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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. At four o'clock in the morning, in the company of good friends, listening to Griff's terrible jokes, watching others paddling away, listening to booming bitterns, anticipating a good fry up, just doesn't happen on a stink boat!
  2. Waveney, Commodore, Wherry, Broadland Holiday Village or for absolute gourmets try Ivy Farm. The Morrison's with a canteen is several miles from Oulton Broad. Knowing that Sundays tend to be well populated I would phone and book and I would tend to favour Ivy Farm.
  3. Naaa, just much nicer folk down South
  4. It does seem to be more of a North Rivers thing, or at least such conflict is much less prevalent down South. Okay, I have encountered some amazingly stupid or inconsiderate behaviour but very rarely the abuse that I've met up North and more generally from the owners of smaller motor cruisers.
  5. If you can cope with the frantic, meaningless aerobics of the hands exhibited by the presenters then I'm sure that you'll enjoy this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08zb9tj/wild-uk-series-1-1-rivers Fairly early on in the program there is a delightful visit to Horsey, enjoy.
  6. As Wild Fuzz has written, keep it simple, any half decent tackle shop will be able to help you out. Another point, please don't hold the fish that you catch with a towel, wet hands only!
  7. Perhaps just a tactic to persuade people to stick to the path?
  8. If a pub has bouncers on the door then I turn away. A pub that needs bouncers is not the pub for me. If I were to once again take a pub in my dotage then it would be NO shots and NO continental phiz pop!
  9. Smelly is far to nice to be like that, Poppy, but regretfully that certainly rings true for more than a few!
  10. Weather is a bit turd like over Oulton Broad this morning but it was a reasonable to good weekend, really can't complain!
  11. Page one say . . . . . . . .http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/399230/Navigation_Byelaws_1995-1.pdf Now no one has an excuse for not knowing!
  12. On the Broads, in accordance with the Colregs, local regs take precedence. That there are variations is sometimes behind the confusion.
  13. Indeed, on both sides of the fence!
  14. The BA has since published the agenda for its forthcoming full Authority meeting. The agenda contains the officer's reports and responses to James's blogs. It would be good to think that these latest responses would be the end of it but regretfully not, inevitably there are yet more errors. With professional reputations now on the line, and ranks closing, I can understand both parties defending their corners but there does come a time when large holes are in danger of being dug, and being dug they are! James is, in my opinion, right to pursue this one. I just wish those in the wrong had the balls to gracefully back down.
  15. For those of you who didn't make it to the Broads today we had ten minutes or so of rain first thing, the rest of the day has been sunny with a few clouds, shorts & t-shirt weather, very acceptable, more of the same please!
  16. http://www.thebroadsblog.co.uk/2017/07/thorpe-island-episode-5.html
  17. Vaughan, both Bill & James, RIBA members? Would think that their professional body would be more than happy to defend their member's reputations. Could be that the BA might be up against a bottomless pit. I also understand that there is a personal relationship between certain BA people and an objector, I wonder if that was declared, I feel an FOI request coming on.
  18. Brillient! Perfect for folk who never leave their moorings.The ideal weekend retreat. Such houseboats have a long history on the Broads.
  19. No such thing as the wrong sort of weather, just the wrong sort of cloths!
  20. Perhaps it got caught on top of one of the posts, the tide went down, stern went under & boat sank. To suggest that the Authority has treated the owner harshly is a bit far fetched, even in jest, in my opinion of course!
  21. Namely Chris Evans and Steve Wright!
  22. I am not sure that such equipment is not already out there. For example I have a good friend who has a way outside my budget 'fish finder', it does everything except make a brew! Water temperature and water flow at a predetermined depth , it's linked to a gps, it indicates the composition of the river bed, even finds fish on a good day. Guess what, it can all be read via his I-Phone, all in amazing technicolour! Okay, not purpose built I grant you, but its an indication that the technology is out there, even if it needs tweaking for purpose. I agree that things won't change with any immediacy but it will come, one day, hopefully! As for flow meters, one upstream and one downstream perhaps? As I have already said, just a question of will.
  23. The only person I know with a megaphone onboard is Griff on BA. Reportedly he only uses it for the telling of his awful jokes when there is a chance that his targeted audience is nodding off!
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