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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I was being serious about the nail clippers though!
  2. Absolute must haves are a hairdryer, a trouser press and a pair of nail clippers.
  3. Would look good in a calendar! I'd be well pleased to have taken that photo as I'm sure so would others
  4. Izal, the tracing paper of choice for us school boys.
  5. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/wherry-maud-safely-lifted-from-water-in-delicate-operation-1-5143847
  6. West Somerton is a delightful spot to visit, make the effort.
  7. If a full length berth is two meters long then surely a quarter of that is . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  8. Did those scientists test the break down times for the Express? Long been known as 'RRRRRRs wipe' so surely it breaks down in less than an hour.
  9. Still about, ideal for folk with 'the trots'. I have a near neighbour, a tad posh lady, who has two dispensers in her lavatory, she'd never call it toilet, just so plebian! One dispenser for those of us with sensitive posteriors and one for those with a Bronco fetish.
  10. The two ply bog roll from Lid, for example', is fine. The three ply 'luxury' stuff, even from Waitrose, doesn't break down so well, even been to known to block my drains at home.
  11. Just squeeze the barbs down, British style.
  12. Have a great time! Some great pubs down on the South Rivers.
  13. Eels have been overlooked and I really don't know the reason. Bass do come into the Broads but are a sea-fish thus were not considered for inclusion. Carp were considered but whilst the odd twenty pounder, even forty pounder, comes to the bank they are a specialised quarry and catching them is like finding a needle in a haystack! The odd cat-fish comes off the Waveney but they are not indigenous so they too were excluded. Zander, all the bodies and photographs sent into the EA at Norwich have all looked incredibly like immature bass! In general it was decided to concentrate on the fish most likely to be caught on the Broads. Trout & salmon were also excluded yet the odd ones are caught.
  14. Fishing on the Broads, see this: http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news-and-publications/publications-and-reports/conservation-publications-and-reports/water-conservation-reports/50.-Angle-on-the-Broads.pdf Some of the long term members here might recognise one of the names in the Broads Angling Strategy Group listing.
  15. Hi David, got to admit that I am wondering if you are playing the devil's advocate or not! I have a vision of one of those toy like set-ups that sea-side shops sell for catching flounders or crabs. Pike, especially big pike, require something of a specialist set up as well as practical experience. You really do need wire traces, barbless hooks, an unhooking mat, a large landing net and a pair of forceps for removing the hook. In a nutshell, if you must go pike fishing, then Breydon Water is to be recommended. Having looked at your link I suspect that your outfit is not man enough for pike and probably over the top for the roach & smaller bream that abound on the Broads. You will need a fishing licence from your local post office. I would also advise that you have a landing net in case you hook a big bream or perch.
  16. During the winter she moves into Beccles Yacht Station & plugs in. She has a greenhouse heater that works wonders. She has to be out of the YS beginning of April so is glad of the gas when there is a frost. Yes, a lot of condensation but it does the job!
  17. I had to smile, the Church has commented on the service and also referred to Ardea's past, neatly side stepping her time when she was based in France where, apparently, she only ever displayed a port hand light http://www.networknorwich.co.uk/Articles/503924/Network_Norwich_and_Norfolk/Regional_News/East_Norfolk/Bishop_of_Norwich_sails_in_to_annual.aspx
  18. You are not looking hard enough! Try Southwold RNLI, if a house flag rather than a burgee wll do. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RNLI-ensign-flag-/272795169692?hash=item3f83dbf39c:g:qeoAAOSw44BYMbO5
  19. Beccles in its heydays! Back to boats with the second picture, one way of avoiding a toll!
  20. And real trains used to run there. Must have been a train-spotters paradise!
  21. Back to Beccles, at one point in its life it was a busy junction or whatever such things are called. This was back in 1960.
  22. John, we are both wise old sages!
  23. £2.50 per hour for heating! Wow!! One of my daughters is a 'liveaboard' and her boat has gas heating. Her whole boat is cosy in minutes and todate costs a great deal less than that to run. Three hours a day, about £50.00 whilst on holiday, maybe not an issue. The original poster asked, I think, a reasonable question but in reality he might save £20.00 on his cruising costs by shopping around, whilst I suspect that there is a degree of principle involved I'd suggest it's not worth the agro for one week's holiday. Use the tides, keep the revs down, three jumpers rather than firing up the heating, no problem!
  24. Why should filling up a hireboat be a problem? What happens if a boat is out for a fortnight or more and gets caught short, surely it can fill up and the nearest convenient pump?
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