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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Marsh, the BA's executive area does indeed run up to Bugay, however the navigation limit does not extend beyond Geldeston Locks hence the chain across the river & notice under the bridge saying 'no boats beyond this point'. Personally I suspect that it is ultra vires unless it can be shown that the cost of this scheme was met by the National Park grant and that no navigation, e.g. toll money was used.
  2. I can vouch for Vaughan's diagram, it is exactly as we towed a twenty eight foot river cruiser alongside an eleven foot dory the other day from Level Even's boatyard at St Olaves to Oulton Broad. Absolutely no problem, a very comfortable journey. PS, had lunch in the Bell at St Olaves as we waited for the tide to turn, excellent as usual, one of my favourite South Rivers watering holes.
  3. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/questions-over-delays-in-constructing-portage-on-waveney-canoe-trail-1-5152918 Why on earth is this scheme being financed by the Broads Authority? It is outside of the navigation area for one thing, the navigation ends at Geldeston Locks, see big notice hanging under the bridge there. It is incredibly poor value to the toll payer. BCU members pay a block payment to the Authority in lieu of a toll, I wonder what that amounts to. I also question when or even whether the Navigation Committee was asked to comment on this project. Apart from the fact that Dr Packman lives out that way and enjoys his kayaking what possible interest is this project to the Authority? Surely this should be financed by the BCU, not the Broads Authority? It benefits no one but canoeists, indeed it could be argued that it disadvantages anglers and the general environment of that area by increased usage. Serious questions need to be asked. Indeed I will be submitting FOI's on this one over the weekend.
  4. Polly, very low today, largely down to the wind I suspect.
  5. So undignified for a classic woody being towed hme by a plastic jeolly mould!
  6. I don't know when it went ashore but it's been very windy today which can't have helped. If it was choppy then a poorly maintained engine and fuel system can create problems. May or may not have been the problem but if any crud in the fuel tank is stirred up by the boat being tossed about a bit then a breakdown can easily develop.
  7. If they sail then they probably are! Practicality & comfort over haute couture.
  8. Re heels, we stopped off at the ever excellent Bell at St Olaves yesterday for lunch. Folk were dressed for boating, apart from one party and they really did stand out and looked seriously out of place! Perhaps that's how they dress for the river or did they think the pub deserved better than us scruffy oiks?!
  9. We've just had a post with things that we might and will need, perhaps it's time to redress the balance. Okay, so I'm more likely to be dinghy camping than posturing on a gin palace so my requirements might be a bit basic but we were on a 'wild' mooring when a family joined us in their holiday boat. As you do a conversation was soon struck up and good company they were to. Just looking around me I reckoned that they must have stripped their home before coming on holiday! No trouser press, lawn mower or snooker table but pretty much everything else! My wife has been a hairdresser for over fifty years, has long hair and even she'd leave her hairdryer behind! High heels, I'd leave them behind too, unless you want to aerate the muddy footpaths. Suitcases, where will you store them onboard? Leave them at home or in the car. Kit bags or dri-sacs are ideal. Worries, for heaven's sakes leave then at home! There must be more? We've all been on holiday, arrived back home & wondered why we had bothered to take something that never saw the light of day I'm sure.
  10. Not on the Broads, but it could have been, this article surely illustrates two problems, that many non dog owners don't understand either dogs or their owners, and that many dog owners don't understand people who don't own dogs. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/dog-bites-two-children-on-beach-near-scratby-1-5151379 As an aside I was in the Pound Shop yesterday and I saw a wonderful display of dog's bibs, for heavens sakes, some of which were emblazoned with 'I love my Mummy'! Read into that what you will!!
  11. I know him well, as do several of us on this forum. The owner proudly refers to them as his 'pocket rockets'. Very effective security devices, no one has ever burgled his boat.
  12. A simple case of common courtesy and a desire to help each other should solve it! However, if a mobo moors at a demasting jetty or whatever then I would suggest that the crew helps any sailing boat coming alongside, even something as simple as catching hold of the forestay or shroud, and fending off. A glass of Pimms would be welcome too
  13. Had the sailing boats mudweighted then how would they have got ashore? Nothing to stop folk tying their tenders up to the sailing boats and landing that way! As for treble mooring, I very much doubt that three sailing boats are any wider than two motor cruisers. Is it just me but what's happening to the give and take, and liberal, common sense attitudes that used to prevail on the Broads?
  14. Waggle your bowsprit threateningly, they don't like it up em!
  15. Alan, have you never read Swallows & Amazons then?
  16. Pops, try him/her on Arthur Paterson next time, real Broads books.
  17. I suspect that one or two yards will be peeved that the Times ignored them!
  18. Even more shenanigans, the Executive of the Authority is gaining something of a reputation for manipulating rules, regulations and even the truth, as illustrated by another of Mr Knight's bloggs. A further insight into the twilight world of the Broads Authority! http://www.thebroadsblog.co.uk/2017/08/ba-clears-itself-of-breaking-rules-by.html
  19. All in all I reckon Richardson's have landed some free publicity by being in the Times!!
  20. You might be right! Personally I read the Time's comments with a spoonful of sugar and a wry smile!
  21. Blame the Times! I think that Richardson's have broad enough shoulders to see the funny side of the Time's editorial. Actually I don't think it will do them any harm, might even find they have a few more nobby stag parties booking their stag parties with them! David, and perhaps Grace, did you actually read the whole Time's article?
  22. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/flocks-of-hens-and-stags-ruffle-feathers-on-norfolk-broads-d55pj3wbw
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