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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Sweet little wherry moored on Oulton Broad, 1900's.
  2. Ohhh, how I agree with that opening sentiment. Been there, got the T-Shirt etc.. Things were very different when people came by train but those days are long gone. What I now see as the biggest problem is moorings near shops and pubs being taken by people, generally private boats, who don't use those facilities. Why moor outside a pub if you don't intend to use it for example? To do so is discourteous to the traders relying on passing trade, it is also discourteous to those wishing to use the shops or pubs. Does it happen? You bet it does!
  3. Land, it seems, can be nominated to be what the Authority wants. Personally I live a conservation area, not that I want to, right pain in the nether regions. One justification and reason for it being a conservation area is to protect the large Edwardian houses & their large gardens, however the horse bolted several years ago as gardens have become care home ancillary building sprawl and infill has taken place on other large gardens. A completely nonsensical policy & I'm sure that it is only one such example of illogical thinking. Ah, I forgot, Thorpe Island.
  4. Page 132 & 133: Firstly, What an absolutely ludicrous proposal, I had made my objection, if maybe a little bluntly, but being honest and forthright, but voicing my opinion as any objection would. I received a response from the Broads Authority stating my objection needed to be censored, I guess I was to honest and truthful for the Broads Authority. My father (personally) and fore fathers fought for freedom of speech against tyranny, yet the Broads Authority wish to sensor an individuals freedom of speech, I think that says more about the Broads Authority than any other statement I can make. I have a far better location that is prime for green space status, if that is, you are applying the same criteria as used to make the Church Close to Pits Lane Chedgrave proposal? My proposed site is: Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR1 1RY. Yare house is a site of Wildlife, you have wildlife around your offices, birds landing on your roof space, insects in your green spaces, such a reservoir of wildlife an important habit for many Broads Local Plan – Preferred Options – RESPONSES May 2017 Page 133 of 168 many creatures. You are a hub of the community, every time I read the paper your telling the public how much your doing for local communities, so Yare House as viable as any site for Green Space status, more so in reality than the Chedgrave Proposal. People could use your grounds to have picnics and parties, organisations could hold events in your car park the usage of your space could be such a real benefit to the community. Now is someone really going to waste time and effort seeing if that is viable? I think not. Pitts lane, you claim is used by the community? Really, says who? Anyone can see its being used by hardly, the proposal alleges walkers use it for Wherryman's way, Is that the Wherryman's way that is closed? Or is there another one? The area is a reservoir for wildlife? Says whom? Where are the statistics to back this up? I myself took 2 hrs out of my day stood in the area clip board in hand waiting to experience the deluge of wildlife David Attenborough would have been proud of, It didn’t happen! Now I wasted 2 hrs of my time, perhaps the Broads Authority should waste 2 hrs of theirs, they are paid for it after all. It’s a flood plain its scrub its as much a wildlife reservoir as your office at Yare House! It has historic links? Where? My grandad is 97 lived in Loddon all his life, I asked him, he said and to quote him "nah, don’t be silly boy" so in 97 yrs its had no historic links, so who dreamt this statement up? Why does it need to be a green space? What would it achieve were already a national park with all that implies how would green space status change anything? It wouldn’t! its just a tick box exercise and further waste of time and money. From what I hear and read and speaking to people resentment in the community in the Broads Authority is growing, The Broads Authority haven't communicated with anyone just snowballed this through without any consultation, to this end I will be writing to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and why the Broads Authority are exempt from Government guidance. The Broads Authority obviously have no concern for locals, residents, businesses or anyone, it’s a very very sorry state of affairs I for one have now lost all confidence in the Broads Authority and from what I hear there is a tidal wave of anger that I fear the authority may never recover from. BA summary: Why does it need to be a green space? What would it achieve we’re already a national park with all that implies how would green space status change
  5. This is no more so than in regard to planning, the Authority is clearly a law unto itself.
  6. Really it should have been this one!!
  7. When is a wherry not a wherry? When it's a keel.
  8. Hi Vaughan, she is actually headed inland. Your suggestion of a jib being flown is sound. It does look as if there is a rope to the masthead and the carling hatch is open, I'm now guessing that the skipper is nudging up to the bridge, ready to lower the mast with a sail still aloft and to 'shoot' the bridge before raising the mast & sail all in one operation.
  9. I suspect that we do all share varying degrees of anger at what has happened. However please leave me out of Seamaster's final solution of shooting thousands.
  10. Seamaster, this is a forum about the Broads. That we had the opportunity to express our sorrow on an unrelated tragedy is of great credit to the moderators. The NBN is not a pulpit for intolerance. We have been asked to let the subject drop, let's drop it. I can only suggest that you contact your M.P. and make your points there.
  11. But it's a draughty old shed with class and pedigree.
  12. Jon, serious question, if I were to use it as a lining in the heads, or anywhere else for that matter, does it take glue well?
  13. What a pleasure, far better quality than my DVD and streets ahead of the U-Tube offering. A delightful film that I can only assume has been digitally restored for broadcast.
  14. Do you do specialist toilet carpets? Agree with all of that, Robin. Personally I'd go in at £3k and perhaps, reluctantly. up to £3.5k absolute max. Trouble is that a mug might go along and pay what would be silly money. Basically a nice boat being offered at an optimistic rather than a realistic price.
  15. I just hope that the 'deck totty' knows what to expect !
  16. https://bwml.co.uk/brokerage/sm-9406-jaboulet/ I'd be wary of that engine. Clearly the engine lives in the 'down' position, not good news. Is that toilet 'carpet' lined? Nice and easy to keep clean and sweet smelling. Nice boat though. Worth haggling.
  17. More than that, Robin, buying on the Broads does tend to be dearer than from elsewhere.
  18. Hang on, not too many light bulb moments, no shore power up there!
  19. http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/biggest-gathering-of-groups-and-ale-expected-at-geldeston-s-bank-holiday-grainfest-1-5030075
  20. Another wherry shot, this time along the New Cut. Not a good original but still worth a view.
  21. A darn good idea, wonder how long it will be before others follow suite? So long as they are not based on Thorpe island!
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