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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/tourism/hickling_broad_estate_goes_on_the_market_priced_at_more_than_2m_1_4681849
  2. Gareth, 2 1/2 to 3 pounds I suspect, nice fish.
  3. Nobody could spin those tassels like our Lynda, both clockwise, both anticlockwise and then counter-clockwise!
  4. Just glad that the cork didn't go pop at an inopportune moment!
  5. The question has been asked, was the owner aboard the cruiser that was hit? Yes, he was & I suspect that his evidence will be crucial. The BA are now knocking on the doors of Broadside houses, they are being nothing but thorough! The police are also taking statements, presumably because a child was badly injured.
  6. Tropical Lynda. ah yes, well able to pick up a champagne bottle with her hands clasped behind her neck!
  7. With good reason, The Broads. I would like to think that my grandchildren will be able to enjoy as I have done. Afterall, the Broads will be here long after that man has gone, it is OUR Broads, not his.
  8. Just one man, Just one man, the drum that I have been banging hard now for more than eleven years!
  9. I certainly joined this team because it is better than the alternatives!
  10. I grew up besides and on the Broads so what intrigued me in the first place? Simple, a sense of adventure and intrigue in what was going on around me.
  11. My very real concern is that the new proposal is nothing more than a vehicle on which to promote the misconception that the Broads is a national park. That aside the Broads Authority is not a tourist authority and it has a dismal record when it comes to websites and its often very shallow, transparent spin. In a nutshell it should leave alone what it is not required or able to do and leave it to those who can. The BA has a remit, it should concentrate on that.
  12. More guff: http://www.mustardtv.co.uk/browse/new-five-year-plan-to-bring-younger-tourists-to-the-norfolk-broads/
  13. I like hens, especially ones with plump breasts!
  14. Tim, you are forgiven. Perhaps it's a scheme to attract more stag parties?
  15. Interesting to note that readers comments have been deleted by the EDP. I wonder on who's request that was, as if we can't guess! I can see something of a battle ground developing if this scheme does go ahead and that the BA's mods will have to stay alert!!
  16. Apparently the alarm was raised by the driver of another boat that witnessed the crash. I really can not say more than that, sorry.
  17. The Authority is rightfully on the case. If anyone does have any first hand, personal knowledge, not hearsay, then the BA would like to hear from you: Steve Wright Ranger for the River Waveney Steve.wright@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY
  18. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/tourism/hopes_strong_online_presence_and_expanded_activities_will_draw_younger_generations_to_explore_the_broads_1_4677429
  19. Folk might be interested to know that apparently the hospital treatment is without complications, thankfully..
  20. I reckon that Howard was a glutton for punishment. Demanding women can be hard work!
  21. I wonder just how many people have actually managed to ram an anchored boat on the Broads? I would guess rather less than have managed to hit boats moored alongside! Perhaps all boats should now be required to hoist a black, round day signal on the forepart of their boat when mud weighting for the day? Perhaps a sound signal too, just in case there is a fog? Deffo a lot of boats should fly this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Code_of_Signals#/media/File:ICS_Delta.svg
  22. Or even HMS Nottingham! http://img.bemil.chosun.com/nbrd/files/BEMIL085/upload/2006/02/ HMS Nottingham D-91 returns home on the back of a Swan after hitting Australia_01.jpg
  23. If boats need anchor lights then what about the bank, street lights? Just a thought!!
  24. Annual firework extravaganza over Oulton Broad tonight and inevitably there were a few boats out there displaying anchor lights. Never put much thought to it before but what real use are they? A single light is of little value, is it a forty five footer lying abeam to you or a twelve foot wide boat pointing directly towards you? Then just how far away is it? The Broads is not the open sea, it's the Broads. The speed limit is six miles per hour, stick to that, or under, & you'll be able to see all that you need to see.
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