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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Some laundry can be quite fetching, so long as there are no skid marks!!
  2. Many a true word written in jest! Not sure that it's a high proportion though, most of 'em never move.
  3. I've been out at nearby Lound Lakes several times recently and bird scarers have been hard at work so I too suspect that that suggestion is sound.. Catapults are often the culprit where double glazing is damaged.
  4. That makes sense but let's look at it another way. For over ten years I worked with two avid Jehovah's Witnesses. JWs don't swear, strictly taboo, both of my work friends took to using alternative words or phrases which proved increasingly tedious to yours truly. One day I pointed out that saying 'oh sugar' instead of 'oh ****' was in spirit still swearing. I thought nothing more about until both stopped their cursing. Seems that they had brought up my comments at their congregation where they were deemed to have been swearing without using profanities thus they had to stop that practice. Extreme, maybe, but perhaps there is a lesson to be learned there, other than in exceptional cases do we really need to insult and resort to offensive comments? Once in a blue moon most of us let rip but please, let's keep it to a minimal level, as we have in the past.
  5. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/police-investigate-broads-shooting-after-boat-window-shattered-by-bullet-1-5186057
  6. Can't argue with any of that, Charlie, but maybe we are regretfully growing less tolerant towards our fellow users of the Broads. Can't argue with that either.
  7. I do have some, but not too much sympathy with anglers, even the foul mouthed ones. Taking up ten foot of bank space, is that such a crime? Angling is a major earner for the Broads. Perhaps a greater understanding of angling by the various authorities wouldn't go amiss. Mind you, perhaps anglers could alleviate the problem by fishing from their boats more often rather than cluttering up the banks. Anglers pay a licence fee to the Environment Agency who in turn are responsible for miles of river bank. Got to say that I manage to fish without upsetting too many boaters but then I am both an angler and a boater. Perhaps we all need to look at the problem from the other side of the fence so to speak.
  8. Actually, John, I did! I asked that pesky pike, Mr Knight, at the Waveney River Centre but he discussed the idea with his moorings manager where the suggestion fell on deaf ears.
  9. I wish that they did all put signs with times on! I suppose a sign could say 'moorings for restaurant customers only' but pubs are pubs, well, they used to be.
  10. Reserved moorings make no business sense to me whatsoever. An empty mooring does not earn money, plain and simple. If it is so busy as to need to reserve moorings then why bother, someone will moor there. Moorings for customers only, yes, but why turn passing trade away? Reserved moorings cause ill feelings which I can do without. We can all accept that a car park or moorings are full, luck of the draw, but to find an empty mooring with a reserved sign, grrrrrrr. If I were to own a pub again, unlikely I know, but reserving moorings and turning passing trade away, no, I wouldn't do it.
  11. It is a problem for those who haven't booked. Nothing more annoying than arriving at a pub only to find a plethora of reserved mooring signs!
  12. Perhaps some clever dick was trying to be funny at Norfolk's expense. Mind you, all the coppers that I know are immigrants so maybe it's actually a 'city way'!
  13. It's just as annoying as arriving at a pub to find that the empty moorings have been reserved, really no different. Actually I'm totally against reserved moorings but it goes on, suppose I'll just have to get used to it! Yes, it is unethical but then barging in and taking a mooring could be considered ill manners. No easy answer!
  14. It's annoying but it's no different to grabbing a table in a restaurant or a sunbed by the pool.
  15. The moorings at the Fishermans Arms were open a week or two back. Not many of them but I don't take up much room so fingers crossed should I go there this year.
  16. Mark, the buzz along the rhond suggests that he has been trying it on. I have also had a pretty revealing p.m. on this topic and that too confirmed those reports. Seemingly not a nice man to do business with, or so it seems.
  17. Well, if I'm moored up and waiting for the tide then said gentleman can go whistle! Mind you, if the pub is closed then the Fisherman's Arms over at Burgh Castle would be the less of the two evils! That aside it does read as if some well intended people have missed the boat at Berney. Right attitude and product and just maybe it could have worked.
  18. The last entry that I could find on FB was July. Something about mooring fees written with attitude.
  19. Nevertheless I would have expected the BA to prosecute in regard to their own byelaws. Other than that no issues, some good information, especially re Acle.
  20. His name was Roy, used to work on the London Underground, likable bloke, bit of a ginger Captain Birds-Eye.
  21. From small acorns, Beccles 1991 . . . . . . . . .
  22. From the new kids on the block themselves: BRW have contacted me (Sue Hines) to say that those involved currently have such qualifications as qualified RYA helms, search technicians, police search techs, swift water rescue and first flood response, emergency response drivers and some are trainers themselves. Broads Beat, BA and Norfolk Fire Rescue are looking at doing some joint training with BRW and its boat so they can use it in an emergency. A great pity that their initial press release was such a disaster!
  23. A Broads or River Watch is to be welcomed & I have no problem with that but these good folk have intimated rather more involvement. Should a genuine casualty rely on this service rather than calling the Coast Guard then there is a very real chance that valuable time could be lost, and that would be regrettable.
  24. An even greater concern is that these people, clearly poorly equipped, are offering themselves as part of the search & rescue infrastructure, posturing as a government agency with a meaningless blue ensign. Heaven forbid that someone dies as a result.
  25. Personally I see this new service as an insult to the existing emergency services.
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