movies but apart from that it's great.
  17. According to FaceBook a parking meter has arrived on the bank at Horning. So we are now expected to feed one of those ravenous machines but what if we don't? How is it to be policed? So our boat registration number can be taken but so what? Neither the BA or the boatyards are obliged to divulge our personal details or addresses. Would seem to me that if folk don't want to pay then the law, at present, is pretty much on their side, or at least not on the side of the instigator of this unwelcome eyesore on the river bank.
  18. Actually the Authority officers told Mr Knight that he needn't demonstrate the portability of his portable yurt, presumably so they needn't move their tent either.
  19. Did the Authority''s oversize structure have to be brilliant white? Remember the BA who-ha over the colour of the floating jetties at Langley Mill?
  20. I agree entirely, and the same goes for big, white, oversize party tents!
  21. The BA team were to arrived at 2.30 but arrived two hours early. Reckon that they must have read Jame's invite on Face Book
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