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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. If you go to 500m then, pub wise, there is the Commodore, Wherry, the oddly named Bar-Canteen, the bar under the Indian called, I think, Broadview, Lady of the Lake (Bitch in the Ditch), The Waveney and The Red Herring. All of 'em very acceptable watering holes. Great place for a pub crawl!
  2. Scrumpy, did you try the water-taxi? Never done it myself but I do rate the route that it takes, fascinating trip with stacks to see, one that I take several times a year and never tire of.
  3. Glad that you liked it at the Waveney. New people just taken it over, taken it from 1 to 5 stars for hygiene. Haven't yet tried it myself but local friends are telling me how good it is now. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Hi Scrumpy, nice picture of Spray & Jenny Morgan, glad that I gave them a wash the other day! If you are looking for somewhere special for a meal at Oulton Broad then Ivy Farm takes some beating, Eve's bar is a delight, Staff in the harbour master's office will tell you how to get there. The Commodore is another nice pub but I reckon that their deserts are a bit of a rip-off.
  5. There has to be a solution, but I hope it is the relevant businesses and their clients that pick up the tab, not just us locals.
  6. I've seen more navigation type domes and aerials than that on a plush gin palace going through Horning reach!
  7. A sailing boat control panel. Keep it simple!!
  8. I just had to try Oulton Broad! http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/image/eaw038322 http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/image/eaw008199
  9. Whilst waiting for the tide at YH YS I have never been charged, provided that I have stayed with the boat. Did once make a stand when those chancers along the Acle Straight came along demanding a mooring fee when I moored outside the defunct Pontiac Roadhouse. I was still there in the morning!
  10. Re that lighting, report it to the BA, 'tis illegal as it impedes safe navigation. I reported similar at Oulton Broad, and also spoke to the pub manager, problem quickly solved.
  11. Now I always believed that there was a common law right to moor for the duration of a tide in the event of a foul tide or wind. No right to land though.
  12. It is a commercial concern, Marsh, although I suspect that the owners might claim to be volunteers! The owners are the Trumans as in boatyard at Oulton Broad. It was originally seen as one way of making use of redundant loft space in the old boatshed. Now it has outlived the boatbuilding side of things. http://www.waveneyrush.co.uk/the-history.php
  13. Loads of club on the Broads, NBYC, WOBYC, BASC to name just three. I believe that the BNP is also hosting the 18 to 30 tiddly-winks world championship aboard Canadian Canoes on Whitlingham Gravel Pit next year as a major alternative to Ibiza.
  14. http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2016-08-22/how-the-ancient-craft-of-gathering-rushes-is-making-a-comeback/
  15. Answer to my own question here: https://www.facebook.com/BetsieJaneRiverTours/
  16. I used to enjoy seeing Betsey Jane on Oulton Broad but this year she's been noticeable by her absence. Just searched for her online only to find that she's for sale: http://www.betsiejane.co.uk/www.betsiejane.co.uk/Home.html Such a shame because she's a lovely boat, the owner a grand character, and she always seemed a popular asset to the WRC. Anyone know where she is?
  17. To be honest even at £20,000.00 I would hesitate. Old engine, lots of shelves for things to fall off in a chop crossing Breydon, nothing seemingly startling about the joinery, I'm not convinced that the owner is as able as he probably thinks he is. Problem with boats is that very well meaning folk can and do spend a great deal of money as well as time and effort that is eventually wasted. There is a well known houseboat project on the Broads where the owner, a house builder, has ripped everything out, treating the hull as a shell, and built a 'house', complete with stud walls, within the hull. Not only that but he has used 'house' type materials, for example boards that have sopped up the moisture and warped and deteriorated already. Lack of ventilation, unsuitable materials, hopefully not the case with the original subject but indicative of what can happen when an over enthusiastic, inexperienced boat owner goes at it with a will.
  18. Thinking that being redesigned by Francida Designs was an important selling point thus Francida Designs must in themselves be a somebody rather than a nobody design company I decided to Google them. Umm, no leads there, alarm bells itching to ring! If I were blowing £200,000.00 on a boat, the cost of a half reasonable house in Oulton Broad, I'd expect something really rather special. No mention of a surveyor's report was there? Open plan kitchen suggests bulkheads having been removed thus I would like a suitable, professionally qualified opinion before putting in a more realistic offer.
  19. Thanks, Roy, but no thanks, not at that price. She may well have been redesigned by 'Francida Designs' but I would like to know if they are experienced in working with wooden boats and I would also like to know who did the actual work.
  20. Can't see the Broad ever being dredged if the RSPB does go for it. Just hope that Griff wins the lottery!
  21. I think it almost guaranteed that they are already looking at their overloaded coffers.
  22. Can see the RSPB going for this and then our problems will really start!
  23. Not so sure that I would let even an experienced cocker spaniel take a dive at Reedham, reckon that tide could outpace even a fit dog on occasions. My neighbour's spaniel will leap off the quay head without hesitation, the owner simply drags her out by the scruff of the neck and the silly sod just leaps back in, she loves it! Lovely natured animal but the smell of damp dog, urghhh!
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