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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Richard., many wise words but just because someone has paid mega bucks either for a boat or indeed for a holiday does not excuse them from exhibiting good manners or exercising restraint and respecting the law of the land, or in this case the rivers. Q, thanks for e-mailing Radio Norfolk as you did, top man!
  2. There is a Lloyds at Acle but that is now on reduced hours and whether it still has a night safe I don't know.
  3. Exactly right. The tide factor has always been an issue. At one time I was on a Navigation Committee jolly aboard a river bus, just up river from Berney, when a Ranger came alongside and told the skipper to slow down. The skipper explained that if he did then he would have no steerage. Re the BA buying new radar guns, why? All that would be needed would be some form of tide flow meter, surely not beyond the wit of man or woman? Possibly a simple interface to join the two devices? Where there is a will . . . . . . . . . . . .
  4. Surely a simple case of adding or deducting tidal flow from the measured speed of the vessel. Where there is a will then surely there is a way.
  5. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/violent-plot-to-rob-cantley-pub-foiled-at-the-last-second-by-police-who-planted-listening-devices-in-gang-s-car-1-5111688
  6. In my mind there is some confusion over speed-limits and no doubt that the Authority needs to sit down and reconsider their bylaws. For a kick-off the issue of speed through the water or speed over the land, long been a contentious issue with experienced boaters, especially those of us on the more tidal rivers. Hire yards are happy to fit every known comfort of home, provided it's electrical, yet they don't generally have GPS on their boats. No excuse for folk to speed but a rethink by all concerned would seem reasonable, especially as modern technology has come on leaps and bounds since the bylaw was drawn up.
  7. Quite right, Bob, but just maybe the 'busybody' wasn't aware of para 3!
  8. Maybe, dnks34, the owner of of the phone was a busybody and concerned about the young age of your son. Navigation Bylaws, (1) Subject to paragraphs (2) (3) and (4) no person below the age of 14 years shall be at the helm of a power-driven vessel. (2) Subject to paragraph (5) a person who has reached the age of 8 years but is below the age of 14 years may be at the helm of a power-driven vessel provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) The vessel is an open boat of 4.5m (14 feet 9 inches) length or less; and (b) The vessel if propelled by an outboard motor has engine power of not more than 4.47 kw (or equivalent rating) or if powered by an inboard motor is incapable of attaining a speed greater than 8 mph through the water; and (c) That person is under the supervision of a person, whether or not in the vessel, over the age of 18 years.
  9. Is this she? http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Photograph&photo=893e_2248&BoatId=1717&BoatHistory=2248 or even this one: http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=1720&BoatHistory=2253
  10. End of one era, start of another, all the best John and thanks for being here.
  11. That everything on a boat should have at least two uses, a long held and practical mantra of small boat sailors!
  12. I hope that no one is condoning gross, indecent and offensive behaviour. The stag issue doesn't just relate to that one incident. However I will agree that appalling behaviour is far from being unique to stag & hen parties.
  13. Inflatable Linda may not be able to pick up a champagne bottle whilst her hands are behind her head but apart from squeaking the advantages of peace & quite are well worth that deficit!
  14. Inflatable women, ideal onboard companions! Inflate to taste, additional buoyancy when required, spare fend-offs in emergency, don't require feeding, cost nothing in the bar, don't whine, don't demand new shoes, can be deflated when not required, never argue and always allow a man to be right! Absolutely perfect!!
  15. Hopefully pike is not to anyone's taste! The decline of pike stocks on the Broads is angler made, of that I'm convinced. There are anglers who are equally convinced that everything but angling pressure is to blame.
  16. John, did I just spot an NBN burgee sales opportunity?
  17. My daughter and I had the old wooden sailing boat just ahead of you in Robin's shed when they started work on your boat. We won't be going there again but I was really impressed with the work they did to your boat. She was beginning to look very smart when I last saw her, Robin's missus was really building up the paint on the hull. They were very thorough in making good the hull damage. Robin is very good with old GRP boats.
  18. Ummm, I've never quite forgiven Mr Fickling for his campaign via NASA for the relaxation of the two rod maximum rule. Numpty pike anglers with four rods can do a considerable amount of damage to a fishery, about twice as much as a numpty angler with only two rods. Thanks, Neville.
  19. Kit Kat, yes, very smart! Was she tarted up at 'Robins' on the Brooke industrial estate at Lowestoft?
  20. Vaughan, for how much work Jamie Campbell has had to do on Evening Flight then perhaps she should have been called Heart Ache! Kit Kat, perhaps you have already realised but if not then Vaughan is son of Mr Hearts Cruisers. He is also the Official NBN Hearts raconteur!
  21. This is on the stern of another ex Hearts cruiser, suspect that the crown is optional:
  22. And I thought that you were a big softy! When we had Fowler's Boatyard all our boats were Something Waters, we did consider Passing Waters. Perhaps the owners of Hearts at one time did consider Bleeding Heart, or even Broken Heart.
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