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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Re the loss of 'reserved moorings', HOORAY!! I know from experience that they are the cause of ill feelings and arguments and a loss of trade. For me arriving at a pub only to be confronted with what are effectively no mooring, sod off signs, makes my blood boil! If I were to manage a Broads pub again, (unlikely) I certainly wouldn't offer them. Whilst a mooring is empty, waiting for a boat that may or may not turn up, it is not earning money. Not only that, other prospective moorers are being seriously annoyed.
  2. If you extract water from the rivers then you need a licence to do so. Plus the depth in the river might drop meaning that more dredging will be required, especially near the bridge. By the time table top studies have been done, computer models developed and the UEA consulted then I suspect the sun will have gone in.
  3. Minifer, that wouldn't be the legendary Essex w(h)ine then?
  4. Different mindset here in Suffolk! Both Reedham & Somerleyton are too far away from a fire hydrant !
  5. Oh no it wasn't! Some might argue that its been annexed by a bloody upstart town planner from down South but even that's not true, The Broads is The Broads and long may it remain so, so there!
  6. Then why is Griff always so keen to be on the Broads? Why do so many of his fellow Yorkshire people come to Norfolk? Why doesn't a corresponding number of Broads folk visit Yorkshire? Because the Broads is the true heaven on earth!
  7. Friday was the start of the fishing season. Unlike last year it was something of a red-letter day, indeed a red-letter weekend. Sunday was father's day, not only me but also son in laws. Sitting on the river bank, or in the shade of our shed, we quaffed well chilled Aspells and Adnams, whilst scoffing fresh raspberries and strawberries from the garden, champagne and strawberries at Wimbledon is no comparison. Living besides the Broads doesn't come much better, it really is God's acre on earth.
  8. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it was inevitable that the Muslim community would be hit in this way. Regretful and unjustified but nevertheless inevitable. Tit for tat has no place in a civilised society,
  9. There's a Broads sailing cruiser called Crystal. Crystal habitually sails with a chamber pot full of flowers on her counter, indeed we'd all be agarst if she was out sailing minus her floral decoration.
  10. Went out again this evening better equipped for catching bream, e.g. 6 lbs line, size ten hook with half a dozen maggots and what did I catch? More bream, no! Stonking great roach, yes! No perch or other species though, just bream & roach. All in all a real red letter day! Makes up for opening day 2016.
  11. Perhaps, Nog, you too have a shoe fetish, or maybe even a Gracie fetish? The latter I can appreciate but not the former.
  12. Is it the fly-bridge of a three story G.P.?
  13. I went after roach, size 20 hooks, Drennan Crystallite, 1.5.lbs hook lengths, baited with a single maggot and i ended up with twelve of these, biggest just shy of six pounds, smallest over four! Started just after four, caught a handful of tiddlers. bream moved in about six, wow! Went up to the house, grinning from ear to ear and probably beyond only to be greeted with 'god you stink'! Yep, great smell is bream!!
  14. Robin, you'll never be let down by the wind, might have to change your plans though!
  15. Robin, you are just complicating things! Keep it basic, far less to go wrong. Phone up Jeckells, tell them the name of your boat, they will probably have the details somewhere, hey presto, a few weeks later and you will have a nice new set of sails, what could be more simple? They will even come and fit them on for you.
  16. Re maggots in the fridge, one of my daughters came through and said,'dad, come and look in the fridge', umm, the fridge was lined from top to bottom with crawling maggots! Since that day I have kept my maggots in a maggot box within a slightly bigger box with very secure clasps built into the lid.
  17. We watched Poldark for awhile last night, all I can say is thank goodness for Netflix!
  18. Some hints of the history of the Bathing Place here: http://beccleskingfishers.co.uk/our-history/
  19. Effectively replaced by what is now the excellent Lido. I know absolutely nothing about the rise and fall of the Swimming Place, would be interested in knowing more.
  20. http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/journal-reader-shares-old-photos-with-on-the-water-theme-1-5053604
  21. Why not place your rhonde anchor in the soft stuff beyond the boat unfriendly tarmac or chippings?
  22. Within cabin space because of the potential of a gas leak or carbon monoxide poisoning. The same really should also apply to private boats too.
  23. Who needs a mallet for rhond anchors! Wiggle & push, in they go, like a warm needle into chocolate! The point I was trying to make was that we don't know the facts and in that particular instance there did not appear to be a problem, not like the disposable BBQ's we see being laid directly onto gel coat decks and cabin tops.
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