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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Arghhhh, please don't resurrect the great lifejacket debate.
  2. Great!! Perhaps I'll put a reef in and go!
  3. There are mile after mile of informal moorings on the Broads too. Understandably people think that they have to moor up at formal moorings, preferably outside of a pub. Problem is, perhaps, that many people don't like their own company and the thought of being alone and having to talk to each other is not on their agenda. Hey, they are on holiday!
  4. At least us mere plebs don't tend to flash our minimal wads with decidedly ugly boats! There are some real beauties out there, Princess for example, even I would like one of them, but of late some incredibly ugly boats have appeared at Oulton Broad's Yacht Station.
  5. Marsh, perhaps an obvious question but have you complained to the BA or asked the NSBA to look into it? I really would like to know what the BA's policy is in this particular case.
  6. Charlie, pig ignorance is as prevalent amongst private boats as it is amongst hire boats. What baffles me about private boats, some costing hundreds of thousands, is that some owners make absolutely no effort whatsoever to learn how to handle their boats or master the practice and etiquette of boating.
  7. Do we know for a fact that the Authority has approved the new mooring arrangements? I would hate to think that they are being blamed for something for which they were not responsible !
  8. Some good S&A related stuff including the Broads here: A lot to be said for a smallish open boat, all nice and simple too.
  9. You can count on me! I have read the thread with interest and a degree of amazement. I visit craft that have the very latest in electrical gadgetry. Seems to me that not only are the owners tethering themselves to a 'leccy' bollard they are also tethering themselves to a yard. The more that is crammed aboard then the more that is likely to go wrong, plain and simple.
  10. By the cringe, is it all worth the bother? Keep it simple, no hair straighteners and a Seagull outboard slung on the transom, plus a sail or two, needless to say. It does strike me that the industry is making a rod for its own back with all these electrical gubbins.
  11. The Waveney closed its kitchen a week or two back for work to be carried out and is now sporting a 5 star rating, well done fellas. Keep up the good work!!
  12. Norwich water was perfectly good, Steward & Patterson, Morgans and Bullards all produced good ales, well, apart from Bullards infamous wind inducing mild. So what happened to Steward & Patterson? They were bought out by Watney Mann and we had Red Barrel inflicted upon us. Watneys couldn't replicate a foreign water let alone a good local ale to save their lives! Without Watneys we might not have had CAMRA!
  13. A savvy reporter could have a field-day and unearth a great deal that is deserving of comment.
  14. A good example of both good manners and consideration, a pity that it is not a universal trait.
  15. Not if you all want breakfast!
  16. Lot to be said for consideration and good manners. Lot to be said for reasonable and tolerance too.
  17. Who is to say that the wiring was incorrect? It was correct, e.g. safe when used with appliances supplied and authorised by the yards.
  18. The desire of the yards to provide all the comforts of home is probably the root of most of the problems.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=162170158589
  20. And to think that most women drive men up the wall!
  21. A number of boats have a hawse pipe and housing for anchor or mudweight moulded within the stem but beneath the stem head. It's often that elaborate paraphernalia hung on the stemhead that does the damage and not just to the boat on the receiving end. A four and a half tonner, apparently at no great speed, hit the harbour wall in Lowestoft the other day, the self stowing anchor and bow roller was forced back, lifting the king-plank that in turn has distorted the decking over the forepeak. First estimates suggest a minimum of £1.5k.
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