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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. To many people, yes. Not everyone wears walking boots and anoraks don't cha know! Maybe I'm wrong but the terms National Park and , for example, stag parties are a complete oxymoron. As much as I knock the term Broads national park I actually enjoy my visits to the Lake District & Snowdonia NP's but I don't go there for unbridled, mindless 'fun' in the way that many people appear to expect it to be today, I go there to 'cure my soul '!
  2. Ummmmm, I've heard about Danish oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. and you a policeman, tut tut! Gracie, down girl!
  3. Griff, you could of course coat your balls in West epoxy resin, one coat and the jobs done. Fix up a system so that your balls can slowly rotate as the resin goes off, that will prevent veils and runs in the resin. Speed the job up no end with an attractive, durable finish.
  4. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/stars-of-great-canal-journeys-sail-the-broads-1-5133226
  5. Quick, moor Albion outside a convenient mill.
  6. There was a recent thread about Broads boats that have migrated elsewhere. A friend posted this picture on F/B of a Broads boat, a Broads One Design currently on holiday in America! I haven't ploughed through the whole thread but it's a bit further than the River Ouse or Medway!
  7. Parrell balls, six at a time, them round things what holds my gaff to the mast, now that is inspired thinking. Six times £25.00, arghhh, any chance of a quantity discount? How many forum members are gaffers? Polly and Poppy spring to mind. Pops, do you need new balls?
  8. A lot of knobs in Yorkshire! By the way, inspired thinking and execution. I almost wish I had a gear shift on my sailing boat!
  9. Worry not, Griff, we can cope with complex, such as when we push the tiller to port & the boat goes to starboard, and no little stickers!
  10. Leave 'em out in the sun & they might go brown!
  11. I just love the sticker that tells you that if you push your phallus, sorry, gear shift forward that the boat will then go FWD (forward).
  12. I have two rigid kayaks and this year two tolls was cheaper than the BCU, just, but quite honestly I am opposed to the free access across the UK as there are some waters, the upper Waveney & upper Wensum that. conservation wise, would not benefit either from canoe access nor the car parking and access being demanded by the BCU. I was actually on a Broads Authority consultation group with the BCU & I did not like their sheer militancy and all or nothing demands. That aside, I saved a few quid! Snowy, at 17 stone it not the likelihood of the back end being under water but the middle going down and the two ends going up! Yes, it happened to me at 16 stone! You really do need to have maximum inflation for rigidity. My brother in law has a Sevylor, several years old now, he's well pleased.
  13. Maud & Hardley Mill, probably the most iconic image in Broadland right now! Re moorings, just moor alongside her .
  14. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/heighham-holmes-nature-reserve-near-martham-to-hold-open-day-and-snail-racing-1-5129824
  15. Any boats moored there cuts down on the available moorings there!! I rather like the thought of Maud being alongside the mill, after all she was initially rebuilt by a millwright.
  16. That's a a relief, having that lot fall over right in front, or on top of you could be an interesting experience!
  17. Watch out for a sailing cruiser called 'Storm', she's developing something of a reputation for capsizing!
  18. I'm darned certain they are! Vanity? You can bet on it! Nevertheless an important document.
  19. That he is well qualified to comment. Mind you, he is always very defensive of motor cruisers and the comfort & good living that his friend's Broom provides.
  20. He's also a regular aboard a rather lush, plastic Broom!
  21. A laughably posed picture of Dr Packman at the BA and an important notice. http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/broads-plan-details-action-to-be-taken-over-5-year-period-1-5127219
  22. So very true! As a very wise man once wrote 'departing and arriving is the highlight of a journey on a mobo whilst on a sailing boat the journey itself is the highlight'!
  23. A wherry, possibly the Gypsy, passing through Beccles Swing Bridge pre 1926, the date that the bridge was updated.
  24. Re wildlife in pubs, have seen swans imbibing at Coldham and swallows in the pub's porch at Cantley. You might even meet a dog or two in some pubs!
  25. Good eating by St Olave's Bridge too. Reedham Ferry & Surlingham Ferry are high on my list of must visit boozers, as are Geldeston Locks & Oulton Broad's Wherry Hotel (unless you don't like carveries) then take out a loan & visit the Ivy Farm. The Waveney River Centre is very good, if not quite excellent, and is well worth a visit.
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