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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Not unique to Wroxham! On Oulton Broad there are two Sundays when the speedboats race so the sailing club used to organise river races, not very popular I'm afraid.
  2. http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/broads-one-designs-enjoy-weekend-to-remember-at-windermere-yacht-club-1-5201900
  3. I was talking to an old boatyard proprietor yesterday and, apart from the Authority, we had a general natter about changes on the Broads. His greatest regret was the decline in common courtesy and the rise in selfishness. Was a time when we were all in it together, not now. Got to say that I agree with him.
  4. Tomorrow afternoon at 2.30. All welcome, just cheer on the yurt moving team
  5. The correct use of titles is an interesting topic in itself. Personally I find their use desirable when used in context but not when used either as a form of bluster or to suggest authority.
  6. You could be, in spirit! What time? Vroom vroom, I will be a 'stinky' for an hour, I fancy a pint at the Waveney!
  7. Has it been chained to an upended 'log'? I note that the dredgers have them aboard, does that make them 'floaters'?
  8. Marsh, with respect most of the higher echelon have gained nicknames along the rhond! Grey Beard for Dr Packman for example, terms of endearment don't you know! Nicknames have long been the custom in this neck of the woods, often gained as a nipper and such names often remain for life. Prof. Burgess is an elderly lady, the matriarch of the Authority, albeit manipulated and played by one who is technically her underling, so Granny she is and Granny I suspect she'll stay. There are far less elegant terms out there but they would be undeserved. No disrespect intended. Re the facts, please, PLEASE read Prof. Burgess's letter in the EDP, penned I suspect by Dr Packman, but the facts are clear, a temporary structure does NOT need consent, the official BA dictate as outlined in the EDP says so so who am I to argue that point? No other criteria or conditions mentioned. At the latest planning meeting the yurts were described by one committee member as being flimsy. Well, not being permanent structures then what else was expected? A friend of mine was at the planning committee meeting and apparently rudeness was very much a feature. Clearly the whole debacle is becoming one of farce and absolute silliness, regretful in the extreme, far more worrying than a few tongue in cheek nicknames! In my days on the Nav Com the recipient's clearly used to find their nicknames amusing, indeed maybe those without such monikers were a tad disappointed. In return us lot have long been The Little People, good for the goose being good for the gander!
  9. We agree, again! Yes, it does work both ways, I really can't argue with that. If I hang out of my bedroom window, when the leaves are off the trees, with a pair of binoculars I can see the camp site. As the crow flies I suppose that we are a mile and a half apart. I am a bit miffed at the roof on what was the shop but those yurts are pretty inconspicuous in comparison. When I train to Norwich that Authority boat tent, bright white, really does stand out, I hope that for the Broad's sake that not too many boat yards follow the BA's legal but nevertheless poor example. Unlike the boat tent I don't find the yurts visually offensive. By the way, NOT an anti BA comment, I would find that boat tent offensive no matter who had erected it.
  10. I agree with Ricardo in that the Authority should lead by example. However, it doesn't mean that they should apply for prior consent for their tent as it is, by definition, a temporary structure. If their temporary structure doesn't require consent then neither should Mr Knight's. Goose and ganders and the good thereof springs to mind on this one. Yes, lead by example, the Authority should apply the same rules to themselves as to others. Does anyone honestly believe that 'Granny's' letter was really written by the good lady? Perhaps it was actually written by the Doctor!
  11. If it were pinched the would it be an in-convenience? Is it in Great Yarmouth?
  12. I quote from 'Granny's' letter in the EDP, see following picture. Dear Professor Burgess, please read what you, or your ghost writer, has written in the EDP, inwardly digest and then ask yourself whether the same comments might not equally apply to Mr Knight's yurts. The answer is blatantly obvious, don't you think? A rather silly letter in my honest and sincere opinion.
  13. It gets even sillier! When is a tent not a tent? When it is owned by the Authority and when it is not!
  14. In this case I'm not sure that Mr Knight is not being a tad unreasonable in not answering the Authority's questions. However I also wonder why the Authority is both asking questions to which it knows the answers and also as to why it is badgering Mr Knight, as if I can't guess. No doubt that tent development has outstripped planning policies but it's no good planners trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. Arguably, once again, the Authority appears to be overstepping its authority. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/broads-authority-officers-to-conduct-site-inspection-at-waveney-river-centre-1-5199299
  15. Perhaps knowing the Devil is why more and more people are calling both for change AND a democratic input. Never had this discontent back in the Prof's days!
  16. Back in Speaker's Corner days it was even down to one particular table!
  17. I have never had a grim meal on the Broads, not even at the Potter H'am chippy. I have certainly had meals that were less than special, both North & South. One particular pub piled ultra bland food high onto a plate, it was passable at best & I wrote and said so on Trip Advisor. No, I hadn't had an unnatural relationship with the Mother Superior but judging by some of the indignant responses you would think that I had! When it comes to food, perhaps more than most things, it seems that people's expectations vary enormously. For some quantity is their yardstick, for others it's quality, the way of the world. It's rare that both criteria come together, but it does happen, St Olave's Bell & Sonia at Surlingham Ferry immediately spring to mind for example.
  18. This letter was written by the vice chairman of the Broads Forum. Not in itself about the BA overstepping the mark but certainly about the democratic deficit that typifies the Authority. I can visualise a long and growing queue of folk standing outside Dr Packman's door, like naughty school boys, all waiting to be verbally chastised, realigned and suitably indoctrinated!
  19. I have a mixed view on the various chair people. In my opinion Dr Stephen Johnson appeared to be realistic and I'm not convinced that the atmosphere surrounding chairman & chief executive was always as harmonious as it might have been. On the other hand he was sandwiched between two seemingly malleable personalities, both from the local university. I do question who, or what organisation, is actually the driving force? Reds under the bed, I don't think so!
  20. Marsh, do you honestly and sincerely believe that only three people are questioning the credibility of the Authority? Come on! I suspect that even the EDP is now seriously questioning them for one. http://www.edp24.co.uk/features/reader-letter-why-the-broads-authority-must-be-reviewed-1-5197828 Jamie Campbell has long questioned the Broads Authority's declining credibility and with good reason. Of late the Chief Executive has shown even greater determination to align his officers and committees to his way of thinking. Question the vision and advice of officers and executive and committee members find doors closed and backs turned. Democracy and free thinking appears to be an anathema to the Chief Executive, toe the party line or else, too much control by one man is not acceptable. Thanks are due to Archant & Jamie for highlighting the situation.
  21. Someone else believes that the Authority is skewed:
  22. There is a ferro hull in a bloke's driveway in Oulton Broad, it must have been there for at least twenty years with nothing happening to it. At least the concrete will have cured.
  23. My sincerest thoughts are with you, John. I lost my brother to cancer some twenty years ago, it's not easy. Your sister was clearly blessed to have had you in her life & your support during her illness.
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