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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Perhaps, just perhaps, by getting out of the way you were actually getting in the way. If nothing else you might also have made your intentions less clear, perhaps confusing the situation. As ever there are two sides to every opinion and I wonder what the 'wind botherers' take was on this one. I appreciate that we are governed by the local regulations on the Broads but at sea we are expected to hold our course, that's if we have the right of way, and also to make of intentions clear. Perhaps something that we should aim for on the Broads.
  2. A deceased friend of mine had a boat at Penton Hook, the boat was named 'The Penton Hooker', no where near £2.5m though! Is there a definition for the species? Perhaps folk for whom a boat is just an underused possession, an extravagant toy in the toy box, rather than a way of life.
  3. It is a fact of life, Poppy, but some knicker wearers are exceedingly high maintenance, and best avoided!
  4. I could be envious, if a Brundall Navy member had one of these:
  5. A lab once jumped up at me as I rode along on my bike. I was bitten on the hand, I still have a three inch scar on my right hand thumb. Was I mauled or just bitten? http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/maul Like Hylander I have been wary of dogs ever since not being mauled although, in general, I do like dogs .
  6. I don't suppose that there is a definitive requirement for being a member of the Brundall Navy as such but I'd agree that many of its 'members' probably do have large gin palaces but to that I would add the word 'clueless' in regard to the owners. If I'm honest there are some very fine looking GP's at Brundall and without doubt some of the owners do actually know their stems from their sterns, even their ports from their starboards, but there are others who clearly don't and probably never will bother to learn. Strangely enough there are no other, similar 'navies' on the Broads, only at Brundall! Only my opinion!
  7. Oulton Broad and the Brundall Trundle will be a tad too daunting for some!
  8. Hi Colin, good to see you over here. Afraid that we do sometimes debate Authority matters over here but it's easily avoidable and we do manage, generally, to debate with decorum and courtesy. As for the tourists, they rule the roost over here, daren't slag them off, more than my life is worth! One of 'em wears potent stilettoes that can puncture a man's lungs from eight inches away, daren't risk it!
  9. Very useful, in the right hands though. Warping a boat into a tight marina berth can be such a chore.
  10. They don't John, more likely to amaze or amuse. Having to deviate from their intended course does seem to be an anathema to some. even see it between motor boats. Is it because they really don't have a clue, only leaving their moorings at Bank Holidays and funerals? I really don't understand this reluctance to alter course or even to learn, far simpler to take the hard ahead, hard astern option. Still, it raised a cheer amongst us spectators! Regarding learning, why not? A very tasty Broom 380 I think it was, came through from the salt side at Oulton Broad. As he left the lock he pushed the wheel over, like driving a car, so he'd head by the shortest possible route for the yacht Station, only he did it far too early, swung his stern and clouted his aft quarter on the brick work, that pretty soon took the shine off his expensive gel coat. I felt quite sorry for the boat!
  11. Perhaps the BA should install coaling points at all of their moorings?
  12. Members of the Brundall Navy are congregating, as they do, at Oulton Broad for the Annual Charity Gala Day. Great, lots of flags and tipsey boaters. However, getting here is a problem for one or two of 'em. It is Oulton Regatta Week & there have been lots of sailing boats out there. Vroom, vroom, enter a by now classic three decker complete with all her covers up despite the Benidorm sunshine! Had the owner reacted a hundred yards earlier and veered just a little to the left then she would have passed astern of the racing fleet with little or no inconvenience to herself or the competing boats. Oh no, this is the way that we always cross Oulton Broad so the owner mixed it with a fleet of racing dinghies, none of which welcomed the unnecessary intrusion. Hard ahead, hard astern, his diesels roaring in protest, just for the sake of a minor alteration to his course. Not the first time that I have encountered folk who struggle with the concept of having to alter their course, so inconvenient! Not once did I see a hireboat having problems, just a petulant privateer.
  13. Walked through the park today, no sign of dogs on leads notices. Incidentally I met 'Rocky' the greyhound today. He's showing no signs of distress after his traumatic experience. The owner is well aware that Rocky would most probably have drowned had it not been for a knight in shining armour sailing past. For the time being Rocky is not allowed off his lead!
  14. Us boaters have had the answer for years!
  15. Unfortunately, John, I would, a time served joiner is the cause of my discontent. My daughter has a sailing cruiser, built in 1908. We had chosen to use a yard owner by a boat builder & time served joiner. He dropped several planks into the hull and made a tidy job of it so my daughter asked him to refit the cockpit & cabin, spending a hefty sum of money and it looked great! Last year the new cockpit side benches split apart and he refused to do anything about it, we also had fungus growing through a bulkhead where none had grown before. So, after what I can only call an uncomfortable discussion we took her to a yard at St Olaves. Oh dear, the report that my daughter received did not make for good reading so we invited a very well known freelance boat builder to comment and we received a similar report. Basically the joinery was of a very high standard but totally unsuited for a boat environment. Where the side benches had been joined to the cabin bulkhead nothing had been sealed, hence the fungus and rot that had developed. The seats themselves had been screwed from thin timber into thick and the supports were far to thin and the whole structure was to lightly built. As both boat builders remarked had we run into the bank the whole lot would have shifted forward. Not only that he'd fastened the whole lot through hull planking in a way that both boat builders thought was very poor practice. It has cost my daughter several hundreds of pounds to right the work of a time served joiner plus the wasted hundreds in having it fitted in the first place, an expensive lesson.
  16. Bird as in a feather brained idealist on a road to nowhere.
  17. I note that if the purchaser wishes then a 'qualified' carpenter can finish the project. A recent and unfortunate experience with a boatyard has shown to me, once again, that carpenters and boat builders are a very different breed of woodworker. I'd be very wary of any advert for a boat that includes the word 'carpenter', or even 'joiner' I really would!
  18. Re Oulton Broad's Everitt Park, I'm not sure, will have to check although I thought that leads were the order of the day. Either way isn't there a requirement to keep a dog under control in public places?
  19. In a nutshell, why should the BA be providing these shoreside power points? They don't supply either diesel or petrol so why electricity?
  20. Whilst I agree with the above I also disagree. The medical issue is not one that I had considered but even then I feel strongly that a boat should be independent of shoreside power. This is a problem that has been jointly created by demand and the yards that are building power hungry boats. Whilst the BA are in a position to help it is a problem ultimately created by the yards thus surely it should also be their problem.
  21. Common courtesy, sadly lacking in some quarters, demands that folk make way for an electric boat. Whether that courtesy should be extended to a boat requiring to plug in so SWMBO can plug in her hair dryer or shoe polisher is open to debate!
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