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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Peter, just a thought, with only .5mm clearance between hull & blade then might there be a risk of crud being trapped and stopping the prop from turning? Minute sheer pins perhaps?
  2. I sincerely doubt that Dr Packman will go unwillingly whilst the threat of a huge compo claim must surely provide him with a high degree of security. However, perhaps his successor's contract could allow termination should The Authority members pass a unanimous vote to that effect.
  3. Andrew, before we went into the EU the Broads was a vibrant holiday resort and something of an open sewer. That it is no longer either is probably not down to any one organisation but under its first chief executive the Authority did, along with the Environment Agency, do some stirling work for which we must be grateful. I too voted for out of the EU but whilst it may have come up with some Tom Foolery it has also funded a number of worthwhile projects within The Broads. Actually I'm not convinced that what happened in the past is entirely relevant. What is relevant is that the present CEO has manouvered himself into a position of excess control and authority. I agree with you in that the Broads needs either a group or individual who can extract the Broads and the Authority from the unfortunate position that both are in right now.
  4. Understandable, and I mean no disrespect by that, it's not clear cut by any stretch of the imagination. Dnks, the barge never leaves the moorings, but it could. Nevertheless I do know of other instances where the Authority does appear to have looked the other way, boats on Hoveton Great Broad for example.
  5. To muddy the water further another interesting ARCHANT revelation: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/broads-authority-spends-thousands-in-row-over-boat-toll-adjo-1-5194361?utm_medium=email&utm_source=eshot&utm_campaign=newsletterlink What does pee me off is that one individual has cost toll payers £30,000 plus but then I ask myself what I would do if I were in the same position and I know the answer, I would do the same. However, on this one I do appreciate the Authority's actions. If they were to win this latest case would they then be able to reclaim all their legal costs? For both sides it is obviously a point of principle but it is costing us all.
  6. Bound to Please, whatever have you done? Rather more than copy and paste! Either that or a gremlin has done what gremlins do. Thanks though, it's the thought that counts.
  7. All I can say is that it works for me, three times now: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/broads-authority-row-over-tent-at-waveney-river-centre-1-5193537
  8. John, it works for me. Here it is again: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/broads-authority-row-over-tent-at-waveney-river-centre-1-5193537
  9. And there is more! http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/broads-authority-row-over-tent-at-waveney-river-centre-1-5193537
  10. Not so sure that it's an issue of popularity, rather it's one of trust. In my eyes Dr Packman has accrued an excess of control and needs emasculation. Committee members have to be chosen by those that they represent rather than by the Authority or its CEO. This is a basic and right requirement, just how it could be achieved is the problem though!
  11. We really don't have any option but to let it run! John and Poppy, I agree with both of you but not entirely hence no 'like'.
  12. The poll is perfectly valid as everyone has a right to vote, irrespective of their feelings for the Authority, or at least for the way it appoints its committee members.
  13. For those of you who haven't yet mastered the voting facility on the EDP web page at this very moment in time over 90% of 770 readers have voted in favour of elections at the Broads Authority. I don't know how voting will be achieved but it does appear that a lot of people are less than enchanted with the Authority as is.
  14. Does she come with bulkhead to bulkhead nooky? https://www.boatshop24.co.uk/superyachts/trader-70/157724
  15. So that's two of us who posted this one as a 'new topic'. I don't often question the moderation on this forum but since this is obviously an important issue and any outcome is likely to impact on us all then, in my honest opinion, this topic deserved to be a stand alone one.
  16. If it is then I rather suspect that your genoa has been blown out in last night's gale and that you need to re-furl the mainsail before that is damaged too.
  17. I now know for a fact that Mr Aldous has had complaints from several people, even members of the Authority (now there's a clue!). The usual suspects will, I don't doubt, try and play this one down but the harsh reality is that this article from Archant is long overdue, especially after revelations regarding controls being exercised in regard to County Council representation on BA committees.
  18. Annoyingly I had posted this as a stand alone thread, grrrrrrr. It is relevant and it is important as any outcome could affect us all whatever our allegiance or interest. Someone fell out with the BA? Probably not, Archant has employed a new reporter, from South Africa apparently, who's investigative style of reporting is very much his trade mark so to speak. Long overdue at Archant in my sincere opinion. Annoyingly Peter Aldous MP claims that he has never had a constituent make a complaint to him about the Authority. Mr Aldous is my local MP & I know damn well that he's had complaints, from me!
  19. Those Traders are tasty, 10/10 from me on that one! Whatever you choose to do, may it meet and exceed expectations.
  20. It's raining hard at the moment, sounds like the weather forecasters have got it right.
  21. So a spot of sail-boarding on Hickling will be in order then.
  22. Not a prob with wooden masts, so no!
  23. That is one exceedingly ugly boat!
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